
 * Copyright (c) 1993 David I. Bell
 * Permission is granted to use, distribute, or modify this source,
 * provided that this copyright notice remains intact.
 * Solve the equation f(x) = 0 to within the desired error value for x.
 * The function 'f' must be defined outside of this routine, and the low
 * and high values are guesses which must produce values with opposite signs.

define solve(low, high, epsilon)
	local flow, fhigh, fmid, mid, places;

	if (isnull(epsilon))
		epsilon = epsilon();
	if (epsilon <= 0)
		quit "Non-positive epsilon value";
	places = highbit(1 + int(1/epsilon)) + 1;
	flow = f(low);
	if (abs(flow) < epsilon)
		return low;
	fhigh = f(high);
	if (abs(flow) < epsilon)
		return high;
	if (sgn(flow) == sgn(fhigh))
		quit "Non-opposite signs";
	while (1) {
		mid = bround(high - fhigh * (high - low) / (fhigh - flow), places);
		if ((mid == low) || (mid == high))
		fmid = f(mid);
		if (abs(fmid) < epsilon)
			return mid;
		if (sgn(fmid) == sgn(flow)) {
			low = mid;
			flow = fmid;
		} else {
			high = mid;
			fhigh = fmid;

global lib_debug;
if (!isnum(lib_debug) || lib_debug>0) print "solve(low, high, epsilon) defined";