
(defvar text-mode-syntax-table nil "\
Syntax table used while in text mode.")

(defvar text-mode-abbrev-table nil "\
Abbrev table used while in text mode.")

(define-abbrev-table (quote text-mode-abbrev-table) nil)

(if text-mode-syntax-table nil (setq text-mode-syntax-table (make-syntax-table)) (modify-syntax-entry 34 ".   " text-mode-syntax-table) (modify-syntax-entry 92 ".   " text-mode-syntax-table) (modify-syntax-entry 39 "w   " text-mode-syntax-table))

(defvar text-mode-map nil "\

(if text-mode-map nil (setq text-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap)) (define-key text-mode-map "	" (quote tab-to-tab-stop)) (define-key text-mode-map "s" (quote center-line)) (define-key text-mode-map "S" (quote center-paragraph)))

(defun text-mode nil "\
Major mode for editing text intended for humans to read.  Special commands:\\{text-mode-map}
Turning on text-mode calls the value of the variable text-mode-hook,
if that value is non-nil." (interactive) (byte-code "ฦˆว ˆศ!ˆษ‰ˆส‰ˆ‰ˆห
!ˆฬอ!‡" [text-mode-map mode-name major-mode local-abbrev-table text-mode-abbrev-table text-mode-syntax-table nil kill-all-local-variables use-local-map "Text" text-mode set-syntax-table run-hooks text-mode-hook] 5))

(defvar indented-text-mode-map nil)

(if indented-text-mode-map nil (setq indented-text-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap)) (define-key indented-text-mode-map "	" (quote indent-relative)) (define-key indented-text-mode-map "s" (quote center-line)) (define-key indented-text-mode-map "S" (quote center-paragraph)))

(defun indented-text-mode nil "\
Major mode for editing indented text intended for humans to read.\\{indented-text-mode-map}
Turning on indented-text-mode calls the value of the variable text-mode-hook,
if that value is non-nil." (interactive) (byte-code "มˆษ ˆส!ˆหรม\"ˆ‰ˆฬ!ˆอล!ˆฮ‰ˆส!ˆฯ‰ˆะ‰ˆัา!‡" [text-mode-map nil local-abbrev-table text-mode-abbrev-table text-mode-syntax-table indent-line-function indented-text-mode-map mode-name major-mode kill-all-local-variables use-local-map define-abbrev-table set-syntax-table make-local-variable indent-relative-maybe "Indented Text" indented-text-mode run-hooks text-mode-hook] 8))

(defun center-paragraph nil "\
Center each line in the paragraph at or after point.
See center-line for more info." (interactive) (byte-code "มˆŠย ˆn†
รฤ!ˆ`ล ˆฦ`\"))‡" [end nil forward-paragraph newline 1 backward-paragraph center-region] 6))

(defun center-region (from to) "\
Center each line starting in the region.
See center-line for more info." (interactive "r") (byte-code "รˆ	V…	
‰)ˆŠŒฤ	\"ˆbˆm?…*ล ˆฦว!ˆ‚))‡" [from to tem nil narrow-to-region center-line forward-line 1] 5))

(defun center-line nil "\
Center the line point is on, within the width specified by `fill-column'.
This means adjusting the indentation to match
the distance between the end of the text and `fill-column'." (interactive) (byte-code "รˆŠรฤ ˆล ˆฦ ˆล ˆi‰ˆฤ ˆ	วศ
	#ษ\"\\j))‡" [line-length left-margin fill-column nil beginning-of-line delete-horizontal-space end-of-line / - 2] 11))