
#	@(#)disktab	8.1 (Berkeley) 6/9/93
# Disk geometry and partition layout tables. 
# Key:
#	dt	controller type
#	ty	type of disk (fixed, removeable, simulated)
#	d[0-4]	drive-type-dependent parameters
#	ns	#sectors/track
#	nt	#tracks/cylinder
#	nc	#cylinders/disk
#	sc	#sectors/cylinder, nc*nt default
#	su	#sectors/unit, sc*nc default
#	se	sector size, DEV_BSIZE default
#	rm	rpm, 3600 default
#	sf	supports bad144-style bad sector forwarding
#	sk	sector skew per track, default 0
#	cs	sector skew per cylinder, default 0
#	hs	headswitch time, default 0
#	ts	one-cylinder seek time, default 0
#	il	sector interleave (n:1), 1 default
#	bs	boot block size, default BBSIZE
#	sb	superblock size, default SBSIZE
#	o[a-h]	partition offsets in sectors
#	p[a-h]	partition sizes in sectors
#	b[a-h]	partition block sizes in bytes
#	f[a-h]	partition fragment sizes in bytes
#	t[a-h]	partition types (filesystem, swap, etc)
# All partition sizes contain space for bad sector tables unless
# the device drivers fail to support this.
# disks on VDDC

fuj|Fujitsu|Fujitsu 337 Mb 20mhz:\

# Below this line from Harris -- incomplete re: 4.3BSD-tahoe

xsd|Xsd|515 Mb FSD:\

# fuj|Fujitsu|Fujitsu 360 Mb 20mhz:\
#  	:ty=winchester:ns#32:nt#10:nc#823:rm#3600:\
#  	:pa#19200:ba#8192:fa#1024:\
#  	:pb#24000:\
#  	:pc#218560:bc#8192:fc#1024:\
#  	:pd#1920:bd#8192:fd#1024:\
#  	:pe#261760:be#8192:fe#1024:\
#  	:pf#263680:bf#8192:ff#1024:\
# 	:pg#109120:bg#8192:fg#1024:\
# 	:ph#109440:bh#8192:fh#1024:

egl|Eagle|Fujitsu474 Mb EAGLE:\

xfd|Xfd|XFD|340 Mb FSD:\

smd|Smd|SMD|300 Mb SMD:\

fsd|Fsd|FSD|160 Mb FSD:\