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% these are special for mh4.tex
\def\whatnow/{{\tt What now?\/}}

\def\pgm#1{{\it#1}}			% UNIX programs
\def\man#1(#2){\pgm{#1\/}(#2)}		% Manual entries
\def\arg#1{\hbox{\sl\`{}#1\'{}}}	% arguments to programs
\def\switch#1{\hbox{\`{}\tt-\sl#1\'{}}}	% switches to programs
\def\eg#1{\hbox{\tt#1}}			% example
\def\file#1{\hbox{\sl#1}}		% filename
\def\bq#1{\`{}#1\`{}}			% back-quoted command

    Changes to\\
	The Rand MH Message Handling System:\\\\
    Marshall T.~Rose\author
\footnote{}{\hskip -\parskip $^\dagger$ Computer Mail: {\tx MRose@ICS.UCI.EDU}.}
\centerline{\sc Abstract}
This document describes user-visible changes to the
UCI version of the Rand \MH/ system that were made
from \mh3 to \mh4.
In particular,
four facilities are discussed:
multiple composition of drafts,
user-defined sequences,
the folder-stack,
relative folder addressing.
This document does not describe bug-fixes, per se,
or internal changes,
unless these activities resulted in a visible change for the \MH/ user.
This document is meant to supplement,
not supersede, the standard \MH/ user manual\cite{MH}.
Comments concerning this documentation should be addressed to the Internet
mailbox {\sf Bug-MH@ICS.UCI.EDU}.

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