
_dnl__								-*- Texinfo -*-
_dnl__ Copyright (c) 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
_dnl__ This file is part of the source for the GDB manual.
_dnl__ M4 FRAGMENT: $Id: gdbinv-m.m4.in,v 2.6 1992/10/23 08:50:17 grossman Exp $
* Remote Serial::               _GDBN__ remote serial protocol
* i960-Nindy Remote::		_GDBN__ with a remote i960 (Nindy)
* EB29K Remote::		_GDBN__ with a remote EB29K
* VxWorks Remote::		_GDBN__ and VxWorks
* ST2000 Remote::               _GDBN__ with a Tandem ST2000
* Hitachi H8/300 Remote::       _GDBN__ and the Hitachi H8/300