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mhe \- Display interface to Rand Mail Handler
is a program that provides an Emacs-based display-oriented front end to the
Rand Mail Handler. By Emacs-based we mean that it is actually implemented as
an extensive macro package in Emacs, thereby providing access to full Emacs
at all points. By display-oriented, we mean that it provides windows on mail
messages and headers so that you can edit your mail directory as if it were
a file.
To get started using \fIMHE\fR without being an expert at \fIMH\fR, just
type ``mhe'' to the shell. It will start up Emacs, load the macro package,
tell you how to initialize things if you have not already done so, and then
(assuming things are initialized properly) load your inbox headers into its
current window in a buffer named ``+inbox''. You can then type various
1-character commands to do mail operations. The ``?'' command asks for help.
If you want to use the Emacs that is inside \fIMHE\fR, just visit a file
with C-X C-V, in the normal way. If you want to return to the \fIMHE\fR
code, just make the buffer ``+inbox'' visible again; the key bindings are
buffer-local, and will magically return to their mail-reading meanings.
.ta 1.5i
mh (1)	- the Rand Mail Handler
Brian K. Reid
There is a fundamental design bug in the Unix kernel that prevents more than
one Emacs process from being able to run at a time. \fIMHE\fR is implemented
in Emacs. This means that you cannot have a mail-reading job and an editing
job active simultaneously. However, since you have access to all of Emacs
while inside \fIMHE\fR, this is not a serious problem.