
(include-if (null (get 'chead 'version)) "../chead.l")
(Liszt-file datab
   "$Header: datab.l,v 1.6 87/12/15 16:59:55 sklower Exp $")

;;; ----	d a t a b			data base
;;;				-[Sat Aug  6 23:59:11 1983 by layer]-

;--- d-tranloc :: locate a function in the transfer table
; return the offset we should use for this function call
(defun d-tranloc (fname)
   (cond ((get fname g-tranloc))
	 (t (Push g-tran fname)
	    (let ((newval (* 8 g-trancnt)))
		(putprop fname newval g-tranloc)
		(incr g-trancnt)

;--- d-loc :: return the location of the variable or value in IADR form 
;	- form : form whose value we are to locate
; if we are given a xxx as form, we check yyy;
;	xxx		yyy
;     --------	     ---------
;	nil	     Nil is always returned
;	symbol	     return the location of the symbols value, first looking
;		     in the registers, then on the stack, then the bind list.
;		     If g-ingorereg is t then we don't check the registers.
;		     We would want to do this if we were interested in storing
;		     something in the symbol's value location.
;	number	     always return the location of the number on the bind
;		     list (as a (lbind n))
;	other	     always return the location of the other on the bind
;		     list (as a (lbind n))
(defun d-loc (form)
   (if (null form) then 'Nil
    elseif (numberp form) then
	 (if (and (fixp form) (greaterp form -1025) (lessp form 1024))
	     then `(fixnum ,form)		; small fixnum
	     else (d-loclit form nil))
    elseif (symbolp form) 
       then (if (and (null g-ignorereg) (car (d-bestreg form nil))) thenret
		else (if (d-specialp form) then (d-loclit form t)
			 else (do ((ll g-locs (cdr ll))	; check stack
				   (n g-loccnt))
				  ((null ll)
				   (comp-warn (or form)
					      " declared special by compiler")
				   (d-makespec form)
				   (d-loclit form t))
				  (if (atom (car ll))
				      then (if (eq form (car ll))
					       then (return `(stack ,n))
					       else (setq n (1- n)))))))
       else (d-loclit form nil)))

;--- d-loclit :: locate or add litteral to bind list
;	- form : form to check for and add if not present
;	- flag : if t then if we are given a symbol, return the location of
;		 its value, else return the location of the symbol itself
; scheme: we share the locations of atom (symbols,numbers,string) but always
;	 create a fresh copy of anything else.
(defun d-loclit (form flag)
   (prog (loc onplist symboltype)
       (if (null form) 
	   then (return 'Nil)
	elseif (symbolp form)
	   then (setq symboltype t)
		(cond ((setq loc (get form g-bindloc))
		       (setq onplist t)))
	elseif (atom form)
	   then (do ((ll g-lits (cdr ll))	; search for atom on list
		     (n g-litcnt (1- n)))
		    ((null ll))
		    (if (eq form (car ll))
			then (setq loc n)	; found it
			     (return))))	; leave do
       (if (null loc)
	   then (Push g-lits form)
		(setq g-litcnt (1+ g-litcnt)
		      loc g-litcnt)
		(cond ((and symboltype (null onplist))
		       (putprop form loc g-bindloc))))

       (return (if (and flag symboltype) then `(bind ,loc)
		   else `(lbind ,loc)))))

;--- d-locv :: find the location of a value cell, and dont return a register
(defun d-locv (sm)
  (let ((g-ignorereg t))
       (d-loc sm)))

;--- d-simple :: see of arg can be addresses in one instruction
; we define simple and really simple as follows
;  <rsimple> ::= number
;		 quoted anything
;		 local symbol
;		 t
;		 nil
;  <simple>  ::= <rsimple>
;		 (cdr <rsimple>)
;		 global symbol
(defun d-simple (arg)
   (let (tmp)
       (if (d-rsimple arg) thenret
	elseif (atom arg) then (d-loc arg)
	elseif (and (memq (car arg) '(cdr car cddr cdar))
		    (setq tmp (d-rsimple (cadr arg))))
	   then (if (eq 'Nil tmp) then tmp
		 elseif (atom tmp)
		    then #+(or for-vax for-tahoe)
			 (if (eq 'car (car arg))
			     then `(racc 4 ,tmp)
			  elseif (eq 'cdr (car arg))
			     then `(racc 0 ,tmp)
			  elseif (eq 'cddr (car arg))
			     then `(racc * 0 ,tmp)
			  elseif (eq 'cdar (car arg))
			     then `(racc * 4 ,tmp))
			 (if (eq 'car (car arg))
			     then `(racc 4 ,tmp)
			  elseif (eq 'cdr (car arg))
			     then `(racc 0 ,tmp))
		 elseif (not (eq 'cdr (car arg)))
		    then nil
		 elseif (eq 'lbind (car tmp))
		    then `(bind ,(cadr tmp))
		 elseif (eq 'stack (car tmp))
		    then `(vstack ,(cadr tmp))
		 elseif (eq 'fixnum (car tmp))
		    then `(immed ,(cadr tmp))
		 elseif (atom (car tmp))
		    then `(0 ,(cadr tmp))
		    else (comp-err "bad arg to d-simple: " (or arg))))))

(defun d-rsimple (arg)
   (if (atom arg) then
       (if (null arg) then 'Nil
	elseif (eq t arg) then 'T
	elseif (or (numberp arg)
		   (memq arg g-locs)) 
	   then (d-loc arg)
	   else (car (d-bestreg arg nil)))
    elseif (eq 'quote (car arg)) then (d-loclit (cadr arg) nil)))

;--- d-specialp :: check if a variable is special
; a varible is special if it has been declared as such, or if
; the variable special is t
(defun d-specialp (vrb)
  (or special
      (eq 'special (d-findfirstprop vrb 'bindtype))   ; local special decl
      (eq 'special (get vrb g-bindtype))))

(defun d-fixnump (vrb)
   (and (symbolp vrb)
	(or (eq 'fixnum (d-findfirstprop vrb 'vartype))
	    (eq 'fixnum (get vrb g-vartype)))))

;--- d-functyp :: return the type of function
;	- name : function name
; If name had a macro function definition, we return `macro'.  Otherwise
; we see if name as a declared type, if so we return that.  Otherwise
; we see if name is defined and we return that if so, and finally if
; we have no idea what this function is, we return lambda.
;   This is not really satisfactory, but will handle most cases.
; If macrochk is nil then we don't check for the macro case.  This
; is important to prevent recursive macroexpansion.
(defun d-functyp (name macrochk)
   (let (func ftyp)
      (if (atom name) 
	      (setq func (getd name))
	      (setq ftyp (if (and macrochk (get name 'cmacro)) ;compiler macro
			    then 'cmacro
			  elseif (bcdp func)
			    then (let ((type (getdisc func)))
				    (if (memq type '(lambda nlambda macro))
				       then type
				     elseif (stringp type)
				       then 'lambda	; foreign function
				       else (comp-warn
					       "function "
					       " has a strange discipline "
					    'lambda	; assume lambda
			  elseif (dtpr func)
			    then (car func)
			  elseif (and macrochk (get name 'macro-autoload))
			    then 'macro))
	      (if (memq ftyp '(macro cmacro)) then ftyp
	       elseif (d-findfirstprop name 'functype) thenret
	       elseif (get name g-functype) thenret  ; check if declared first
	       elseif ftyp thenret
		 else 'lambda)
	 else 'lambda)))		; default is lambda

;--- d-allfixnumargs :: check if all forms are fixnums
; make sure all forms are fixnums or symbols whose declared type are fixnums
(defun d-allfixnumargs (forms)
   (do ((xx forms (cdr xx))
       ((null xx) t)
       (cond ((and (fixp (setq arg (car xx))) (not (bigp arg))))
	     ((d-fixnump arg))
	     (t (return nil)))))

(defun d-findfirstprop (name type)
   (do ((xx g-decls (cdr xx))
       ((null xx))
       (if (and (eq name (caar xx))
		(get (setq rcd (cdar xx)) type))
	  then (return rcd))))