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#include "EXTERN.h"
#include "common.h"		/* Declare MEM_SIZE */
#include "util.h"		/* Declare safemalloc() */


/* edit_dist -- returns the minimum edit distance between two strings

	Program by:  Mark Maimone   CMU Computer Science   13 Nov 89
	Last Modified:  28 Jan 90

   If the input strings have length n and m, the algorithm runs in time
   O(nm) and space O(min(m,n)).

   13 Nov 89 (mwm) Created edit_dist() and set_costs().

   28 Jan 90 (mwm) Added view_costs().  Should verify that THRESHOLD
   computations will work even when THRESHOLD is not a multiple of

   17 May 93 (mwm) Improved performance when used with trn's newsgroup
   processing; assume all costs are 1, and you can terminate when a
   threshold is exceeded.

#define	TRN_SPEEDUP		/* Use a less-general version of the
				   routine, one that's better for trn.
				   All change costs are 1, and it's okay
				   to terminate if the edit distance is
				   known to exceed MIN_DIST */

#define THRESHOLD 4000		/* worry about allocating more memory only
				   when this # of bytes is exceeded */
#define STRLENTHRESHOLD ((int) ((THRESHOLD / sizeof (int) - 3) / 2))

#define SAFE_ASSIGN(x,y) (((x) != NULL) ? (*(x) = (y)) : (y))

#define swap_int(x,y)  (_iswap = (x), (x) = (y), (y) = _iswap)
#define swap_char(x,y) (_cswap = (x), (x) = (y), (y) = _cswap)
#define min3(x,y,z) (_mx = (x), _my = (y), _mz = (z), (_mx < _my ? (_mx < _mz ? _mx : _mz) : (_mz < _my) ? _mz : _my))
#define min2(x,y) (_mx = (x), _my = (y), (_mx < _my ? _mx : _my))

static int insert_cost = 1;
static int delete_cost = 1;
static int change_cost = 1;
static int swap_cost   = 1;

static int _iswap;			/* swap_int temp variable */
static char *_cswap;			/* swap_char temp variable */
static int _mx, _my, _mz;		/* min2, min3 temp variables */

view_costs(ins, del, ch, swap)
int *ins, *del, *ch, *swap;
    SAFE_ASSIGN(ins, insert_cost);
    SAFE_ASSIGN(del, delete_cost);
    SAFE_ASSIGN(ch, change_cost);
    SAFE_ASSIGN(swap, swap_cost);
} /* view_costs */

set_costs(ins, del, ch, swap)
int ins, del, ch, swap;
    insert_cost = ins;
    delete_cost = del;
    change_cost = ch;
    swap_cost   = swap;
} /* set_costs */

/* edit_distn -- returns the edit distance between two strings, or -1 on
   failure */

edit_distn(from, from_len, to, to_len)
char *from, *to;
register int from_len, to_len;
    register int ins, del, ch;	  	/* local copies of edit costs */
    register int row, col, index;	/* dynamic programming counters */
    register int radix;			/* radix for modular indexing */
    register int low;
    int *buffer;			/* pointer to storage for one row
					   of the d.p. array */
    static int store[THRESHOLD / sizeof (int)];
					/* a small amount of static
					   storage, to be used when the
					   input strings are small enough */

/* Handle trivial cases when one string is empty */

    if (from == NULL || !from_len)
	if (to == NULL || !to_len)
	    return 0;
	    return to_len * insert_cost;
    else if (to == NULL || !to_len)
	return from_len * delete_cost;

/* Initialize registers */

    radix = 2 * from_len + 3;
#define ins 1
#define del 1
#define ch 1
#define swap_cost 1
    ins  = insert_cost;
    del  = delete_cost;
    ch   = change_cost;

/* Make   from   short enough to fit in the static storage, if it's at all
   possible */

    if (from_len > to_len && from_len > STRLENTHRESHOLD) {
	swap_int(from_len, to_len);
	swap_char(from, to);
	swap_int(ins, del);
    } /* if from_len > to_len */

/* Allocate the array storage (from the heap if necessary) */

    if (from_len <= STRLENTHRESHOLD)
	buffer = store;
	buffer = (int *) safemalloc((MEM_SIZE) radix * sizeof (int));

/* Here's where the fun begins.  We will find the minimum edit distance
   using dynamic programming.  We only need to store two rows of the matrix
   at a time, since we always progress down the matrix.  For example,
   given the strings "one" and "two", and insert, delete and change costs
   equal to 1:

	   _  o  n  e
	_  0  1  2  3
	t  1  1  2  3
	w  2  2  2  3
	o  3  2  3  3

   The dynamic programming recursion is defined as follows:

	ar(x,0) := x * insert_cost
	ar(0,y) := y * delete_cost
	ar(x,y) := min(a(x - 1, y - 1) + (from[x] == to[y] ? 0 : change),
		       a(x - 1, y) + insert_cost,
		       a(x, y - 1) + delete_cost,
		       a(x - 2, y - 2) + (from[x] == to[y-1] &&
					  from[x-1] == to[y] ? swap_cost :

   Since this only looks at most two rows and three columns back, we need
   only store the values for the two preceeding rows.  In this
   implementation, we do not explicitly store the zero column, so only 2 *
   from_len + 2   words are needed.  However, in the implementation of the
   swap_cost   check, the current matrix value is used as a buffer; we
   can't overwrite the earlier value until the   swap_cost   check has
   been performed.  So we use   2 * from_len + 3   elements in the buffer.

#define ar(x,y,index) (((x) == 0) ? (y) * del : (((y) == 0) ? (x) * ins : \
#define NW(x,y)	  ar(x, y, index + from_len + 2)
#define N(x,y)	  ar(x, y, index + from_len + 3)
#define W(x,y)	  ar(x, y, index + radix - 1)
#define NNWW(x,y) ar(x, y, index + 1)
#define mod(x) ((x) % radix)

    index = 0;

    printf("      ");
    for (col = 0; col < from_len; col++)
	printf(" %c ", from[col]);
    printf("\n   ");

    for (col = 0; col <= from_len; col++)
	printf("%2d ", col * del);

/* Row 0 is handled implicitly; its value at a given column is   col*del.
   The loop below computes the values for Row 1.  At this point we know the
   strings are nonempty.  We also don't need to consider swap costs in row

   COMMENT:  the indicies   row and col   below point into the STRING, so
   the corresponding MATRIX indicies are   row+1 and col+1.

    buffer[index++] = min2(ins + del, (from[0] == to[0] ? 0 : ch));
    low = buffer[mod(index + radix - 1)];

    printf("\n %c %2d %2d ", to[0], ins, buffer[index - 1]);

    for (col = 1; col < from_len; col++) {
	buffer[index] = min3(
		col * del + ((from[col] == to[0]) ? 0 : ch),
		(col + 1) * del + ins,
		buffer[index - 1] + del);
	if (buffer[index] < low)
	    low = buffer[index];

	printf("%2d ", buffer[index - 1]);

    } /* for col = 1 */

    printf("\n %c %2d ", to[1], 2 * ins);

/* Now handle the rest of the matrix */

    for (row = 1; row < to_len; row++) {
	for (col = 0; col < from_len; col++) {
	    buffer[index] = min3(
		    NW(row, col) + ((from[col] == to[row]) ? 0 : ch),
		    N(row, col + 1) + ins,
		    W(row + 1, col) + del);
	    if (from[col] == to[row - 1] && col > 0 &&
		    from[col - 1] == to[row])		    
		buffer[index] = min2(buffer[index],
			NNWW(row - 1, col - 1) + swap_cost);

	    printf("%2d ", buffer[index]);
	    if (buffer[index] < low || col == 0)
		low = buffer[index];

	    index = mod(index + 1);
	} /* for col = 1 */
	if (row < to_len - 1)
	    printf("\n %c %2d ", to[row+1], (row + 2) * ins);
	if (low > MIN_DIST)
    } /* for row = 1 */

    row = buffer[mod(index + radix - 1)];
    if (buffer != store)
	free((char *) buffer);
    return row;
} /* edit_distn */

#endif /* EDIT_DISTANCE */