

#    h2n - Translate host table to name server file format
#    $Date: 93/02/04 17:43:05 $  $Revision: 1.16 $
#    h2n -d DOMAIN -n NET [options]

# Various defaults
$Host = `hostname`;
$Host =~ s/\..*//;       		
$doaliases = 1;
$domx = 1;
$dowks = 0;
$dotxt = 0;
$dontdodomains = 0;
$Bootfile = "./named.boot";
$Hostfile = "/etc/hosts";
$Commentfile = "";
$Commentfileread = 0;
$User = "root";
$Pwd = `pwd`;
$RespHost = "";
$RespUser = "";
$DefSerial = 1;
$DefRefresh = 10800;
$DefRetry = 3600;
$DefExpire = 604800;
$DefTtl = 86400;
$DefMxWeight = 10;
$Defsubnetmask = "";
$ForceSerial = -1;

push(@bootmsgs, "primary\t0.0.127.IN-ADDR.ARPA db.127.0.0\n");


open(HOSTS, $Hostfile) || die "can not open $Hostfile";

LINE: while(<HOSTS>){
    next if /^#/;        # skip comment lines
    next if /^$/;  	 # skip empty lines
    chop;                # remove the trailing newline
    tr/A-Z/a-z/;	 # translate to lower case 

    ($data,$comment) = split('#', $_, 2);
    ($addr, $names) = split(' ', $data, 2);
    if ($names =~ /^[ \t]*$/) {
	print STDERR "Bad line in hosts file ignored '$_'\n";
	next LINE;

    # Match -e args
    foreach $netpat (@elimpats){
	next LINE if (/[.\s]$netpat/);

    # Process -c args
    foreach $netpat (@cpats){
	if (/\.$netpat/) {
	    ($canonical, $aliases) = split(' ', $names, 2);
	    $canonical =~ s/\.$netpat//; 
	    if($Cnames{$canonical} != 1){
	        printf DOMAIN "%-20s IN  CNAME %s.%s.\n", 
		       $canonical, $canonical, $cpatrel{$netpat};
		$Cnames{$canonical} = 1;
	    next LINE;

    # Check that the address is in the address list.
    $match = 'none';
    foreach $netpat (@Netpatterns){
	$match = $netpat, last if ($addr =~ /^$netpat\./);
    next if ($match eq 'none');

    ($canonical, $aliases) = split(' ', $names, 2);  # separate out aliases
    next if ($dontdodomains && $canonical =~ /\./);  # skip domain names
    $canonical =~ s/$Domainpattern//;     # strip off domain if there is one
    $Hosts{$canonical} .= $addr . " ";    # index addresses by canonical name
    $Aliases{$addr} .= $aliases . " ";    # index aliases by address
    $Comments{"$canonical-$addr"} = $comment;

    # Print PTR records
    $file = $Netfiles{$match};
    printf $file "%-30s\tIN  PTR   %s.%s.\n", 
	   &REVERSE($addr), $canonical, $Domain;

# Go through the list of canonical names.
# If there is more than 1 address associated with the
# name, it is a multi-homed host.  For each address 
# look up the aliases since the aliases are associated 
# with the address, not the canonical name.
foreach $canonical (keys %Hosts){
    @addrs = split(' ', $Hosts{$canonical});
    $numaddrs = $#addrs + 1;
    foreach $addr (@addrs) {
	# Print address record for canonical name.
	if($Cnames{$canonical} != 1){
	    printf DOMAIN "%-20s IN  A     %s\n", $canonical, $addr;
	} else {
	    print STDERR "$canonical - can't create A record because CNAME exists for name.\n";
	# Print cname or address records for each alias.
	# If this is a multi-homed host, print an address
	# record for each alias.  If this is a single address
	# host, print a cname record.
	if ($doaliases) {
	    @aliases = split(' ', $Aliases{$addr});
	    foreach $alias (@aliases){
		# Skip over the alias if the alias and canonical
		# name only differ in that one of them has the
		# domain appended to it.
    		next if ($dontdodomains && $alias =~ /\./); # skip domain names
		$alias =~ s/$Domainpattern//;
		if($alias eq $canonical){

		if($numaddrs > 1){
		    printf DOMAIN "%-20s IN  A     %s\n", $alias, $addr;
		} else {
		    # Flag aliases that have already been used
		    # in CNAME records or have A records.
		    if(($Cnames{$alias} != 1) && (!$Hosts{$alias})){
			printf DOMAIN "%-20s IN  CNAME %s.%s.\n", 
			       $alias, $canonical, $Domain;
			$Cnames{$alias} = 1;
		    } else {
			print STDERR "$alias - CNAME or A exists already; alias ignored\n";
    if ($domx) {
	&MX($canonical, @addrs);
    if ($dotxt) {
	&TXT($canonical, @addrs);
    if ($Commentfile ne "") {
	&DO_COMMENTS($canonical, @addrs);

# Deal with spcl's
if (-r "spcl.$Domainfile") {
    print DOMAIN "\$INCLUDE spcl.$Domainfile\n";
foreach $n (@Networks) {
    if (-r "spcl.$n") {
	$file = "DB.$n";
	print $file "\$INCLUDE spcl.$n\n";

# generate boot.* files


# Generate resource record data for
# strings from the commment field that
# are found in the comment file (-C).
    local($canonical, @addrs) = @_;
    local(*F, @c, $c, $a, $comments);
    if (!$Commentfileread) {
	open(F, $Commentfile) || die "Unable to open file $Commentfile: $!";
	while (<F>) {
	    ($key, $c) = split(':', $_, 2);
	    $CommentRRs{$key} = $c;
    foreach $a (@addrs) {
	$key = "$canonical-$a";
	$comments .= " $Comments{$key}";

    @c = split(' ', $comments);
    foreach $c (@c) {
	    printf DOMAIN "%-20s %s\n", $canonical, $CommentRRs{$c};

# Generate MX record data
sub MX {
    local($canonical, @addrs) = @_;
    local($first, $a, $key, $comments);

	print STDERR "$canonical - can't create MX record because CNAME exists for name.\n";
    $first = 1;

    foreach $a (@addrs) {
	$key = "$canonical-$a";
	$comments .= " $Comments{$key}";
    if ($comments !~ /\[no smtp\]/) {
        # Add WKS if requested
        if ($dowks) {
	    foreach $a (@addrs) {
	        printf DOMAIN "%-20s IN  WKS   %s TCP SMTP\n", $canonical, $a;
	printf DOMAIN "%-20s IN  MX    %s %s.%s.\n", $canonical, $DefMxWeight, 
	       $canonical, $Domain; 
	$first = 0;
    if ($#Mx >= 0) {
	foreach $a (@Mx) {
	    if ($first) {
		printf DOMAIN "%-20s IN  MX    %s\n", $canonical, $a; 
		$first = 0;
	    } else {
		printf DOMAIN "%-20s IN  MX    %s\n", "", $a; 


# Generate TXT record data
sub TXT {
    local($canonical, @addrs) = @_;
    local($a, $key, $comments);

    foreach $a (@addrs) {
	$key = "$canonical-$a";
	$comments .= " $Comments{$key}";
    $comments =~ s/\[no smtp\]//g;
    $comments =~ s/^\s*//;
    $comments =~ s/\s*$//;
    if ($comments ne "") {
	printf DOMAIN "%s IN  TXT   \"%s\"\n", $canonical, $comments;

# Create the SOA record at the beginning of the file
sub MAKE_SOA {
    local($fname, $file) = @_;

    if ( -s $fname) {
	open($file, "$fname") || die "Unable to open $fname: $!";
	$_ = <$file>;
	if (/\($/) {
	    if (! $soa_warned) {
		print STDERR "Converting SOA format to new style.\n";
	    if ($ForceSerial > 0) {
		$Serial = $ForceSerial;
	    } else {
		($Serial, $junk) = split(' ', <$file>, 2);
	    if (!defined($Refresh)) {
		($Refresh, $junk) = split(' ', <$file>, 2);
		($Retry, $junk) = split(' ', <$file>, 2);
		($Expire, $junk) = split(' ', <$file>, 2);
		($Ttl, $junk) = split(' ', <$file>, 2);
	} else {
	    split(' ');
	    if ($#_ == 11) {
		if ($ForceSerial > 0) {
		    $Serial = $ForceSerial;
		} else {
		    $Serial = ++@_[6];
		if (!defined($Refresh)) {
		    $Refresh = @_[7];
		    $Retry = @_[8];
		    $Expire = @_[9];
		    $Ttl = @_[10];
	    } else {
		print STDERR "Improper format SOA in $fname.\n";
		print STDERR "I give up ... sorry.\n";
    } else {
	if ($ForceSerial > 0) {
	    $Serial = $ForceSerial;
	} else {
	    $Serial = $DefSerial;
	if (!defined($Refresh)) {
	    $Refresh = $DefRefresh;
	    $Retry = $DefRetry;
	    $Expire = $DefExpire;
	    $Ttl = $DefTtl;

    open($file, "> $fname") || die "Unable to open $fname: $!";

    print $file "\@ IN  SOA $RespHost $RespUser ";
    print $file "( $Serial $Refresh $Retry $Expire $Ttl )\n";
    foreach $s (@Servers) {
	print $file "  IN  NS  $s\n";
    print $file "\n";

# Reverse the octets of an IP address and append
# in-addr.arpa.
    join('.', reverse(split('\.', $_[0]))) . '.IN-ADDR.ARPA.';

# Establish what we will be using for SOA records
sub FIXUP {

    if ($Host =~ /\./) {
	$RespHost = "$Host.";
    } else {
	$RespHost = "$Host.$Domain.";
    $RespHost =~ s/\.\././g;

    if ($User =~ /@/) {				# -u user@...
	if ($User =~ /\./) {
	    $RespUser = "$User.";		# -u user@terminator.movie.edu
	} else {
	    $RespUser = "$User.$Domain."; 	# -u user@terminator
	$RespUser =~ s/@/./;
    } elsif ($User =~ /\./) {
	$RespUser = "$User.";			# -u user.terminator.movie.edu
    } else {
	$RespUser = "$User.$RespHost";		# -u user
    $RespUser =~ s/\.\././g;			# Strip any ".."'s to "."

    # Clean up nameservers
    if (!defined(@Servers)) {
	push(@Servers, "$Host.$Domain.");
    } else {
	foreach $s (@Servers) {
	    if ($s !~ /\./) {
		$s .= ".$Domain";
	    if ($s !~ /\.$/) {
		$s .= ".";

    # Clean up MX hosts
    foreach $s (@Mx) {
	$s =~ s/:/ /;
	if ($s !~ /\./) {
	    $s .= ".$Domain";
	if ($s !~ /\.$/) {
	    $s .= ".";

    # Now open boot file and print saved data
    open(BOOT, "> $Bootfile")  || die "can not open $Bootfile";
    print BOOT "\ndirectory $Pwd\n";
    foreach $line (@bootmsgs) {
	print BOOT $line;
    print BOOT "cache\t. db.cache\n";

    # Go ahead and start creating files and making SOA's
    foreach $i (@makesoa) {
	($x1, $x2) = split(' ', $i);
	&MAKE_SOA($x1, $x2);
    printf DOMAIN "%-20s IN  A\n", "localhost";
    $file = "DB.";
    &MAKE_SOA("db.127.0.0", $file);
    printf $file "%-30s\tIN  PTR   localhost.\n", &REVERSE("");

    local(@args) = @_;
    local($i, $net, $subnetmask, $option, $tmp1);
    local(*F, $file, @newargs, @targs);

    $i = 0;
    while ($i <= $#args){
	$option = $args[$i];
	if($option eq "-d"){
	    $Domain = $args[++$i];
	    $Domainpattern = "." . $Domain;
	    $Domainpattern =~ s/\./\\./g;        # for stripping off domain

	    # Add entry to the boot file.
	    $Domainfile = $Domain;
	    $Domainfile =~ s/\..*//;
	    push(@makesoa, "db.$Domainfile DOMAIN");
	    push(@bootmsgs, "primary\t$Domain db.$Domainfile\n");

	} elsif ($option eq "-f"){
	    $file = $args[++$i];
	    open(F, $file) || die "Unable to open args file $file: $!";
	    while (<F>) {
		next if (/^#/);
		next if (/^$/);
		@targs = split(' ');
		push(@newargs, @targs);

	} elsif ($option eq "-z"){
	    $Bootsecsaveaddr = $args[++$i];
	    if (!defined($Bootsecaddr)) {
		$Bootsecaddr = $Bootsecsaveaddr;

	} elsif ($option eq "-Z"){
	    $Bootsecaddr = $args[++$i];
	    if (!defined($Bootsecsaveaddr)) {
		$Bootsecsaveaddr = $Bootsecaddr;

	} elsif ($option eq "-b"){
	    $Bootfile = $args[++$i];

	} elsif ($option eq "-A"){
	    $doaliases = 0;

	} elsif ($option eq "-M"){
	    $domx = 0;

	} elsif ($option eq "-w"){
	    $dowks = 1;

	} elsif ($option eq "-D"){
	    $dontdodomains = 1;

	} elsif ($option eq "-t"){
	    $dotxt = 1;

	} elsif ($option eq "-u"){
	    $User = $args[++$i];

	} elsif ($option eq "-s"){
	    while ($args[++$i] !~ /^-/ && $i <= $#args) {
		push(@Servers, $args[$i]);

	} elsif ($option eq "-m"){
	    if ($args[++$i] !~ /:/) {
		print STDERR "Improper format for -m option ignored ($args[$i]).\n";
	    push(@Mx, $args[$i]);

	} elsif ($option eq "-c"){
	    $tmp1 = $args[++$i];
	    if ($tmp1 !~ /\./) {
		$tmp1 .= ".$Domain";
	    $tmp2 = $tmp1;
	    $tmp2 =~ s/\./\\./g; 
	    $cpatrel{$tmp2} = $tmp1;
	    push(@cpats, $tmp2);

	} elsif ($option eq "-e"){
	    $tmp1 = $args[++$i];
	    if ($tmp1 !~ /\./) {
		$tmp1 .= ".$Domain";
	    $tmp1 =~ s/\./\\./g; 
	    push(@elimpats, $tmp1);

	} elsif ($option eq "-h"){
	    $Host = $args[++$i];

	} elsif ($option eq "-o"){
	    if (   $args[++$i] !~ /^[:\d]*$/ 
		|| split(':', $args[$i]) != 4) {
		print STDERR "Improper format for -o ($args[$i]).\n";
		print STDERR "I give up ... sorry.\n";
	    ($DefRefresh, $DefRetry, $DefExpire, $DefTtl) = split(':', $args[$i]);

	} elsif ($option eq "-i"){
	    $ForceSerial = $args[++$i];

	} elsif ($option eq "-H"){
	    $Hostfile = $args[++$i];
	    if (! -r $Hostfile || -z $Hostfile) {
		print STDERR "Invalid file specified for -H ($Hostfile).\n";
		print STDERR "I give up ... sorry.\n";

	} elsif ($option eq "-C"){
	    $Commentfile = $args[++$i];
	    if (! -r $Commentfile || -z $Commentfile) {
		print STDERR "Invalid file specified for -C ($Commentfile).\n";
		print STDERR "I give up ... sorry.\n";

	} elsif ($option eq "-N"){
	    $Defsubnetmask = $args[++$i];
	    if (   $Defsubnetmask !~ /^[.\d]*$/ 
		|| split('\.', $Defsubnetmask) != 4) {
		print STDERR "Improper subnet mask ($Defsubnetmask).\n";
		print STDERR "I give up ... sorry.\n";
	    if ($#Networks >= 0) {
		print STDERR "Hmm, -N option should probably be specified before any -n options.\n";

	} elsif ($option eq "-n"){
	    ($net, $subnetmask) = split(':',$args[++$i]);
	    if ($subnetmask eq "") {
		foreach $tmp1 (&SUBNETS($net, $Defsubnetmask)) {
	    } else {
		if (   $subnetmask !~ /^[.\d]*$/ 
		    || split('\.', $subnetmask) != 4) {
		    print STDERR "Improper subnet mask ($subnetmask).\n";
		    print STDERR "I give up ... sorry.\n";
		foreach $tmp1 (&SUBNETS($net, $subnetmask)) {

	} elsif ($option eq "-1"){
	    print STDERR "Option -1 is obsolete ... ignored.\n";

	} elsif ($option eq "-F"){
	    print STDERR "Option -F is now the default (and only) way ... ignored.\n";

	} else {
	    if($option =~ /^-.*/){
		print STDERR "Unknown option: $option ... ignored.\n";
    if (!defined(@Networks) || $Domain eq "") {
	print STDERR "Must specify at least -d and one -n.\n";
	print STDERR "I give up ... sorry.\n";

    local($net) = @_;

    push(@Networks, $net);
    # Create pattern to match against.  
    # The dots must be changed to \. so they 
    # aren't used as wildcards.
    $netpat = $net;
    $netpat =~ s/\./\\./g;
    push(@Netpatterns, $netpat);

    # Create db files for PTR records.
    # Save the file names in an array for future use.
    $netfile = "DB.$net";
    $Netfiles{$netpat} = $netfile;
    push(@makesoa, "db.$net $netfile");

    # Add entry to the boot file.
    $revaddr = &REVERSE($net);
    chop($revaddr);   # remove trailing dot
    push(@bootmsgs, "primary $revaddr db.$net\n");

# Calculate all the subnets from a network number and mask.
# This was originally written for awk, not perl.
    local($network, $mask) = @_;
    local(@ans, @net, @mask, $buf, $number, $i, $j, $howmany);

    @net = split(/\./, $network);
    @mask = split(/\./, $mask);
    $number = '';
    # Only expand bytes 1, 2, or 3
    # for DNS purposes
    for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) {
	if ($mask[$i] == 255) {
	    $number = $number . $net[$i] . '.';
	} elsif (($mask[$i] == 0) || $mask[$i] eq '') {
	    push(@ans, $network);
	} else {
	    # This should be done as a bit-wise or
	    # but awk does not have an or symbol
	    $howmany = 255 - $mask[$i];
	    for ($j = 0; $j <= $howmany; $j++) {
		if ($net[$i] + $j <= 255) {
		    $buf = sprintf("%s%d", $number, $net[$i] + $j);
		    push(@ans, $buf);

    if ($#ans == -1) {
	push(@ans, $network);

sub GEN_BOOT {
    local(*F, $revaddr, $n);

    if (! -e "boot.cacheonly") {
	open(F, ">boot.cacheonly") || die "Unable to open boot.cacheonly: $!";
	print F "directory\t$Pwd\n";
	print F "primary\t\t0.0.127.IN-ADDR.ARPA    db.127.0.0\n";
	print F "cache\t\t.                       db.cache\n";
    if (defined($Bootsecaddr)) {
	open(F, ">boot.sec") || die "Unable to open boot.sec: $!";
	print  F "directory\t$Pwd\n";
	print  F "primary\t\t0.0.127.IN-ADDR.ARPA    db.127.0.0\n";
	printf F "secondary\t%-23s $Bootsecaddr\n", $Domain;
	foreach $n (@Networks) {
	    $revaddr = &REVERSE($n);
	    printf F "secondary\t%-23s $Bootsecaddr\n", $revaddr;
	print  F "cache\t\t.                       db.cache\n";

	open(F, ">boot.sec.save") || die "Unable to open boot.sec.save: $!";
	print  F "directory\t$Pwd\n";
	print  F "primary\t\t0.0.127.IN-ADDR.ARPA    db.127.0.0\n";
	printf F "secondary\t%-23s $Bootsecsaveaddr db.%s\n", 
	       $Domain, $Domainfile;
	foreach $n (@Networks) {
	    $revaddr = &REVERSE($n);
	    printf F "secondary\t%-23s $Bootsecsaveaddr db.%s\n", 
		   $revaddr, $n;
	print  F "cache\t\t.                       db.cache\n";