
For more information while running calc, type  help  followed by one of the
following topics:

	topic		description
	-----		-----------
	intro		a brief introduction to calc
	command		top level commands
	expression	expression sequences
	define		how to define functions
	variable	variables and variable declarations
	statement	flow control and declaration statements
	operator	math, relational, logic and variable access operators
	types		builtin data types
	obj		user defined data types
	mat		using matrices
	list		using lists
	file		using files
	builtin		builtin functions
	config		configuration parameters
	interrupt	how interrupts are handled
	history		command history
	usage		how to invoke the calc command
	todo		needed enhancements
	credit		who wrote calc, and who helped, copyright
	full		all of the above topics
	help		this file
	overview	brief overview of calc
	stdlib		description of some lib files shipped with calc
	environment	how environment variables effect calc
	bindings	input & history character bindings

For example:

	help usage

will print the calc command usage information.  One can obtain calc help
without invoking any startup code by running calc as follows:

	calc -q help topic

where 'topic' is one of the topics listed above.