
0.  Replace the directory ${MMDF-II-SOURCE-ROOT}/src/bboards/ with
    the directory ${MH-SOURCE-ROOT}/support/bboards/mmdfII/bboards/.
    The sources for the BBoards channel that come with MH are always
    much more current than the ones that come with MMDF-II.

1.  In ${MMDF-II-SOURCE-ROOT}/src/Makefile, add bboards to SUBDIR, so it
    looks something like:

    SUBDIR= tools uip submit deliver local phone pobox bboards smtp uucp

2.  In mmdftailor, add these lines

MTBL	name=cbboards, file="c-bboards"
MTBL	name=dbboards, file="d-bboards", show="BBOARDS pseudo-Domain"
MCHN	bboards, show="BBoards Delivery",
	que=bboards, tbl=cbboards, pgm=bboards, mod=reg, ap=822
MDMN	bboards, tbl=dbboards, name="", dmn=""

3.   Create the table for the BBoards domain, one line:

	bboards:		bboards

4.   Create the table for the BBoards channel, one line:
	bboards:		bboards

5.    Run dbmbuild

6.    In your mmdf.start file, either add the bboards channel to an
      existing background deliver, or give it one of its own:

	deliver -b -cbboards &