
# @(#) make_rev 1.2 92/08/31 @(#)
# make the reverse mapping file from a DNS database
# Copyright (c) 1992 by Texas Internet Consulting
# This code may be freely copied and used so long as this
# copyright notice is attached.  This code may not be sold
# without the express written permission of Texas Internet Consulting.
# Texas Internet Consulting makes no warranty as to the correctness
# nor the applicability of this code for any purpose.


# the reverse  template file
# calculate the reverse domain from the network 
# the assumption is subnets are divided along byte boundaries
	for (i = NF; i>0; i--) {
		if ($i == 0) continue
		revdomain = revdomain $i "."
	revdomain = substr(revdomain, 1, length(revdomain)-1)
	print revdomain

# update the serial field
serial=`cat serial`
echo "; $serial" >f.${DNS_NETWORK}
sed "s/<SERIAL>/$serial/" ${REV_HEAD} >>f.${DNS_NETWORK}
# build the reverse map
awk '
	domain = "'${DNS_DOMAIN}'."
	reverse = "'${DNS_REVDOMAIN}'"
	split(reverse, revbytes, ".")
	nrevbytes = 0
	for (i in revbytes)
/IN A|in a/ {
	# hostname is a blank
	if ($1 == "IN" && $2 == "A" || $1 == "in" && $2 == "a") {
		address = $3
	# special ugly nasty case - no reverse map for the domain itself
	# an A record is added for non-mx mailers, but by convention the
	# name of the domain gateway is domain.domain...
	else if ($1 == "@") {
	else {
		host = $1
		address = $4
	# split the host address apart and reverse it
	split(address, byte, ".")
	for (i=1; i<=nrevbytes; i++) {
		if (byte[i] != revbytes[nrevbytes-i+1])
	# address is in this zone
	if (i > nrevbytes) {
		rev = ""
		for (j=4; j>nrevbytes; j--) {
			if (j < 4)
				rev = rev "."
			rev = rev byte[j]
		# print the PTR record
		# if it end in a "." then do not create a PTR record
		if (host !~ /\.$/) {
			printf("%s IN PTR ",  rev)
			if (host == "")
				printf("%s\n", domain)
				printf("%s.%s\n", host, domain)