
(defun one-window-p (&optional arg) "\
Returns non-nil if there is only one window.
Optional arg NOMINI non-nil means don't count the minibuffer
even if it is active." (byte-code "ม ยม …
ภ\"=‡" [arg selected-window next-window] 6))

(defun read-quoted-char (&optional prompt) "\
Like `read-char', except that if the first character read is an octal
digit, we read up to two more octal digits and return the character
represented by the octal number consisting of those digits.
Optional argument PROMPT specifies a string to use to prompt the user." (byte-code "สสลหW…uฬ!ล…อฮ\"ˆr‰ˆ…)ล‰*ˆ
ะXƒ]ั	า\"
ี‰ˆ‚ˆึื	\"+‡" [count code char inhibit-quit help-form nil prompt quit-flag unread-command-char t 0 3 zerop message "%s-" 48 55 * 8 format "%s %c" 259 logand 255] 9))

(defun error (&rest args) "\
Signal an error, making error message by passing all args to `format'." (byte-code "ภ…ยรฤล	\"C\"ˆ‚‡" [t args signal error apply format] 6))

(defun undefined nil (interactive) (byte-code "ภˆม ‡" [nil ding] 2))

(put (quote undefined) (quote suppress-keymap) t)

(defun suppress-keymap (map &optional arg) "\
Make MAP override all buffer-modifying commands to be undefined.
Works by knowing which commands are normally buffer-modifying.
Normally also makes digits set numeric arg,
but optional second arg NODIGITS non-nil prevents this." (byte-code "ฤลW…	ฦIˆT‰ˆ‚)ˆ
†:ว	ศษIˆส‰ˆหX…9	ฬIˆT‰ˆ‚&)‡" [i map arg loop 32 127 undefined nil 45 negative-argument 48 57 digit-argument] 4))

(defun substitute-key-definition (olddef newdef keymap) "\
Replace OLDDEF with NEWDEF for any keys in KEYMAP now defined as OLDDEF.
In other words, OLDDEF is replaced with NEWDEF where ever it appears." (byte-code "ล!ƒ*Gฦ
T‰ˆ‚*‚F…Fวศ!!=…=ษ@\"ˆA‰ˆ‚*‡" [keymap len i olddef newdef arrayp 0 cdr-safe car-safe setcdr] 7))

(fset (quote ignore) (quote (lambda (&rest ignore) nil)))

(fset (quote make-syntax-table) (quote copy-syntax-table))

(fset (quote dot) (quote point))

(fset (quote dot-marker) (quote point-marker))

(fset (quote dot-min) (quote point-min))

(fset (quote dot-max) (quote point-max))

(fset (quote window-dot) (quote window-point))

(fset (quote set-window-dot) (quote set-window-point))

(fset (quote read-input) (quote read-string))

(fset (quote send-string) (quote process-send-string))

(fset (quote send-region) (quote process-send-region))

(fset (quote show-buffer) (quote set-window-buffer))

(fset (quote string=) (quote string-equal))

(fset (quote string<) (quote string-lessp))

(fset (quote mod) (quote %))

(fset (quote move-marker) (quote set-marker))

(fset (quote eql) (quote eq))

(fset (quote not) (quote null))

(fset (quote numberp) (quote integerp))

(fset (quote rplaca) (quote setcar))

(fset (quote rplacd) (quote setcdr))

(fset (quote beep) (quote ding))

(fset (quote indent-to-column) (quote indent-to))

(fset (quote backward-delete-char) (quote delete-backward-char))

(defvar global-map nil "\
Default global keymap mapping Emacs keyboard input into commands.
The value is a keymap which is usually (but not necessarily) Emacs's
global map.")

(defvar ctl-x-map nil "\
Default keymap for C-x commands.
The normal global definition of the character C-x indirects to this keymap.")

(defvar esc-map nil "\
Default keymap for ESC (meta) commands.
The normal global definition of the character ESC indirects to this keymap.")

(defvar mouse-map nil "\
Keymap for mouse commands from the X window system.")

(defun run-hooks (&rest hooklist) "\
Takes hook names and runs each one in turn.  Major mode functions use this.
Each argument should be a symbol, a hook variable.
These symbols are processed in the order specified.
If a hook symbol has a non-nil value, that value may be a function
or a list of functions to be called to run the hook.
If the value is a function, it is called with no arguments.
If it is a list, the elements are called, in order, with no arguments." (byte-code "…7@ร	!…-	J…-	J
!))ˆA‰ˆ‚‡" [hooklist sym value boundp lambda mapcar funcall] 6))

(defun momentary-string-display (string pos &optional exit-char message) "\
Momentarily display STRING in the buffer at POS.
Display remains until next character is typed.
If the char is EXIT-CHAR (optional third arg, default is SPC) it is swallowed;
otherwise it is then available as input (as a command if nothing else).
Display MESSAGE (optional fourth arg) in the echo area.
If MESSAGE is nil, instructions to type EXIT-CHAR are displayed there." (byte-code "†ฬ‰ˆยอ 
ยฮŽŠbˆย‰ˆฯ!ˆ`‰)ˆษ	†/ะั!\"ˆr

‰)),‡" [exit-char buffer-read-only nil modified name buffer-file-name insert-end pos string message char unread-command-char 32 buffer-modified-p ((byte-code "…
Šล	\")ˆ‰ˆฦ!‡" [insert-end pos buffer-file-name name modified delete-region set-buffer-modified-p] 3)) insert-before-markers "Type %s to continue editing." single-key-description] 6))

(defun undo-start nil "\
Move undo-pointer to front of undo records.
The next call to undo-more will undo the most recently made change." (byte-code "ม=…	รฤ!ˆ‰‡" [buffer-undo-list t pending-undo-list error "No undo information in this buffer"] 3))

(defun undo-more (count) "\
Undo back N undo-boundaries beyond what was already undone recently.
Call undo-start to get ready to undo recent changes,
then call undo-more one or more times to undo them." (byte-code "†ยร!ˆฤ	\"‰‡" [pending-undo-list count error "No further undo information" primitive-undo] 4))