
 * Copyright (c) 1993 David I. Bell
 * Permission is granted to use, distribute, or modify this source,
 * provided that this copyright notice remains intact.
 * Routines to handle numbers modulo a specified number.
 *	a (mod N)

obj mod {a};			/* definition of the object */

global mod_value;		/* modulus value (value of N) */

define mod(a)
	local x;

	obj mod x;
	if (!isreal(a) || !isint(a))
		quit "Bad argument for mod function";
	x.a = a % mod_value;
	return x;

define mod_print(a)
	if (digits(mod_value) <= 20)
		print a.a, "(mod", mod_value : ")" :;
		print a.a, "(mod N)" :;

define mod_one()
	return mod(1);

define mod_cmp(a, b)
	if (isnum(a))
		return (a % mod_value) != b.a;
	if (isnum(b))
		return (b % mod_value) != a.a;
	return a.a != b.a;

define mod_rel(a, b)
	if (isnum(a))
		a = mod(a);
	if (isnum(b))
		b = mod(b);
	if (a.a < b.a)
		return -1;
	return a.a != b.a;

define mod_add(a, b)
	local x;

	obj mod x;
	if (isnum(b)) {
		if (!isint(b))
			quit "Adding non-integer";
		x.a = (a.a + b) % mod_value;
		return x;
	if (isnum(a)) {
		if (!isint(a))
			quit "Adding non-integer";
		x.a = (a + b.a) % mod_value;
		return x;
	x.a = (a.a + b.a) % mod_value;
	return x;

define mod_sub(a, b)
	return a + (-b);

define mod_neg(a)
	local x;

	obj mod x;
	x.a = mod_value - a.a;
	return x;

define mod_mul(a, b)
	local x;

	obj mod x;
	if (isnum(b)) {
		if (!isint(b))
			quit "Multiplying by non-integer";
		x.a = (a.a * b) % mod_value;
		return x;
	if (isnum(a)) {
		if (!isint(a))
			quit "Multiplying by non-integer";
		x.a = (a * b.a) % mod_value;
		return x;
	x.a = (a.a * b.a) % mod_value;
	return x;

define mod_square(a)
	local x;

	obj mod x;
	x.a = a.a^2 % mod_value;
	return x;

define mod_inc(a)
	local x;

	x = a;
	if (++x.a == mod_value)
		x.a = 0;
	return x;

define mod_dec(a)
	local x;

	x = a;
	if (--x.a < 0)
		x.a = mod_value - 1;
	return x;

define mod_inv(a)
	local x;

	obj mod x;
	x.a = minv(a.a, mod_value);
	return x;

define mod_div(a, b)
	local c, x, y;

	obj mod x, y;
	if (isnum(a))
		a = mod(a);
	if (isnum(b))
		b = mod(b);
	c = gcd(a.a, b.a);
	x.a = a.a / c;
	y.a = b.a / c;
	return x * inverse(y);

define mod_pow(a, b)
	local x, y, z;

	obj mod x;
	y = a;
	z = b;
	if (b < 0) {
		y = inverse(a);
		z = -b;
	x.a = pmod(y.a, z, mod_value);
	return x;

mod_value = 100;		/* default */

global lib_debug;
if (!isnum(lib_debug) || lib_debug>0) print "obj mod {a} defined"
if (!isnum(lib_debug) || lib_debug>0) print "mod(a) defined"
if (!isnum(lib_debug) || lib_debug>0) print "mod_print(a) defined"
if (!isnum(lib_debug) || lib_debug>0) print "mod_one(a) defined"
if (!isnum(lib_debug) || lib_debug>0) print "mod_cmp(a, b) defined"
if (!isnum(lib_debug) || lib_debug>0) print "mod_rel(a, b) defined"
if (!isnum(lib_debug) || lib_debug>0) print "mod_add(a, b) defined"
if (!isnum(lib_debug) || lib_debug>0) print "mod_sub(a, b) defined"
if (!isnum(lib_debug) || lib_debug>0) print "mod_mod(a, b) defined"
if (!isnum(lib_debug) || lib_debug>0) print "mod_square(a) defined"
if (!isnum(lib_debug) || lib_debug>0) print "mod_inc(a) defined"
if (!isnum(lib_debug) || lib_debug>0) print "mod_dec(a) defined"
if (!isnum(lib_debug) || lib_debug>0) print "mod_inv(a) defined"
if (!isnum(lib_debug) || lib_debug>0) print "mod_div(a, b) defined"
if (!isnum(lib_debug) || lib_debug>0) print "mod_pow(a, b) defined"
if (!isnum(lib_debug) || lib_debug>0) print "mod_value defined"
if (!isnum(lib_debug) || lib_debug>0) print "set mod_value as needed"