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\section{Introduction}				% mtr
\tagfigure{0}{\MTS/ model}{mtsmodel}

The UCI version of the Rand Message Handling System, \MH/,
is a user agent.
In the interests of brevity,
we dispense with the usual definition of terms,
refer the reader to Figure~\mtsmodel,
and simply note that \MH/ is not responsible for delivering mail.
it interacts with a {\it message transport system}, \MTS/,
at two interfaces:
it sends mail by placing it through a {\it posting slot} to the \MTS/,
and it receives mail by retrieving it through a {\it delivery slot} from the
Besides these two \MTS/-specific activities,
the tasks which \MH/ addresses are:
the composition of messages
(which may, or may not, be in reference to previously sent messages),
the reading of messages,
and the organization of messages.

\MH/ was originally developed by the Rand Corporation,
and initially was proprietary software.
The Department of Information and Computer Science at
University of California, Irvine,
shortly after joining the Computer Science Network (CSnet),
acquired a copy of \MH/,
and began additional development of the software.
Since that time,
the Rand Corporation has declared \MH/ to be in the public domain,
and the UCI version of \MH/ has passed through four major releases.

Much credit must be given to the initial designers and implementors of \MH/:
Bruce Borden, Stockton Gaines, and Norman Shapiro.
Although \MH/ has suffered significant development at UCI
since Rand's initial release,
the fundamental concepts of \MH/'s environs have remained nearly unchanged.
In addition,
the current maintainers of \MH/ gratefully acknowledge the comments of the
many sites which have run various releases of \MH/ in the past.

\MH/ runs on different versions of the \unix/ operating system
(such as 4.2\bsd/~\unix/ and various flavors of v7~\unix/).
In addition,
\MH/ supports four different \MTS/ interfaces:
the standard mailer for 4.2\bsd/ systems;
\MMDF/\cite{DCroc79} and \MMDFII/\cite{DKing84},
the Multi-Channel Memo Distribution Facility developed by the University of
which forms the software-backbone for CSnet\cite{DCome83} mail relays service;
the ARPA Internet Simple Mail Transfer Protocol\cite{SMTP};
a stand-alone delivery system.

The organization of this paper is straight-forward,
given space considerations.
the \MH/ philosophy of mail handling is presented,
along with a description of the environment which the \MH/ user is given to
process mail.
Following this,
certain advanced features of \MH/ are discussed in more detail.
In particular,
the notion of a {\it draft folder} is introduced,
which permits the handling of multiple drafts during composition.
In addition,
message selection facilities are described.
two different aspects of \MH/'s power as a software system are discussed:
record handling, in which \MH/ facilitates record processing systems;
how \MH/ can be employed in a distributed mail environment.
This latter section raises questions as to the location of the posting and
delivery slots,
along with authentication mechanisms.
we conclude by discussing areas of future development which \MH/ may endure.

Although familiarity with \MH/ is not assumed on the part of the reader,
some knowledge of the \unix/ operating system is useful.
Appendix~A gives a short synopsis of the \MH/ commands.

\section{The \MH/ Philosophy}			% mtr
Although \MH/ has many traits which tend to differ it from other user agents,
the design aspect which fundamentally influences the interface between \MH/
and the user is that it is composed of many small
programs instead of one very large one.
This architecture gives \MH/ much of its strength,
since intermediate and advanced users are able to take advantage of this

The key to this flexibility is that the \unix/ shell
(usually the {\it C} shell or the {\it Bourne} shell),
is the user's interface to \MH/.
This means that when handling mail,
the entire power of the shell is at the user's disposal in addition to the
facilities which \MH/ provides.
the user may intersperse mail handling commands with other commands in an
arbitrary fashion,
making use of command handling capabilities that the user's shell provides.

rather than storing messages in a complicated data structure
within a monolithic file,
in \MH/, each message is a \unix/ file,
and each folder (an object which holds groups of messages)
is a \unix/ directory.
That is,
the directory and file structure of \unix/ is used directly.
As a result,
any \unix/ file-handling command can be applied to any message.

To the novice,
this may not make much sense or may not seem important.
From three years of observation, we have seen that
as users of \MH/ have become more experienced
they have found this capability to be quite attractive.
In addition,
this approach is often quite pleasing to system implementors,
because it minimizes the amount of coding to be performed
given a modular design,
changes to the software system can be maintained easily.
Our empirical findings confirm our theoretical expectations regarding the
\MH/ architecture.

Having described how \MH/ fits into the \unix/ environment,
we now discuss the mail handling environment which is available to the \MH/

\subsection{The \MH/ Environs}			% jns
\MH/ provides a complementary environment to the user's shell.
While the shell maintains a context related to the user's focus in the file
system (a {\it current working directory\/}),
mail handling is performed in a separate mail folder context.
Operations on mail can therefore be
performed entirely without regard to the current file system context,
although \MH/ does not prevent the user from making use of that context.
Certain mail handling functions do make use of information
maintained by the shell.
For instance, by setting certain shell parameters,
called {\it environment variables},
alternate mail handling contexts can be selected.

\MH/ conventions often have direct analogs to shell or file system
The shell has a current working directory; \MH/ has a current mail folder.
When the user begins a session on the system,
the user's ``home directory'' is the base context;
\MH/'s default base area, the \Mail/ directory, 
is found under the user's home directory.
The user's default shell parameters are set upon beginning a new
session from a startup profile
(called \file{.profile} for \pgm{sh} users
or \file{.cshrc} for \pgm{csh} users);
the default parameters for \MH/ commands are taken from a file called
\profile/ in the user's home directory.
The shell has an {\it environment\/};
\MH/ has a \context/ file.
Each of the user's directories has files;
each of the user's \MH/ folders has messages.

These parallels have a basis not only in \MH/'s high level mail
handling model,
but also in the way low level shell and file
system conventions have been abstracted to implement \MH/ conventions.
Directories are folders; files are messages.
The \Mail/ directory forms the root of a virtual file subsystem within
which the user operates on mail without disturbing files outside this
mail handling domain. 

\tagfigure{1}{\MH/ File Subsystem\\(directories are shaded)}{MHfiles}
\tagdiagram{2}{Elaborated \MH/ Profile}{elab}
\subsection{The \MH/ Profile}
The \profile/ contains plaintext that describes the user's default mail
handling parameters.
An example of an elaborated profile is shown in Figure~\elab.

Each line in the profile consists of an \MH/ parameter name terminated
with a colon (`:') followed by parameter values.
In this example,
``global'' parameters are listed in the first few lines,
with program-specific parameters following.
Each \MH/ program examines global parameters as well as any parameter
with the same name by which the program was invoked.
For example,
the \pgm{comp} program, which is used to compose new messages to be sent,
examines the entries:
{\advance\leftskip by2\parindent
The path parameter specifies the name of the \MH/ root directory.
This is normally named \Mail/.

The editor parameter specifies which text editor is first invoked to create
the header information and body of a message draft.
In most cases, this editor is the \MH/ default editor, \pgm{prompter}.

This parameter specifies a folder within which new message drafts
are to be created.
The draft folder mechanism is an advanced feature of \MH/ that is
given separate treatment in a later segment of this paper.

The program-specific parameter examined by \pgm{comp} lists
user-default options.

Other programs invoked by \pgm{comp}
(e.g. \pgm{prompter} and \pgm{send\/}) would examine their own profile 
entries as well.
\MH/ programs have reasonable compiled-in defaults and also permit options to
be specified on the shell command line with which the programs are invoked.
The order of override precedence is: command line options first,
\profile/ options second, and compiled-in defaults last.

Each program option is prefixed by a dash (`-') following the \unix/
Unlike most \unix/-style options,
however, the options are words rather than single letters.
An option may be abbreviated to an unambiguous prefix.
Each \MH/ program has a \switch{help} option that
displays a brief summary of the program's available options.

\subsection{Folders and Messages}
In a typical paper-oriented office,
new correspondence arrives and is stacked in an ``in box'',
while outgoing correspondence is placed in an ``out box''.
Processed material is stored in
appropriately labelled folders and filed away for future reference.
This state of affairs is modelled in \MH/ with {\it folders}
and {\it messages},
which are simply text files (one message per file) stored
under the folder directories.
Most of the user's folders are kept under the \Mail/ directory.

A folder is given an alphanumeric name permissible within the \unix/ file
system structure,
and each message stored therein is given a numeric name in the range 1..1999.
The upper bound on message numbers was
selected for efficient access to an internal representation,
an array of bits (a ``bit set''),
with each bit indicating the presence or
absence of a message with a number in the range 1..1999.
This internal representation also restricts the order of multiple
message reference to an ascending numerical sequence.
Other representations have been studied
(e.g., an unsorted sparse array of integers),
but have been rejected for reasons of efficiency.
Folders may contain subfolders,
corresponding to \unix/ tree-structured directories.
For the sake of completeness,
it might be said that ``sub-messages'' exist insofar as message ``digests'',
which nest messages inside other messages,
are supported by certain advanced \MH/ functions.

The current working folder is the default folder selected for almost
all \MH/ commands.
To select explicitly a folder for mail handling
commands entails specifying the name of the folder, prefixing the name
with a plus-symbol (`+').
An example is: \example refile\ 1\ 2\ 3\ +chron/yr.1984\endexample
This command re-files the selected messages
(\file{1}, \file{2}, and \file{3} here)
from the current working folder to a subfolder under the
folder \file{chron} named \file{yr.1984}.
To see the folder/subfolder relationship, refer to Figure~\MHfiles.

The plus-symbol notation is specific to those folders immediately
subordinate to the \Mail/ directory.
This is analogous to ``absolute pathnames'' in \unix/---those
files whose positions in the file system
hierarchy are given starting with the system root,
names prefixed with the slash character (`/').
To specify folders subordinate to the current working folder,
an at-sign (`@') is substituted for (`+').
It is permitted to use \unix/ dot notation to specify parent folders.
Referring to Figure~\MHfiles,
if the current working folder were \eg{+chron/yr.1985},
then the command \example folder\ @../yr.1984\endexample
selects the subfolder \file{yr.1984} in the parent directory
\file{chron}, as the new current working folder.
While the current working folder is normally the default, it may be
specified explicitly as \eg{@.}.

\subsection{The Context File}
The \profile/ contains static information about the user's
A \context/ file, contained in the \Mail/ directory,
contains the current mail handling environment information,
which changes as different folders, messages, and named message lists
(called {\it message sequences\/})  are selected, created, and updated.
This information is retained between invocations of \MH/ commands,
and is preserved across system sessions.

\tagdiagram{3}{Elaborated Reply Template}{replcomps}
The message draft composition functions
(\pgm{comp}, \pgm{repl}, \pgm{forw}, and \pgm{dist\/})
use certain default header formats,
which may be changed by the user through the use of message templates.
The exact format of a template may vary among commands.
An example of an elaborated template for the reply command \pgm{repl} is
shown in Figure~\replcomps.

This template specifies how the automatically-generated header for a
draft message in reply to a source message is to be formatted.
The syntax is capable of directing output of header lines based on the
presence or absence of other header lines in the source message.

Other kinds of templates are used to specify the display formats of
messages, or to specify the way that messages are to be included in
other messages.  This is similar to the functionality provided by BBN
another powerful mail handling system for \tops20/ based systems.

\subsection{Explaining All This to New Users}
There do exist people who do not like \MH/.%
\nfootnote{At UCI, these
people are reported to be weeded out at an early stage and quietly taken to the
Ministry of Love to be made {\it uncrimethinkful}.}
The emerging pattern of complaints from such people indicates that \MH/
accentuates their perceptions of the deficiencies of \unix/,
to wit, lack of interactivity and lack of easily found help facilities.
some feel that the proximity of the mail handling environment to the
operating system is a distraction, rather than an asset.
There have been some attempts to make \MH/ more accessible to users who prefer
menu-oriented or monolithic mail system interfaces.%
\nfootnote{For example,
\pgm{mhe} from Brian Reid of Stanford University
and \pgm{emh} from Marshall Rose
are instances of macro packages for James Gosling's \EMACS/ extensible editor,
while the \pgm{hm} program from Jim Guyton of the Rand Corporation is a
monolithic \MH/ interface.
As of this writing,
none of these programs is documented in the literature.}

In truth,
users new to \unix/ do not always acclimate to \MH/ easily.
The command set is undistinguishably mixed in with all other \unix/
utilities, and it is not easy, without aid of a manual,
to pick out the necessary commands.
\MH/ does not provide any ``hand-holding'' to guide
the user through a minimally useful command subset.

Another problem is that the initial default user profile is too often sparse,
containing only a \eg{Path:} parameter.
\MH/ commands will perform adequately without specific information
in the profile,
so new users often neglect optionally useful \MH/ capabilities,
eventually becoming frustrated with the limited default capabilities,
yet unable to determine without researching through the user's manual,
the necessary options that would solve their problems.

The currently available means for learning how to use \MH/ are:
{\advance\leftskip by 2\parindent
One-on-one tutoring by knowledgeable \MH/ users,
which has so far shown the best results with new users.

Consulting the {\it \MH/ Tutorial\/}\cite{MRose84b},
or the {\it \MH/ User's Manual\/}\cite{MRose85a}.

Using the \pgm{msh} (``\MH/ shell'') program as a training shell to read
bulletin boards.
The \pgm{msh} command is an interactive program that provides some help
messages and can list available \MH/ commands.

No on-line tutorial materials are presently distributed with the \mh5
system, although there are some plans in the works to provide a program
to help with setting up the user profile that would also provide
operational tips for \MH/ and \unix/. 

It should be noted that these perceived defects of \MH/ do not affect its
utility any more than analogous problems with any operating system
will diminish its actual capabilities.
Users may quarrel with the means chosen for orchestrating \MH/,
but the fact remains that \MH/ is a very
useful set of mail handling tools that is flexible,
infinitely interoperable with other \unix/ text handling tools,
and yet simple enough for new users to grasp once they are given the 
proper start.
The fact that better tutorial materials and training do not exist only means
that some further work needs to be done in the area of user-education.

\section{A Few Advanced Features}		% mtr
We now consider certain advanced features in \MH/.
These features have been chosen to demonstrate some useful capabilities
available to the \MH/ user.
It should be noted that many capabilities of \MH/,
such as shell scripts for extensibility,
mail delivery hooks,
the personal aliasing facility,
and so forth,
are not described here for lack of space.

\subsection{Draft Folders}			% jns
The {\it draft folder} facility provides a method by which several
message drafts can be simultaneously composed and maintained until
The rationale for this is that partially composed message drafts,
perhaps elaborate sets of separate messages,
can be incrementally completed,
while a folder provides a consistent organization for drafts in progress.
This is comparable to similar situations in the ``paper world'' where
contracts, business correspondence, and other communications,
rather than being created serially with each posted in turn before composing
the next,
are usually left in various stages of
completion before they are eventually mailed.

The \eg{Draft-Folder:} parameter value in the \MH/ profile is used to
specify a default draft folder,
where each draft is given a number and an ``artificial'' date stamp.
Provided that the proper header fields have been completed,
a \pgm{scan} listing of the draft folder provides a summary of
each draft in progress:
to whom the message is to be sent,
the subject,
the date of the draft's initial creation and optionally,
the current size of the draft in terms of characters.
Experienced users of \MH/ may often keep as many as five to ten unfinished
drafts in their draft folder.
``Draft clutter'' can be remedied easily with the \pgm{rmm} command.

\subsection{Message Selection}			% stef
\MH/ commands accept {\it message sequence} specifications to specify which
\arg{msg} or \arg{msgs} are to be operated upon.
Here are some examples:
\example scan\ 1\ 3\ 5\ 19\ 185\endexample
to get a scan listing of messages 1, 3, 5, 19 and 185.
\example scan\ pseq\endexample
to get a scan listing of whatever message sequence was given to the previous
MH command (in this case 1, 3, 5, 19, and 185).
\example show\ first\ last\endexample
to get a display of the first and last messages in the folder.
The \MH/ sequences named \eg{first} and \eg{last} are system defined pseudo
sequences which act like explicit sequences when given to MH commands.
Others are \eg{cur}, \eg{next}, \eg{prev},
and \eg{all} which respectively specify the ``current'' message,
the ``next'' after cur,
the ``previous'' message before cur,
or ``all'' messages in the current-folder.
The \pgm{scan} assumes \eg{all} while show assumes \eg{cur},
unless overridden on the command line.
Over-ride precedence is: command-line first,
\profile/ second,
and compiled-in default last.

Users can define additional sequences for similar use,
but must avoid using reserved names.
A few optional sequence names have been preempted by \MH/,
such as \eg{pseq} to mean the
``sequence used by the previous MH command,''
and \eg{unseen} to mean the ``messages not yet seen by the user.''
Sometimes these preempted names can be changed by resetting them in the
user's \MH/ profile,
but these facilities are beyond the scope of this discussion.

The mark command can be used to set the values for user-defined sequences:
\example mark\ 1\ 3\ 5\ -seq\ zzz\\
	 mark\ 4\ 5\ 9\ -seq\ zzz\ -nozero\endexample
will create a user-sequence named \eg{zzz} and put the sequence \eg{1 3 5}
in it.
The \pgm{mark} command assumes that any prior content in an
existing user-sequence should be ``zeroed'' before the new sequence value is
This can be prevented with a \switch{nozero} switch on the command line,
to add \eg{4 5 9} to the original \eg{1 3 5} to yield \eg{1 3 4 5 9}.
\example mark\ pseq\ zzz\ -seq\ zzznew\endexample
will create a new sequence named \eg{zzznew} and set its value to the combined
(inclusive or) of the existing user-sequences in \eg{pseq} and \eg{zzz} for
its value.

Another more powerful way to set the values of a user-sequence is with
the pick command, which provides full string search capabilities:
\example pick\ -from\ mrose\ -seq\ yyy\\
	 pick\ -from\ mrose\ -seq\ yyy\ -list\endexample
will search though all the \eg{From:} fields in the current folder for the
string \eg{mrose} and place the list of ``hits''
in the sequence named \eg{yyy}.
The \switch{list} switch will cause the resulting list to also be displayed on
the user's terminal.
If no \switch{seq\ name} switch is given,
pick will assume \switch{list}
and will simply display the resulting list of hits on the user's terminal.

This \switch{list} behavior of pick allows users to take advantage of the
\unix/ backquoting facility to embed searches in other \MH/ commands.
\example scan\ \bq{pick\ -from\ mrose}\endexample
will produce a scan listing of \switch{from\ mrose} hits because the
\unix/ shell will spawn a process to execute the
\eg{pick\ -from\ mrose} segment and return the \switch{list}
results as the message sequence to be scanned.
\example mark\ pseq\ -seq\ zzz\endexample
could then be used to capture the ``previous sequence'' in zzz for later use.

One last facility should be mentioned here.
It is also possible to negate a sequence to specify a new sequence.
The default negation string is \eg{not}.
\example scan\ notzzz\\
	 mark\ notzzz\ -seq\ zzznot\endexample
will give the user a scan listing of all the messages in the current folder
that are not included in the sequence \eg{zzz}.
The mark example will of course record the negation of zzz in zzznot.
It is a bad idea to use the string \eg{not} as the beginning of any
user-sequence name,
if \eg{not} is defined as the negation string.
(Users can choose a different negation string.)

From this discussion,
it should be clear that \MH/ provides a uniform set of ways to capture
and use sequences to augment the user's short- and long-term
memory and to manipulate lists of interesting messages.
User-sequences are normally stored as RFC822 labeled text lines in a file
(e.g., \sequences/)
in the folder with the messages referred to in the sequence.
If a user does not have write access to a folder,
then the \MH/ \pgm{mark} and \pgm{pick} commands will
create a ``private'' sequence in the user's \context/ file.
Switches are available to give the user control over
the choice of \switch{private} or \switch{public} sequence options.

Since user-sequences are stored as ordinary text lines in RFC822 labeled
there is no prohibition against someone writing programs to perform
any kind of useful manipulation on \MH/ sequences.
Boolean operators can be implemented,
or complex indexing structures could be developed to serve special purposes.
If a DBMS can utilize \unix/ pathnames or \MH/ \arg{+folder} and
message names,
then the full power of the DBMS might be applied.
The intention of \MH/ development teams has always been to leave open the
widest possible array of options for later extension.
The only restrictions should be the user's ingenuity,
programming prowess, and the available machine resources.
Unfortunately these resources always seem to be available in
limited quantities.

\subsection{Distribution Lists}			% mtr
\MH/ has a convenient interface to the UCI BBoards facility\cite{MRose84a}.%
\nfootnote{The UCI BBoards facility can run under either the \MMDF/ or
or in a more restricted form under stand-alone \MH/.}
This facility permits the efficient distribution of interest group messages
on a single host,
to a group of hosts under a single administration,
and to the ARPA Internet community.

Described simply, an interest group is composed of a number of subscribers
with a common interest.
These subscribers post mail to a single address, known as a
{\it distribution} address (e.g., {\tx MH-Workers@UCI}).
From this distribution address, a copy of the message is sent to each
Each group has a {\it moderator},
which is the person that runs the group.
This moderator can usually be reached at a special address,
known as a {\it request} address (e.g., {\tx MH-Workers-Request@UCI}).
Usually, the responsibilities of the moderator are quite simple,
since the mail system handles distribution to subscribers automatically.
In some interest groups,
instead of each separate message being distributed directly to subscribers,
a batch of (related) messages are put into a {\it digest} format by the
moderator and then sent to the subscribers.
Although this requires more work on the part of the moderator
and introduces delays,
such groups tend to be better organized.

Unfortunately, some problems arise with the scheme outlined above.
First, if two users on the same host subscribe to the same interest group,
two copies of the message will be delivered.
This is wasteful of both processor and disk resources at that host.

some groups carry a lot of traffic.
Although subscription to a group does indicate interest on the part of a
it is usually not interesting to get 50 messages or so delivered to 
the user's private maildrop each day,
interspersed with {\it personal} mail,
that is likely to be of a much more important and timely nature.

Third, if a subscriber's address in a distribution list 
becomes ``bad'' somehow and causes failed mail to be returned,
the originator of the message is normally notified.
It is not uncommon for a large list to have several bogus addresses.
This results in the originator being flooded with ``error messages'' from
mailers across the Internet stating that a given address on the list was
Needless to say,
the originator usually does not care if the bogus addresses got a copy
of the message or not.
The originator is merely interested in posting a message
to the group at large.
On the other hand,
the moderator of the group does care if there are bogus addresses on the list,
but ironically does not receive notification.

To solve all of these problems,
the UCI BBoards facility introduces a new entity into the picture:
all interest group mail is handled by a special component of the mail system.
The distribution address maps to a special {\it channel} that performs
several actions.
First, if local delivery is to be performed,
then a copy of the message is placed in a global maildrop for the interest
group with a timestamp and a unique number.
Local users can read messages posted for the interest group by reading this
``public'' maildrop.
Second, if further distribution is to take place,
a copy of the message is sent to the distribution address in such a way that
if any of the addresses are bogus,
failure notices will be returned to the local maintainer of the group
address list, rather than the originator of the message.

This scheme has several advantages:
First, messages delivered to the local host are processed and saved once
in a globally accessible area.
The UCI BBoards facility supports software which allows a user to query an
interest group for new messages and to read and process
those messages in the \MH/-style.
Second, once a host administrator subscribes to an interest group,
each user can join or quit the list's readership without
contacting anyone.
Third, a hierarchical distribution scheme can be constructed to
reduce the amount of delivery effort.
Fourth, errors are prevented from propagating.
When an address on the distribution list goes bad,
the list moderator who is immediately responsible for the address is notified.
If a local moderator does not exist,
then the local PostMaster is notified (not the global group moderator).

In addition to solving the problems outlined above,
the UCI BBoards facility supports several other capabilities.
BBoards may be automatically archived in order to conserve disk space and
reduce processing time when reading current items.
the archives can be separately maintained on tape for access by interested

Special alias files may be generated which allow the \MH/ user to shorten
address type-in.
For example, instead of sending to {\tx SF-Lovers@Rutgers},
a user of \MH/ usually sends to \eg{SF-Lovers} and the \MH/ aliasing
facility automatically makes the appropriate expansion in the headers of the
outgoing message.
the user need only know the name of an interest group and not its global
network address.

Finally, the UCI BBoards facility supports {\it private} interest groups
using the \unix/ group access mechanism.
This allows a group of people on the same or different machines to conduct a
private discussion.

The practical upshot of all this is that the UCI BBoards facility automates
the vast majority of BBoards handling from the point of view of both the
PostMaster and the user.

\MH/ provides three programs to deal with interest groups.
The \pgm{bbc} program is used to check on the status of one or more groups,
and to optionally start an \MH/ shell on those groups which the user is
interested in.
The \pgm{bbl} program can be used to perform manual maintenance on a
discussion group beyond the normal automatic capabilities of the UCI BBoards
the \pgm{msh} program implements an \MH/ shell for reading BBoards,
in which nearly all of the \MH/ commands are implemented in a single program.

Observant readers may note that the use of \pgm{msh} is contrary to the \MH/
philosophy of using relatively small, single-purposed programs.
the authors admit that this is true.
In an effort to avoid some problems with shared-access and message naming
conventions (which are beyond the scope of this paper),
BBoards are kept in maildrop format (monolithic) instead of folders.
Some research has gone into overcoming this problem in order to restore
\MH/'s purity of purpose,
but all solutions proposed to date are either unworkable or require
significant recoding of \MH/'s internals.

\subsection{Encapsulation}			% mtr
As described above,
some interest groups appear in digest form.
This means that the messages which appear in such a forum actually
encapsulate other messages in their body.
It turns out that the generation of a digest is not at all unlike the
generation of a draft which forwards one or more messages.
In RFC934\cite{MRose85b},
a method is proposed to standardize message encapsulation for the ARPA
Internet community.
\MH/ uses this method for the generation of digests,
and blind-carbon-copies.

A key requisite for using an encapsulation technique for digests and
forwardings is the ability to later decapsulate the contents.
Without this ability,
the forwarded messages are of little use to the recipients because they can
not be distributed, forwarded, replied-to, searched-for,
or otherwise processed as separate individual messages.
In the case of a digest,
a bursting capability is especially useful.
Not only does the ability to burst a digest permit a recipient of the digest
to reply to an individual digestified message,
but it also allows the recipient to selectively process the other messages
encapsulated in the digest.

For example,
a single digest issue usually contains more than one topic.
A subscriber may only be interested in a subset of the topic discussed in a
particular issue.
With a bursting capability,
the subscriber can burst the digest,
scan the headers,
and process those messages which are of interest.
The others can be ignored,
if the user so desires.

Note that with proper encapsulation technology,
one can argue for the re-distribution of messages simply becoming
special cases of message forwarding.
For example,
the NBS Standard for Mail Interchange\cite{FIPS98}
and the recent CCITT draft on Mail Handling Systems standards\cite{X.400}
both discourage the re-distribution facility in favor of forwarding
by encapsulation.

\subsection{Encapsulation and Blind-Carbon-Copies} % mtr
Many user agents support a blind-carbon-copy facility.
\MH/ implements this using a form of encapsulation.
It may not be apparent to the reader as to why encapsulation of the original
message is a good way to deliver blind-carbon-copies.
With a blind-carbon-copy facility,
two types of addressees are possible in the draft to be sent:
{\it visible} and {\it blind}.
The visible recipients are listed as addresses in the \eg{To:} and \eg{cc:}
and the blind recipients are listed in the \eg{Bcc:} fields of the draft.
The idea behind this facility is that copies of the draft which are
delivered to the \eg{To:} and \eg{cc:} recipients should show the visible
recipients only.

A major concern with a blind-carbon-copy facility
is that blind recipients should be prevented from accidentally replying to the
message in such a way that the visible recipients are included as addressees
in the reply.

There are several methods to implement this facility.
Most rely on posting two drafts with the \MTS/.
One draft is destined for visible recipients,
and simply lacks the \eg{Bcc:} fields of the original draft.
The second draft is destined for the blind recipients.
The question then arises as to what form this latter draft posted should take.

One approach might be to disable the \eg{To:} and \eg{cc:} fields of the
draft sent to the blind recipients
(e.g., by prefixing the string \eg{BCC-} to these fields).
this is often very confusing to the blind recipients
because it differs from what the visible recipients got.
Although accidental replies are not possible,
it is often difficult to tell that the message received is the result of a

The method used by \MH/ is to post two drafts,
a visible draft for the visible recipients,
and a blind draft for the blind recipients.
The visible draft consists of the original draft without any \eg{Bcc:} fields.
The blind draft contains the visible message as a forwarded message.
The headers for the blind draft contain the minimal RFC822 headers
(\eg{From:} and \eg{Date:})
if the original draft had a ``Subject:'' field,
then this header field is also included.
In addition,
\MH/ alerts the recipient that the message is a blind-carbon-copy by
placing this information in the initial encapsulation information in the
blind recipient's copy.
This scheme prevents inadvertent replies while allowing the recipient
full access to an exact copy of what was sent to the visible recipients.

\section{\MH/ as a Record Handler}		% stef
Although message format standards such as RFC822
(and its predecessors) were originally devised to facilitate
computer processing of interpersonal messages,
there is no special reason why the concept should be
limited to interpersonal message processing.
Messages are just one of a variety of useful record forms that might
be created in one place and transfered to another for processing.
In this regard,
RFC822 wisely left open the option for higher level applications to use
arbitrary header names or field contents by proscribing \MTS/ use
of header names beginning with \eg{X-}.

\MH/ carries though on this idea by allowing the \pgm{pick} command
to accept any arbitrary field name for string searches,
so MH users can select on any arbitrary field name without prior definition.
Beyond this,
since all messages are simply files in \unix/ directories,
applications can be developed to apply any programmable process to
any selected message.

For example,
a {\it Time Card Form} might be called up by an \MH/ user with
\example comp\ -form\ timecomps\endexample
to enter time and attendance information into \eg{X-time$\tdots$:} fields in a
draft message record.
The \file{timecomps} form would include the address of a
supervisor who should validate the information,
along with empty fields to be filled in with data.
In fancy applications,
this might be done with a sophisticated interactive data entry tool
which would validate entered information,
but this is an open choice within the \MH/ framework.
alternative would be to use a received message as the blank form to add a
degree of central control over time and attendance reporting forms.

Receiving supervisors could simply register approval by using the \MH/
\pgm{dist} command to resend subordinates' time cards to higher approval
levels, or
to send them to a time card collection address.
The \MH/ \pgm{dist} command automatically inserts ``ReSent'' header fields
showing who resent it and the resending date.
the MH \pgm{forw} command could be used to transfer a batch of approved time
cards to the next processing station.
If desired, a new ``approval'' command could be programmed to provide a more
trusted authentication, perhaps with encryption of the content.
Trusted mail systems, such as \trustedmail/\cite{MRose85c},
are becoming available for this purpose.

At the final collection destination,
an automated User Agent could be programmed to directly load the data into
the Time and Attendance DBMS by
parsing and decoding the data contained in the \eg{X-time$\tdots$:} fields.
It might be noted that while the RFC822 does not restrict the
internal forms of messages,
it is necessary to conform to the interchange standard if specialized filters
for message headers are not to be built to serve as {\it export laundries}
(a term originating with Stephen H.~Willson to describe conformance
transformations in \Ada/).

\subsection{Mapping Between Record Modes (DBMS/MHS)}
This time and attendance example suggests that it is possible to define
one-to-one mappings between RFC822 fields and DBMS data elements.
For every DBMS data element definition,
there is a potential corresponding RFC822 transferable equivalent
definition which can facilitate mail transfers of record information.
a large portion of the definitional work is already done where a Data Base
has already been defined.
All that remains is to define the RFC822 equivalents.

The suggestion that a batch of time cards be forwarded inside a ``cover''
message implies that it is possible in the \MH/ framework to recursively
bundle messages within messages, and be able to recover the originals for
separate processing at a receiving destination.
The \MH/ \pgm{burst} command can be applied recursively for this purpose
because \MH/ encapsulation uses an unambiguous scheme to delimit messages
that are enclosed inside other messages.
it should be possible to extract a structured set of records from a DBMS
and mail the set to a foreign site for processing, or reinsertion into
another DBMS.
As long as the DBMS data element definitions
correctly correspond to the RFC822 definitions,
it is not even necessary
for the source and destination DBMS systems to be the same.

From this discussion,
it is concluded that the \MH/ framework can be useful
for building distributed record handling systems where people at widely
scattered locations must create and submit record forms for processing
at distant locations.
This might prove to be especially effective when
a mail system is also needed for other communication purposes.
A network of sales offices is a good example,
where general message service would be used for communications
with remote manufacturing and distribution centers,
and could also be used for an order entry system.

Another example might be for structured communications, as occur in
requisition and purchasing systems.
Requisitions could be filled in and mailed to approval offices,
and resent or forwarded to others for action.
At some point,
the requisitions could flow into other other more suitable
processing systems as needed.
At the very least, the ability to originate
requisitions can be distributed to anyone with access to a mail system
that can originate a proper requisition form.

As a last example,
\MH/ already supports group discussions with its BBoard facilities
which allow for automatic sorting of mail by group address,
with shared private or public group access to contributed items.
As has been shown to be possible with administrative record systems,
there is no obvious limit to the ways that group discussion traffic
might be organized into structured collections with indices,
annotations, or reference pointers
to aid in making conference archives more useful.
Indeed, \MH/ tools could even be used to feed discussion items into
existing conference systems.

\section{Distributed Mail}			% mtr
Next, we consider how \MH/ might be used in a distributed mail environment.
Two schemes are discussed:
one in which connectivity is high and connections are relatively ``cheap'',
and one in which connectivity is low and connections are ``expensive''.

\subsection{The ARPA Internet Environs}		% mtr
The ARPA Internet community consists of many types of heterogeneous nodes.
Some hosts are large mainframe computers,
others are personal workstations.
All communicate using the \milstd/ TCP/IP protocol suite\cite{IP,TCP}.
Messages which conform to the Standard for the Format of ARPA Internet Text
are exchanged using the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol\cite{SMTP}.

On smaller nodes in the ARPA Internet it is often impractical to maintain
a message transport agent.
For example,
a workstation may not have sufficient resources (cycles, disk space)
in order to permit an SMTP server and associated local mail delivery system
to be kept resident and continuously running.
the workstation could be off-net for extended periods of time.
it may be expensive (or impossible) to keep a personal computer
interconnected to an IP-style network for long periods of time.
In other words,
the node is lacking the resource known as ``connectivity''.

Despite this,
it is often desirable to be able to process mail with \MH/ on these smaller
and they often support a user agent to aid the tasks of mail handling.
To solve this problem,
a network node which can support a message transport entity
(known as {\it service} host) offers
a maildrop service to these less endowed nodes
(known as {\it client} hosts).
The Post Office Protocol\cite{JReyn84} (POP) is intended to permit a
workstation to dynamically access a maildrop on a service host to pick-up
there are three different descriptions of the POP.
The first, cited in \cite{JReyn84},
was the original description of the protocol,
which suffered from certain problems.
Since then,
two alternate descriptions have been developed.
The official revision of the POP\cite{MButl85},
and the revision of the POP which \MH/ uses
(which is documented in an internal memorandum in the \MH/ release).
This paper considers the POP in the context of the \MH/ release.}
The level of access includes the ability to
determine the number of messages in the maildrop and the size of each message,
as well as to retrieve and delete individual messages.
More sophisticated implementations of the POP server
are able to distinguish between the header and body portion of each message,
and send $n$ lines of a message to the POP client.
This capability is useful in thinly connected environments where conservation
of bandwidth is important.
By utilizing a more intelligent POP client,
a user may generate ``scan~listings'' and dynamically decide which messages
are worth taking delivery on.
The philosophy of the POP is to put intelligence in the
POP clients and not the POP servers.

The underlying paradigm in which the POP functions is that of a
split-slot/remote-\UA/ model.
The client host (such as a workstation) is without a co-resident
{\it message transport agent} (\MTA/),
and thus makes use of a service host with an \MTA/ to obtain posting (SMTP)
and delivery (POP) services.
The entity which supports this type of environment is called a remote-\UA/
since the user agent resides on a different host than its associated message
transport agent.

One very important issue which must be raised at this point is one of
The POP requires that a client identify itself to the server using a
server-specific user-id and a server/user-specific password.
This authentication is required to prevent unauthorized entities from
accessing a maildrop on a POP service host.
It must be emphasized that the POP client is not a ``trusted'' entity of the
\MTS/ in any sense at all.

one would also like to authenticate mail as it is posted on the POP service
host using the SMTP.
in the ARPA Internet community,
no authentication is done with SMTP transactions.
This is considered a shortcoming by those interested in researching the
split-\UA/ model of distributed mail.
The MZnet environment,
discussed in the next section,
has authentication facilities for posting mail.

The current release of \MH/ supports the above model fully:
a POP client program is available to retrieve a maildrop on a POP service
In addition,
using the SMTP configuration for delivery in \MH/,
a user is able to specify a search-list of service hosts (and networks)
with which to try to post mail.
Using this search-list,
when an \MH/ user posts a draft,
the \pgm{post} program will attempt to establish an SMTP connection
with each host in the list to post the message until it succeeds.
Initial experimentation with the split-\UA/
in a local network environment has proved quite successful.

\subsection{The MZnet Environs}			% jns
In 1983,
the MZnet project\cite{EStef84} at the University of California, Irvine
set out to study the problems involved with bringing
Internet-class mail handling facilities to personal computers.
The project used Apple~II computers running the CP/M 2.2 operating system.
Programming was done in a subset of the C language called BDS C.
The transport system was based on the \MMDF/ PhoneNet software,
and implemented a {\it split-slot} arrangement between a personal computer
and a larger,
centralized mail distribution system that performed user
authentication and provided a relatively secure mail transfer channel.
The user agent, CP/MH, was based on \MH/.

A conclusion of the experiment was that small personal computer systems
with dial-up phone connections constrain user agent systems design in
ways that require use of a {\it split-slot} interface between the \UA/
and its supporting \MTA/, and that this interface
best provides the required services if it has error controlled command
and data transfer facilities, with interactive behavior. 
Another conclusion indicated that a good design for a user agent in such
a small personal computer
environment could be based on a very modular architecture,
such as \MH/.
A final conclusion was that session-level authentication of the client \UA/
is required for both posting and delivery.

It should be noted that the MZnet project had a profound influence on the
development of the POP used by \MH/.
A somewhat more detailed discussion of the relations between the two
environments can be found in the POP description contained
in the \MH/ release.

\section{A Final Note}				% jns
With the fifth major release of the \MH/ system,
it has become clear that most major increases in functionality can come
only at the expense of either efficiency or portability.
Although there has been great effort to keep \MH/ portable to a number of
\unix/ implementations,%
\nfootnote{As of this writing,
there are approximately 75~sites running \mh5
on five different implementations of \unix/.}
the divergence in process management facilities,
file system enhancements,
and even C~compiler capabilities
has already presented obstacles to some attempts to rehost the \MH/ code.

There has been some discussion of implementing specialized \MH/ daemons
that maintain context information over one or more sessions,
thus decreasing the amount of overhead involved in starting each \MH/ command.
even if such daemons were to be implemented,
they would be very difficult to move to versions of \unix/
without sophisticated process management facilities,
and even then the differences in ``philosophies''
of process management\cite{WJoy83,EOlse84}
would tend to keep such daemons system specific.
A better solution seems to be simply to tune existing code.

The authors would like to thank Norman Z.~Shapiro and
Phyllis Kantar of the Rand Corporation for their invaluable comments during
the preparation of this paper.

\section{Distribution Information}
For information concerning distribution mechanics for the current release of
\MH/, please contact:
$$\displayindent=\leftskip	\advance\displayindent by1.5\parindent
	Support Group\cr
	Attn: MH Distribution\cr
	Department of Information and Computer Science\cr
	University of California, Irvine\cr
	Irvine, CA  92717\qquad USA\cr