
# @(#) gendns 1.15 92/08/31 @(#)
# generate the DNS database files from generic database files
# files used
#	hosts.main
#	hosts.aliases
#	hosts.mx
#	hosts.ns
#	hosts.wks
# this script assumes that a subdomain is always delegated to
# another nameserver and hosts for the subdomain except for the
# glue records do not exist in the base host database files

# Copyright (c) 1992 by Texas Internet Consulting
# This code may be freely copied and used so long as this
# copyright notice is attached.  This code may not be sold
# without the express written permission of Texas Internet Consulting.
# Texas Internet Consulting makes no warranty as to the correctness
# nor the applicability of this code for any purpose.

# make the forward database files

makeforw() {

	# extract host name and IP address from hosts.main
	# and make A records out of it,
	# but only for hosts within this domain
	# add NS and A records for the servers
	# add HINFO from hardware and os

	( readinfo host ip hard os <hosts.main | awk -F'	' '
		nservers = split("'"$servers"'", servers, " ")
		for (i=1; i<=nservers; i++) {
			printf("'$domain'. IN NS %s.\n", servers[i])
		for (i=1; i<=nservers; i++) {
			if ($1 == servers[i]) {
				printf("%s. IN A %s\n", $1, $2)
				if ($3 != "X") {
					printf("%s. IN HINFO %s %s\n", $1, $3, $4)
		if ($1 ~ /'$escape_domain'$/) {
 			printf("%s. IN A %s\n", $1, $2)
			if ($3 != "X") {
				printf("%s. IN HINFO %s %s\n", $1, $3, $4)

	# make cname records out of the aliases
	# again only for this domain

	readinfo alias host <hosts.cname | awk -F'	' '{
		if ($1 ~ /'$escape_domain'$/)
			printf("%s. IN CNAME %s.\n", $1, $2)

	# and the MX records the same way

	readinfo domain priority host <hosts.mx | awk -F'	' '{
		if ($1 ~ /'$escape_domain'$/)
			printf("%s. IN MX %s %s.\n", $1, $2, $3)

	# and WKS records
	# sort them and concatenate the application protocol mnemonics

	readinfo host ip proto wks <hosts.wks | sort | awk -F'	' '{
		if ($1 ~ /'$escape_domain'$/) {
			if ($1 != host || $2 != ip || $3 != proto) {
				if (host != "") {
					printf("%s. IN WKS %s %s %s\n", host, ip, proto, wks)
					wks = ""
			host = $1
			ip = $2
			proto = $3
			wks = wks " " $4
	END {
		printf("%s. IN WKS %s %s %s\n", host, ip, proto, wks)
	}' )

makerev() {

	# extract host name and IP address from hosts.main
	# and make inverse PTR records out of it
	# but only for IP addresses which match the IP addresses in this domain

	readinfo host ip <hosts.main | awk -F'	' '
		nrev = split("'$unreverse'", unreverse, ".")
		nservers = split("'"$servers"'", servers, " ")
		for (i=1; i<=nservers; i++) {
			printf("'$domain'. IN NS %s.\n", servers[i])
		# check for servers and output glue A records
		for (i=1; i<=nservers; i++) {
			if ($1 == servers[i]) {
				printf("%s. IN A %s\n", $1, $2)
		n = split($2, ipparts, ".")
		for (i=1; i<=nrev; i++) {
			if (ipparts[i] != unreverse[i])
		if (i <= nrev)
		for(; i<=n; i++)
			printf("%s.", ipparts[i])
		printf("%s. IN PTR %s.\n", "'$domain'", $1)


serial=`cat $SERIAL`
dateserial=`date +%y%m%d`

# read SOA info for each domain
readinfo domain server contact refresh retry expire min <hosts.soa |\
while read domain server contact refresh retry expire min; do

	# get the domain name with escaped "."

	escape_domain=`echo $domain | awk -F. '{
		for (i=1; i<NF; i++) {
			printf("%s", $i)
		printf("%s", $NF)

	# get servers for this domain

	servers=`readinfo domain server <hosts.ns | awk -F'	' '{
		if ($1 ~ /'$escape_domain'$/)
			printf("%s ", $2)

	case $domain in
		# get the filename fo reverse domains	
		# unreverse the domain name for matching IP addresses
		unreverse=`echo $domain | awk -F. '{
			for (i=NF-2; i>1; i--)
				printf("%s.", $i)
			printf("%s", $1)
		filename=f.$unreverse ;;

		filename=$domain ;;

	# print the header and SOA record

	( echo "; $serial"
	echo '$ORIGIN'" ${domain}."
	echo "@ SOA ${server}. ${contact}. ( $dateserial $refresh $retry $expire $min )"

	# scan the input file and extract info depending on whether this
	# is a forward or reverse domain file

	if [ $rev ]; then
	fi |\

	# get rid of extraneous domain info

	sed -e 's/\(.*\)\(\.'${escape_domain}'\.\)/\1/g' \
	-e 's/\(.*\)\(\.'${escape_domain}'\. \)/\1 /g' \
     	-e 's/^'${escape_domain}'\./@/g' ) >$filename