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/* Variables that describe the inferior process running under GDB:
   Where it is, why it stopped, and how to step it.
   Copyright 1986, 1989, 1992 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

This file is part of GDB.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.  */

#if !defined (INFERIOR_H)
#define INFERIOR_H 1

/* For symtab_and_line */
#include "symtab.h"

/* For bpstat.  */
#include "breakpoint.h"

/* For FRAME_ADDR.  */
#include "frame.h"

 * Structure in which to save the status of the inferior.  Save
 * through "save_inferior_status", restore through
 * "restore_inferior_status".
 * This pair of routines should be called around any transfer of
 * control to the inferior which you don't want showing up in your
 * control variables.
struct inferior_status {
  int pc_changed;
  int stop_signal;
  int stop_pc;
  FRAME_ADDR stop_frame_address;
  bpstat stop_bpstat;
  int stop_step;
  int stop_stack_dummy;
  int stopped_by_random_signal;
  int trap_expected;
  CORE_ADDR step_range_start;
  CORE_ADDR step_range_end;
  FRAME_ADDR step_frame_address;
  int step_over_calls;
  CORE_ADDR step_resume_break_address;
  int stop_after_trap;
  int stop_soon_quietly;
  FRAME_ADDR selected_frame_address;
  int selected_level;
  char register_context[REGISTER_BYTES];
  int breakpoint_proceeded;
  int restore_stack_info;

extern void
save_inferior_status PARAMS ((struct inferior_status *, int));

extern void
restore_inferior_status PARAMS ((struct inferior_status *));

/* File name for default use for standard in/out in the inferior.  */

extern char *inferior_io_terminal;

/* Pid of our debugged inferior, or 0 if no inferior now.  */

extern int inferior_pid;

/* Character array containing an image of the inferior programs' registers.  */

extern char registers[];

/* Array of validity bits (one per register).  Nonzero at position XXX_REGNUM
   means that `registers' contains a valid copy of inferior register XXX.  */

extern char register_valid[NUM_REGS];

extern void
clear_proceed_status PARAMS ((void));

extern void
proceed PARAMS ((CORE_ADDR, int, int));

extern void
kill_inferior PARAMS ((void));

extern void
generic_mourn_inferior PARAMS ((void));

extern void
terminal_ours PARAMS ((void));

extern void
run_stack_dummy PARAMS ((CORE_ADDR, char [REGISTER_BYTES]));

extern CORE_ADDR
read_pc PARAMS ((void));

extern void
write_pc PARAMS ((CORE_ADDR));

extern void
wait_for_inferior PARAMS ((void));

extern void
init_wait_for_inferior PARAMS ((void));

extern void
close_exec_file PARAMS ((void));

extern void
reopen_exec_file PARAMS ((void));

/* The `resume' routine should only be called in special circumstances.
   Normally, use `proceed', which handles a lot of bookkeeping.  */
extern void
resume PARAMS ((int, int));

/* From misc files */

extern void
store_inferior_registers PARAMS ((int));

extern void
fetch_inferior_registers PARAMS ((int));

extern void 
solib_create_inferior_hook PARAMS ((void));

extern void
child_terminal_info PARAMS ((char *, int));

extern void
term_info PARAMS ((char *, int));

extern void
terminal_ours_for_output PARAMS ((void));

extern void
terminal_inferior PARAMS ((void));

extern void
terminal_init_inferior PARAMS ((void));

/* From infptrace.c */

extern int
attach PARAMS ((int));

detach PARAMS ((int));

extern void
child_resume PARAMS ((int, int));

#define PTRACE_ARG3_TYPE int	/* Correct definition for most systems. */

extern int
call_ptrace PARAMS ((int, int, PTRACE_ARG3_TYPE, int));

/* From procfs.c */

extern int
proc_iterate_over_mappings PARAMS ((int (*) (int, CORE_ADDR)));

/* From fork-child.c */

extern void
fork_inferior PARAMS ((char *, char *, char **,
		       void (*) (void),
		       void (*) (int)));

/* From inflow.c */

extern void
new_tty_prefork PARAMS ((char *));

/* From infrun.c */

extern void
start_remote PARAMS ((void));

extern void
normal_stop PARAMS ((void));

extern int
signal_stop_state PARAMS ((int));

extern int
signal_print_state PARAMS ((int));

extern int
signal_pass_state PARAMS ((int));

/* From infcmd.c */

extern void
tty_command PARAMS ((char *, int));

extern void
attach_command PARAMS ((char *, int));

/* Last signal that the inferior received (why it stopped).  */

extern int stop_signal;

/* Address at which inferior stopped.  */

extern CORE_ADDR stop_pc;

/* Stack frame when program stopped.  */

extern FRAME_ADDR stop_frame_address;

/* Chain containing status of breakpoint(s) that we have stopped at.  */

extern bpstat stop_bpstat;

/* Flag indicating that a command has proceeded the inferior past the
   current breakpoint.  */

extern int breakpoint_proceeded;

/* Nonzero if stopped due to a step command.  */

extern int stop_step;

/* Nonzero if stopped due to completion of a stack dummy routine.  */

extern int stop_stack_dummy;

/* Nonzero if program stopped due to a random (unexpected) signal in
   inferior process.  */

extern int stopped_by_random_signal;

/* Range to single step within.
   If this is nonzero, respond to a single-step signal
   by continuing to step if the pc is in this range.  */

extern CORE_ADDR step_range_start; /* Inclusive */
extern CORE_ADDR step_range_end; /* Exclusive */

/* Stack frame address as of when stepping command was issued.
   This is how we know when we step into a subroutine call,
   and how to set the frame for the breakpoint used to step out.  */

extern FRAME_ADDR step_frame_address;

/* 1 means step over all subroutine calls.
   -1 means step over calls to undebuggable functions.  */

extern int step_over_calls;

/* If stepping, nonzero means step count is > 1
   so don't print frame next time inferior stops
   if it stops due to stepping.  */

extern int step_multi;

/* Nonzero means expecting a trap and caller will handle it themselves.
   It is used after attach, due to attaching to a process;
   when running in the shell before the child program has been exec'd;
   and when running some kinds of remote stuff (FIXME?).  */

extern int stop_soon_quietly;

/* Nonzero if proceed is being used for a "finish" command or a similar
   situation when stop_registers should be saved.  */

extern int proceed_to_finish;

/* Save register contents here when about to pop a stack dummy frame,
   if-and-only-if proceed_to_finish is set.
   Thus this contains the return value from the called function (assuming
   values are returned in a register).  */

extern char stop_registers[REGISTER_BYTES];

/* Nonzero if pc has been changed by the debugger
   since the inferior stopped.  */

extern int pc_changed;

/* Nonzero if the child process in inferior_pid was attached rather
   than forked.  */

extern int attach_flag;
/* Possible values for CALL_DUMMY_LOCATION.  */
#define ON_STACK 1
#define AFTER_TEXT_END 3

#if !defined (CALL_DUMMY_LOCATION)
#endif /* No CALL_DUMMY_LOCATION.  */

/* Are we in a call dummy?  The code below which allows DECR_PC_AFTER_BREAK
   below is for infrun.c, which may give the macro a pc without that
   subtracted out.  */
#if !defined (PC_IN_CALL_DUMMY)
extern CORE_ADDR text_end;
#define PC_IN_CALL_DUMMY(pc, sp, frame_address) \
  ((pc) >= text_end - CALL_DUMMY_LENGTH         \
   && (pc) <= text_end + DECR_PC_AFTER_BREAK)
#else /* Not before text_end.  */
extern CORE_ADDR text_end;
#define PC_IN_CALL_DUMMY(pc, sp, frame_address) \
  ((pc) >= text_end   \
   && (pc) <= text_end + CALL_DUMMY_LENGTH + DECR_PC_AFTER_BREAK)
#else /* On stack.  */
#define PC_IN_CALL_DUMMY(pc, sp, frame_address) \
  ((sp) INNER_THAN (pc) && (pc) INNER_THAN (frame_address))
#endif /* On stack.  */
#endif /* Not before text_end.  */
#endif /* No PC_IN_CALL_DUMMY.  */

#endif	/* !defined (INFERIOR_H) */