
 * Copyright (c) 1993 David I. Bell
 * Permission is granted to use, distribute, or modify this source,
 * provided that this copyright notice remains intact.
 * Test the correct execution of the calculator by reading this library file.
 * Errors are reported with '****' messages, or worse.  :-)
 * NOTE: Unlike most calc lib files, this one performs its work when
 *       it is read.  Normally one would just define functions and
 *	 values for later use.  In the case of the regression test,
 *	 we do not want to do this.

define verify(test, str)
	if (test != 1) {
		print '**** Non-true result (' : test : '): ' : str;
	print str;

define error(str)
	print '****' , str;

define getglobalvar()
	global	globalvar;

	return globalvar;

 * Test boolean operations and IF tests.
define test_booleans()
	local	x;
	local	y;
	local	t1, t2, t3;

	print '100: Beginning test_booleans';

	if (0)
		print '**** if (0)';

	if (1)
		print '101: if (1)';

	if (2)
		print '102: if (2)';

	if (1)
		print '103: if (1) else';
		print '**** if (1) else';

	if (0)
		print '**** if (0) else';
		print '104: if (0) else';

	if (1 == 1)
		print '105: if 1 == 1';
		print '**** if 1 == 1';

	if (1 != 2)
		print '106: if 1 != 2';
		print '**** if 1 != 2';

	verify(1,      '107: verify 1');
	verify(2 == 2, '108: verify 2 == 2');
	verify(2 != 3, '109: verify 2 != 3');
	verify(2 <  3, '110: verify 2 <  3');
	verify(2 <= 2, '111: verify 2 <= 2');
	verify(2 <= 3, '112: verify 2 <= 3');
	verify(3 >  2, '113: verify 3 >  2');
	verify(2 >= 2, '114: verify 2 >= 2');
	verify(3 >= 2, '115: verify 3 >= 2');
	verify(!0,     '116: verify !0');
	verify(!1 == 0,'117: verify !1 == 0');
	print '118: Ending test_booleans';

 * Test variables and simple assignments.
define test_variables()
	local	x1, x2, x3;
	global	g1, g2;
	local	t;
	global	globalvar;

	print '200: Beginning test_variables';
	x1 = 5;
	x3 = 7 * 2;
	x2 = 9 + 1;
	globalvar = 22;
	g1 = 19 - 3;
	g2 = 79;
	verify(x1 == 5,  '201: x1 == 5');
	verify(x2 == 10, '202: x2 == 10');
	verify(x3 == 14, '203: x3 == 14');
	verify(g1 == 16, '204: g1 == 16');
	verify(g2 == 79, '205: g2 == 79');
	verify(globalvar == 22, '204: globalvar == 22');
	verify(getglobalvar() == 22, '205: getglobalvar() == 22');
	x1 = x2 + x3 + g1;
	verify(x1 == 40, '206: x1 == 40');
	g1 = x3 + g2;
	verify(g1 == 93, '207: g1 == 207');
	x1 = 5;
	verify(x1++ == 5, '208: x1++ == 5');
	verify(x1 == 6, '209: x1 == 6');
	verify(++x1 == 7, '210: ++x1 == 7');
	x1 += 3;
	verify(x1 == 10, '211: x1 == 10');
	x1 -= 6;
	verify(x1 == 4, '212: x1 == 4');
	x1 *= 3;
	verify(x1 == 12, '213: x1 == 12');
	x1 /= 4;
	verify(x1 == 3, '214: x1 == 3');
	x1 = x2 = x3;
	verify(x2 == 14, '215: x2 == 14');
	verify(x1 == 14, '216: x1 == 14');
	print '217: Ending test_variables';

 * Test logical AND and OR operators and short-circuit evaluation.
define test_logicals()
	local	x;

	print '300: Beginning test_logicals';

	if (2 && 3)
		print '301: if (2 && 3)';
		print '**** if (2 && 3)';

	if (2 && 0)
		print '**** if (2 && 0)';
		print '302: if (2 && 0)';

	if (0 && 2)
		print '**** if (0 && 2)';
		print '303: if (0 && 2)';

	if (0 && 0)
		print '**** if (0 && 0)';
		print '304: if (0 && 0)';

	if (2 || 0)
		print '305: if (2 || 0)';
		print '**** if (2 || 0)';

	if (0 || 2)
		print '306: if (0 || 2)';
		print '**** if (0 || 2)';

	if (0 || 0)
		print '**** if (0 || 0)';
		print '307: if (0 || 0)';

	x = 2 || 3; verify(x == 2, '308: (2 || 3) == 2');
	x = 2 || 0; verify(x == 2, '309: (2 || 0) == 2');
	x = 0 || 3; verify(x == 3, '310: (0 || 3) == 3');
	x = 0 || 0; verify(x == 0, '311: (0 || 0) == 0');
	x = 2 && 3; verify(x == 3, '312: (2 && 3) == 3');
	x = 2 && 0; verify(x == 0, '313: (2 && 0) == 0');
	x = 0 && 3; verify(x == 0, '314: (0 && 3) == 0');
	x = 2 || error('2 || error()');
	x = 0 && error('0 && error()');
	print '315: Ending test_logicals';

 * Test simple arithmetic operations and expressions.
define test_arithmetic()
	print '400: Beginning test_arithmetic';
	verify(3+4==7, '401: 3 + 4 == 7');
	verify(4-1==3, '402: 4 - 1 == 3');
	verify(2*3==6, '403: 2 * 3 == 6');
	verify(8/4==2, '404: 8 / 4 == 2');
	verify(2^3==8, '405: 2 ^ 3 == 8');
	verify(9-4-2==3, '406: 9-4-2 == 3');
	verify(9-4+2==7, '407: 9-4+2 == 6');
	verify(-5+2==-3,  '408: -5+2 == -3');
	verify(2*3+1==7, '409: 2*3+1 == 7');
	verify(1+2*3==7, '410: 1+2*3 == 7');
	verify((1+2)*3==9, '411: (1+2)*3 == 9');
	verify(2*(3+1)==8, '412: 2*(3+1) == 8');
	verify(9-(2+3)==4, '413: 9-(2+3) == 4');
	verify(9+(2-3)==8, '414: 9+(2-3) == 8');
	verify((2+3)*(4+5)==45, '415: (2+3)*(4+5) == 45');
	verify(10/(2+3)==2, '416: 10/(2+3) == 2');
	verify(12/3+4==8, '417: 12/3+4 == 8');
	verify(6+12/3==10, '418: 6+12/3 == 10');
	verify(2+3==1+4, '419: 2+3 == 1+4');
	verify(-(2+3)==-5, '420: -(2+3) == -5');
	verify(7&18==2,    '421: 7&18 == 2');
	verify(3|17==19,   '422: 3|17 == 19');
	verify(2&3|1==3,   '423: 2&3|1 == 3');
	verify(2&(3|1)==2, '424: 2&(3|1) == 2');
	verify(3<<4==48,   '425: 3<<4 == 48');
	verify(5>>1==2,    '426: 5>>1 == 2');
	verify(3<<-1==1,   '427: 3<<-1 == 1');
	verify(5>>-2==20,  '428: 5>>-2 == 20');
	verify(1<<2<<3==65536, '429: 1<<2<<3 == 65536');
	verify((1<<2)<<3==32, '430: (1<<2)<<3 == 32');
	verify(2^3^2==512, '431: 2^3^2 == 512');
	verify((2^3)^2==64,'432: (2^3)^2 == 64');
	print '433: Ending test_arithmetic';

 * Test string constants and comparisons
define test_strings()
	local x, y, z;

	print '500: Beginning test_strings';
	x = 'string';
	y = "string";
	z = x;
	verify(z == "string", '501: z == "string"');
	verify(z != "foo", '502: z != "foo"');
	verify(z != 3, '503: z != 3');
	verify('' == "", '504: \'\' == ""');
	verify("a" == "a", '505: "a" == "a"');
	verify("c" != "d", '506: "c" != "d"');
	verify("" != "a", '507: "" != "a"');
	verify("rs" < "rt", '508: "rs" < "rt"');
	verify("rs" < "ss", '509: "rs < "ss"');
	verify("rs" <= "rs", '510: "rs" <= "rs"');
	verify("rs" <= "tu", '511: "rs" <= "tu"');
	verify("rs" > "cd", '512: "rs" > "cd"');
	verify("rs" >= "rs", '513: "rs" >= "rs"');
	verify("rs" >= "cd", '514: "rs" >= "cd"'); 
	verify("abc" > "ab", '515: "abc" > "ab"');
	print '516: Ending test_strings';

 * Do multiplication and division on three numbers in various ways
 * and verify the results agree.
define muldivcheck(a, b, c, str)
	local	abc, acb, bac, bca, cab, cba;

	abc = (a * b) * c;
	acb = (a * c) * b;
	bac = (b * a) * c;
	bca = (b * c) * a;
	cab = (c * a) * b;
	cba = (c * b) * a;

	if (abc != acb) print '**** abc != acb:', str;
	if (acb != bac) print '**** acb != bac:', str;
	if (bac != bca) print '**** bac != bca:', str;
	if (bca != cab) print '**** bca != cab:', str;
	if (cab != cba) print '**** cab != cba:', str;
	if (abc/a != b*c) print '**** abc/a != bc:', str;
	if (abc/b != a*c) print '**** abc/b != ac:', str;
	if (abc/c != a*b) print '**** abc/c != ab:', str;
	print str;

 * Use the identity for squaring the sum of two squares to check
 * multiplication and squaring.
define squarecheck(a, b, str)
	local	a2, b2, tab, apb, apb2, t;

	a2 = a^2;
	b2 = b^2;
	tab = a * b * 2;
	apb = a + b;
	apb2 = apb^2;
	if (a2 != a*a) print '**** a^2 != a*a:', str;
	if (b2 != b*b) print '**** b^2 != b*b:', str;
	if (apb2 != apb*apb) print '**** (a+b)^2 != (a+b)*(a+b):', str;
	if (a2+tab+b2 != apb2) print '**** (a+b)^2 != a^2 + 2ab + b^2:', str;
	if (a2/a != a) print '**** a^2/a != a:', str;
	if (b2/b != b) print '**** b^2/b != b:', str;
	if (apb2/apb != apb) print '**** (a+b)^2/(a+b) != a+b:', str;
	if (a2*b2 != (a*b)^2) print '**** a^2*b^2 != (ab)^2:', str;
	print str;

 * Use the raising of numbers to large powers to check multiplication
 * and exponentiation.
define powercheck(a, p1, p2, str)
	local	a1, a2, a3;

	a1 = (a^p1)^p2;
	a2 = (a^p2)^p1;
	a3 = a^(p1*p2);
	if (a1 != a2) print '**** (a^p1)^p2 != (a^p2)^p1:', str;
	if (a1 != a3) print '**** (a^p1)^p2 != a^(p1*p2):', str;
	print str;

 * Test fraction reductions.
 * Arguments MUST be relatively prime.
define fraccheck(a, b, c, str)
	local	ab, bc, ca, aoc, boc, aob;

	ab = a * b;
	bc = b * c;
	ca = c * a;
	aoc = ab / bc;
	if (num(aoc) != a) print '**** num(aoc) != a:', str;
	if (den(aoc) != c) print '**** den(aoc) != c:', str;
	boc = ab / ca;
	if (num(boc) != b) print '**** num(boc) != b:', str;
	if (den(boc) != c) print '**** den(boc) != c:', str;
	aob = ca / bc;
	if (num(aob) != a) print '**** num(aob) != a:', str;
	if (den(aob) != b) print '**** den(aob) != b:', str;
	if (aob*boc != aoc) print '**** aob*boc != aoc;', str;
	print str;

 * Test multiplication and squaring algorithms.
define algcheck(a, b, str)
	local	ss, ms, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7;
	local	a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7;
	local	oldmul2, oldsq2;

	oldmul2 = config("mul2", 2);
	oldsq2 = config("sq2", 2);
	a1 = a * b;
	a2 = a * a;
	a3 = b * b;
	a4 = a^2;
	a5 = b^2;
	a6 = a2^2;
	a7 = pmod(3,a-1,a);
	for (ms = 2; ms < 20; ms++) {
		for (ss = 2; ss < 20; ss++) {
			config("mul2", ms);
			config("sq2", ss);
			t1 = a * b;
			t2 = a * a;
			t3 = b * b;
			t4 = a^2;
			t5 = b^2;
			t6 = t2^2;
			if (((ms + ss) % 37) == 4)
				t7 = pmod(3,a-1,a);
			if (t1 != a1) print '**** t1 != a1:', str;
			if (t2 != a2) print '**** t2 != a2:', str;
			if (t3 != a3) print '**** t3 != a3:', str;
			if (t4 != a4) print '**** t4 != a4:', str;
			if (t5 != a5) print '**** t5 != a5:', str;
			if (t6 != a6) print '**** t6 != a6:', str;
			if (t7 != a7) print '**** t7 != a7:', str;
	config("mul2", oldmul2);
	config("sq2", oldsq2);
	print str;

 * Test big numbers using some identities.
define test_bignums()
	local	a, b, c, d;

	print '600: Beginning test_bignums';
	a = 64357824568234938591;
	b = 12764632632458756817;
	c = 43578234973856347982;
	muldivcheck(a, b, c, '601: muldivcheck 1');
	a = 3^100;
	b = 5^97;
	c = 7^88;
	muldivcheck(a, b, c, '602: muldivcheck 2');
	a = 2^160 - 1;
	b = 2^161 - 1;
	c = 2^162 - 1;
	muldivcheck(a, b, c, '603: muldivcheck 3');
	a = 3^35 / 5^35;
	b = 7^35 / 11^35;
	c = 13^35 / 17^35;
	muldivcheck(a, b, c, '604: muldivcheck 4');
	a = (10^97-1) / 9;
	b = (10^53-1) / 9;
	c = (10^37-1) / 9;
	muldivcheck(a, b, c, '605: muldivcheck 5');
	a = 17^50;
	b = 19^47;
	squarecheck(a, b, '606: squarecheck 1');
	a = 2^111-1;
	b = 2^17;
	squarecheck(a, b, '607: squarecheck 2');
	a = 23^43 / 29^43;
	b = 31^42 / 37^29;
	squarecheck(a, b, '608: squarecheck 3');
	a = 4657892345743659834657238947854639;
	b = 43784356784365893467659347867689;
	squarecheck(a, b, '609: squarecheck 4');
	a = (10^80-1) / 9;
	b = (10^50-1) / 9;
	squarecheck(a, b, '610: squarecheck 5');
	a = 101^99;
	b = 2 * a;
	squarecheck(a, b, '611: squarecheck 6');
	a = (10^19-1) / 9;
	verify(ptest(a, 20), '612: primetest R19');
	a = (10^23-1) / 9;
	verify(ptest(a, 20), '613: primetest R23');
	a = 2^127 - 1;
	verify(ptest(a, 1), '614: primetest M127');
	a = 2^521 - 1;
	verify(ptest(a, 1), '615: primetest M521');
	powercheck(17, 127, 30, '616: powercheck 1');
	powercheck(111, 899, 6, '617: powercheck 2');
	powercheck(3, 87, 89, '618: powercheck 3');
	fraccheck(3^200, 5^173, 7^138, '619: fraccheck 1');
	fraccheck(11^100, 12^98, 13^121, '620: fraccheck 2');
	fraccheck(101^270, 103^111, 105^200, '621: fraccheck 3');
	a = 0xffff0000ffffffff00000000ffff0000000000000000ffff;
	b = 0x555544440000000000000000000000000000000011112222333344440000;
	c = 0x999911113333000011111111000022220000000000000000333300000000ffff;
	d = 0x3333ffffffff0000000000000000ffffffffffffffff000000000000;
	algcheck(a, a, '622: algcheck 1');
	algcheck(a, b, '623: algcheck 2');
	algcheck(a, c, '624: algcheck 3');
	algcheck(a, d, '625: algcheck 4');
	algcheck(b, b, '626: algcheck 5');
	algcheck(b, c, '627: algcheck 6');
	algcheck(b, d, '628: algcheck 7');
	algcheck(c, c, '629: algcheck 8');
	algcheck(c, d, '630: algcheck 9');
	algcheck(d, d, '631: algcheck 10');
	print '632: Ending test_bignums';

 * Test many of the built-in functions.
define test_functions()
	print '700: Beginning test_functions';
	verify(abs(3) == 3,    '701: abs(3) == 3');
	verify(abs(-4) == 4,   '702: abs(-4) == 4');
	verify(avg(7) == 7,    '703: avg(7) == 7');
	verify(avg(3,5) == 4,  '704: avg(3,5) == 4');
	verify(cmp(2,3) == -1, '705: cmp(2,3) == -1');
	verify(cmp(6,6) == 0,  '706: cmp(6,6) == 0');
	verify(cmp(7,4) == 1,  '707: cmp(7,4) == 1');
	verify(comb(9,9) == 1, '708: comb(9,9) == 1');
	verify(comb(5,2) == 10,'709: comb(5,2) == 10');
	verify(conj(4) == 4,   '710: conj(4) == 4');
	verify(conj(2-3i) == 2+3i, '711: conj(2-3i) == 2+3i');
	verify(den(17) == 1,   '712: den(17) == 1');
	verify(den(3/7) == 7,  '713: den(3/7) == 7');
	verify(den(-2/3) == 3, '714: den(-2/3) == 3');
	verify(digits(0) == 1, '715: digits(0) == 1');
	verify(digits(9) == 1, '716: digits(9) == 1');
	verify(digits(10) == 2,'717: digits(10) == 2');
	verify(digits(-691) == 3, '718: digits(-691) == 3');
	verify(eval('2+3') == 5, "719: eval('2+3') == 5");
	verify(fcnt(11,3) == 0,'720: fcnt(11,3) == 0');
	verify(fcnt(18,3) == 2,'721: fcnt(18,3) == 2');
	verify(fib(0) == 0,    '722: fib(0) == 0');
	verify(fib(1) == 1,    '723: fib(1) == 1');
	verify(fib(9) == 34,   '724: fib(9) == 34');
	verify(frem(12,5) == 12, '725: frem(12,5) == 12');
	verify(frem(45,3) == 5, '726: frem(45,3) == 5');
	verify(fact(0) == 1,   '727: fact(0) == 1');
	verify(fact(1) == 1,   '728: fact(1) == 1');
	verify(fact(5) == 120, '729: fact(5) == 120');
	verify(frac(3) == 0,   '730: frac(3) == 0');
	verify(frac(2/3) == 2/3, '731: frac(2/3) == 2/3');
	verify(frac(17/3) == 2/3, '732: frac(17/3) == 2/3');
	verify(gcd(0,3) == 3,  '733: gcd(0,3) == 3');
	verify(gcd(1,12) == 1, '734: gcd(1,12) == 1');
	verify(gcd(11,7) == 1, '735: gcd(11,7) == 1');
	verify(gcd(20,65) == 5, '736: gcd(20,65) == 5');
	verify(gcdrem(20,3) == 20, '737: gcdrem(20,3) == 20');
	verify(gcdrem(100,6) == 25, '738: gcdrem(100,6) == 25');
	verify(highbit(1) == 0, '739: highbit(1) == 0');
	verify(highbit(15) == 3, '740: highbit(15) == 3');
	verify(hypot(3,4) == 5, '741: hypot(3,4) == 5');
	verify(ilog(90,3) == 4, '742: ilog(90,3) == 4');
	verify(ilog10(123) == 2, '743: ilog10(123) == 2');
	verify(ilog2(17) == 4, '744: ilog2(17) == 4');
	verify(im(3) == 0,     '745: im(3) == 0');
	verify(im(2+3i) == 3,  '746: im(2+3i) == 3');
	verify(int(5) == 5,    '757: int(5) == 5');
	verify(int(19/3) == 6, '758: int(19/3) == 6');
	verify(inverse(3/2) == 2/3, '759: inverse(3/2) == 2/3');
	verify(iroot(18,2) == 4, '760: iroot(18,2) == 4');
	verify(iroot(100,3) == 4, '761: iroot(100,3) == 4');
	verify(iseven(10) == 1, '762: iseven(10) == 1');
	verify(iseven(13) == 0, '763: iseven(13) == 0');
	verify(iseven('a') == 0, "764: iseven('a') == 0");
	verify(isint(7) == 1,  '765: isint(7) == 1');
	verify(isint(19/2) == 0, '766: isint(19/2) == 0');
	verify(isint('a') == 0, "767: isint('a') == 0");
	verify(islist(3) == 0, '768: islist(3) == 0');
	verify(islist(list(2,3)) == 1, '769: islist(list(2,3)) == 1');
	verify(ismat(3) == 0, '770: ismat(3) == 0');
	verify(ismult(7,3) == 0, '771: ismult(7,3) == 0');
	verify(ismult(15,5) == 1, '772: ismult(15,5) == 1');
	verify(isnull(3) == 0, '773: isnull(3) == 0');
	verify(isnull(null()) == 1, '774: isnull(null()) == 1');
	verify(isnum(2/3) == 1, '775: isnum(2/3) == 1');
	verify(isnum('xx') == 0, "776: isnum('xx') == 0");
	verify(isobj(3) == 0, '777: isobj(3) == 0');
	verify(isodd(7) == 1, '778: isodd(7) == 1');
	verify(isodd(8) == 0, '779: isodd(8) == 0');
	verify(isodd('x') == 0, "780: isodd('a') == 0");
	verify(isqrt(27) == 5, '781: isqrt(27) == 5');
	verify(isreal(3) == 1, '782: isreal(3) == 1');
	verify(isreal('x') == 0, "783: isreal('x') == 0");
	verify(isreal(2+3i) == 0, '784: isreal(2+3i) == 0');
	verify(isstr(5) == 0,  '785: isstr(5) == 0');
	verify(isstr('foo') == 1, "786: isstr('foo') == 1");
	verify(isrel(10,14) == 0, '787: isrel(10,14) == 0');
	verify(isrel(15,22) == 1, '788: isrel(15,22) == 1');
	verify(issimple(6) == 1, '789: issimple(6) == 1');
	verify(issimple(3-2i) == 1, '790: issimple(3-2i) == 1');
	verify(issimple(list(5)) == 0, '791: issimple(list(5)) == 0');
	verify(issq(26) == 0, '792: issq(26) == 0');
	verify(issq(9/4) == 1, '793: issq(9/4) == 1');
	verify(istype(9,4) == 1, '795: istype(9,4) == 1');
	verify(istype(3,'xx') == 0, "796: istype(3,'xx') == 0");
	verify(jacobi(5,11) == 1, '797: jacobi(2,7) == 1');
	verify(jacobi(6,13) == -1, '798: jacobi(6,13) == 0');
	verify(lcm(3,4,5,6) == 60, '799: lcm(3,4,5,6) == 60');
	verify(lcmfact(8) == 840, '800: lcmfact(8) == 840');
	verify(lfactor(21,5) == 3, '801: lfactor(21,5) == 3');
	verify(lfactor(97,20) == 1, '802: lfactor(97,20) == 1');
	verify(lowbit(12) == 2, '803: lowbit(12) == 2');
	verify(lowbit(17) == 0, '804: lowbit(17) == 0');
	verify(ltol(1) == 0, '805: ltol(1) == 0');
	verify(max(3,-9,7,4) == 7, '806: max(3,-9,7,4) == 7');
	verify(meq(13,33,10) == 1, '807: meq(13,33,10) == 1');
	verify(meq(7,19,11) == 0, '808: meq(7,19,11) == 0');
	verify(min(9,5,12) == 5, '809: min(9,5,12) == 5');
	verify(minv(13,97) == 15, '810: minv(13,97) == 15');
	verify(mne(16,37,10) == 1, '811: mne(16,37,10) == 1');
	verify(mne(46,79,11) == 0, '812: mne(46,79,11) == 0');
	verify(norm(4) == 16,   '813: norm(4) == 16');
	verify(norm(2-3i) == 13, '814: norm(2-3i) == 13');
	verify(num(7) == 7,     '815: num(7) == 7');
	verify(num(11/4) == 11, '816: num(11/4) == 11');
	verify(num(-9/5) == -9, '817: num(-9/5) == -9');
	verify(char(ord('a')+2) == 'c', "818: char(ord('a')+2) == 'c'");
	verify(perm(7,3) == 210, '819: perm(7,3) == 210');
	verify(pfact(10) == 210, '820: pfact(10) == 210');
	verify(places(3/7) == -1, '821: places(3/7) == -1');
	verify(places(.347) == 3, '822: places(.347) == 3');
	verify(places(17) == 0, '823: places(17) == 0');
	verify(pmod(3,36,37) == 1, '824: pmod(3,36,37) == 1');
	verify(poly(2,3,5,2) == 19, '825; poly(2,3,5,2) == 19');
	verify(ptest(101,10) == 1, '826: ptest(101,10) == 1');
	verify(ptest(221,30) == 0, '827: ptest(221,30) == 0');
	verify(re(9) == 9,       '828: re(9) == 9');
	verify(re(-7+3i) == -7,  '829: re(-7+3i) == -7');
	verify(scale(3,4) == 48, '830: scale(3,4) == 48');
	verify(sgn(-4) == -1,    '831: sgn(-4) == -1');
	verify(sgn(0) == 0,      '832: sgn(0) == 0');
	verify(sgn(3) == 1,      '833: sgn(3) == 1');
	verify(size(7) == 1,     '834: size(7) == 1');
	verify(sqrt(121) == 11,  '835: sqrt(121) == 11');
	verify(ssq(2,3,4) == 29, '836: ssq(2,3,4) == 29');
	verify(str(45) == '45',  "837; str(45) == '45'");
	verify(strcat('a','bc','def')=='abcdef',"838; strcat('a','bc','def')=='abcdef'");
	verify(strlen('') == 0,  "839: strlen('') == 0");
	verify(strlen('abcd') == 4, "840: strlen('abcd') == 4");
	verify(substr('abcd',2,1) == 'b', "841: substr('abcd',2,1) == 'b'");
	verify(substr('abcd',3,4) == 'cd', "842: substr('abcd',3,4) == 'cd'");
	verify(substr('abcd',1,3) == 'abc', "843: substr('abcd',1,3) == 'abc'");
	verify(xor(17,17) == 0,  '844: xor(17,17) == 0');
	verify(xor(12,5) == 9,   '845: xor(12,5) == 9');
	verify(mmin(3,7) == 3, '846: mmin(3,7) == 3');
	verify(mmin(4,7) == -3, '847: mmin(4,7) == -3');
	verify(digit(123,2) == 1, '848: digit(123,2) == 1');
	print '849: Ending test_functions';

print '001: Beginning regression tests';
print '002: Within each section, output should be numbered sequentially';
return test_booleans();
return test_variables();
return test_logicals();
return test_arithmetic();
return test_strings();
return test_bignums();
return test_functions();