
# @(#) readinfo 1.3 92/08/31 @(#)
# reads a host database file
# input from stdin
# output to stdout
# arguments are names of fields in the file
# fields in a file are defined by a comment line of the form
# #FIELDS <field_description> ...
# where <field_description> is the name of the field followed by optional
# keyword parameters of the form parameter=<value>
# three paramaters are supported in this script
#	prefix - prefix added to value of the field
#	suffix - suffix added to value of field
#	no - character to prevent adding a prefix or suffix to a field
# fields in the file are separated with white space.  Embedded blanks in fields
# are either escaped with a '\' or the entire field is quoted with double quotes
# The prefix or suffix can be overridden by prepending or following the value
# with the ``no='' character

# Copyright (c) 1992 by Texas Internet Consulting
# This code may be freely copied and used so long as this
# copyright notice is attached.  This code may not be sold
# without the express written permission of Texas Internet Consulting.
# Texas Internet Consulting makes no warranty as to the correctness
# nor the applicability of this code for any purpose.

# get the fields from the command line - will be funnelled to awk
# change whitespace to tabs and handle quoted fields and escaped blanks
# also remove comment lines, except the #FIELDS line
awk '
	# get around double quote bug
	dq = sprintf("%c", 34)
/^#FIELDS/ || ( ! /^#/ && ! /^$/ && ! /^[ 	][ 	]*/ ) {
# line has double quotes or backslashes
	if ($0 ~ /"/ || $0 ~ /\\/) {
		# print everything up to field with double quote or backslash
		l = length($0)
		n = 0
		for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) {
			if ($i !~ /"/ && $i !~ /\\/) {
				printf("%s\t", $i)
			n += length($i)
		remainder = substr($0, n+1, l-n)
		l -= n
		quoted = 0
		escaped = 0
		for (i=1; i<=l; i++) {
			sub = substr(remainder, i, 1)
			if (sub == dq) {
				if (quoted) {
					quoted = 0
				else {
					quoted = 1
			else if (sub == "\\") {
				escaped = 1
			else if (quoted) {
				printf("%s", sub)
			else if (escaped) {
				printf("%s", sub)
				escaped = 0
			else if (sub == " ") {
			else {
				printf("%s", sub)
	# line is just a bunch of normal fields
	else {
		for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) {
			printf("%s", $i)
			if (i < NF) {
}' |
# read file and output fields wanted
awk -F'	' '
# get the fields from the command line
	nextract = split(EXTRACT, extract, " ")
# extract field definition info from file
/^#FIELDS/ {
	nfields = 0
	for (i=2; i<=NF; i++) {
		# field is a paramter
		if ($i ~ /\=/) {
			n = split($i, part, "=")
			keyword = part[1]
			value = part[2]
			# prefix
			if (keyword == "prefix") {
				prefix[nfields] = value
			# suffix
			else if (keyword == "suffix") {
				suffix[nfields] = value
			else if (keyword == "no") {
				no[nfields] = value
		#field name
		else {
			fields[nfields] = $i
			prefix[nfields] = ""
			suffix[nfields] = ""
			no[nfields] = ""
# process a record
! /^#/ && ! /^$/ && ! /^[ 	][ 	]*/ {
	# scan the list of fields to extract and compare them with the
	# list in the file and print as they are encountered
	for (i=1; i<=nextract; i++) {
		for (j=1; j<=nfields; j++) {
			if (fields[j] == extract[i]) {
		if (j > nfields) {
			printf("***ERROR*** field not found - %s\n", extract[i])
		if (i > 1) printf("	")
		# no overide character for this field
		if (no[j] == "") {
			printf("%s%s%s", prefix[j], $j, suffix[j])
		# overide character exist - split up the field
		n = length($j)
		first = substr($j, 1, 1)
		last = substr($j, n, 1)
		# no overide character in field value
		if (first != no[j] && last != no[j]) {
			printf("%s%s%s", prefix[j], $j, suffix[j])
		middle = ""
		if (n >= 3) {
			middle = substr($j, 2, n-2)
		if (first != no[j]) {
			printf("%s%s", prefix[j], first)
		printf("%s", middle)
		if (last != no[j]) {
			printf("%s%s", last, suffix[j])