
	The object of Boggle (TM Parker Bros.) is to find, within 3 minutes,
as many words as possible in a 4 by 4 grid of letters.  Words may be formed
from any sequence of 3 or more adjacent letters in the grid.  The letters
may join horizontally, vertically, or diagonally.  However, no position
in the grid may be used more than once within any one word.  In competitive
play amongst humans, each player is given credit for those of his words
which no other player has found.

	This program is intended for people wishing to sharpen their skills
at Boggle.  If you invoke the program with 4 arguments of 4 letters each,
(e.g. "boggle appl epie moth erhd") the program forms the obvious Boggle
grid and lists all the words from the online dictionary found therein.
If you invoke the program without arguments, it will generate a board for
you, let you enter words for 3 minutes, and then tell you how well you
did relative to the online dictionary.

	In interactive play, enter your words separated by spaces, tabs,
or newlines.  A bell will ring when there is 2:00, 1:00, 0:10, 0:02, 0:01,
and 0:00 time left.  You may complete any word started before the expiration
of time.  You can surrender before time is up by hitting 'break'.  While
entering words, your erase character is only effective within the current
word and your line kill character is ignored.

	Advanced players may wish to invoke the program with 1 or 2 +'s
as the first argument.  The first + removes the restriction that positions
can only be used once in each word.  The second + causes a position to be
considered adjacent to itself as well as its (up to) 8 neighbors.  Hit
any key to begin.