
intro(1) intro: introduction to general commands (tools and utilities).
adb(1) adb: debugger.
addftinfo(1) addftinfo: add information to troff font files for use with groff.
afmtodit(1) afmtodit: create font files for use with groff \-Tps.
ansitape(1) ansitape: ANSI standard tape handler.
apply(1) apply: apply a command to a set of arguments.
apropos(1) apropos: locate commands by keyword lookup.
ar(1) ar: create and maintain library archives.
at(1) at: schedule execution of commands `at' a given time.
atq(1) atq: display the at(1) job queue.
atrm(1) atrm: remove jobs spooled by at(1).
awk(1) awk: pattern scanning and processing language.
basename(1) basename, dirname: return filename or directory portion of pathname.
bc(1) \&bc: arbitrary-precision arithmetic language and calculator.
bdes(1) bdes: encrypt/decrypt using the Data Encryption Standard.
bib(1) bib, listrefs, bibinc, bib2tib: bibliographic formatter.
biff(1) biff: be notified if mail arrives and who it is from.
cal(1) cal: displays a calendar.
calendar(1) calendar: reminder service.
cap_mkdb(1) cap_mkdb: create capability database.
cat(1) cat: concatenate and print files.
cc(1) cc, g++: GNU project C and C++ Compiler (v2 preliminary).
cd(1) cd: change working directory.
checknr(1) checknr: check nroff/troff files.
chflags(1) chflags: change file flags.
chgrp(1) chgrp: change group.
chkey(1) chkey: change your encryption key.
chmod(1) chmod: change file modes.
chpass(1) chpass: add or change user database information.
ci(1) ci: check in RCS revisions.
cksum(1) cksum: display file checksums and block counts.
cmp(1) cmp: compare two files.
co(1) co: check out RCS revisions.
col(1) col: filter reverse line feeds from input.
colcrt(1) colcrt: filter nroff output for CRT previewing.
colrm(1) colrm: remove columns from a file.
column(1) column: columnate lists.
comm(1) comm: select or reject lines common to two files.
compact(1) compact, uncompact, ccat: compress and uncompress files, and cat them.
compress(1) compress, uncompress, zcat: compress and expand data.
cp(1) cp: copy files.
cpp(1) cccp, cpp: the GNU C-compatible compiler preprocessor.
crypt(1) crypt: encode/decode.
csh(1) csh: a shell (command interpreter) with C-like syntax.
ctags(1) ctags: create a tags file.
cut(1) cut: select portions of each line of a file.
date(1) date: display or set date and time.
dc(1) \&dc: desk calculator.
dd(1) dd: convert and copy a file.
deroff(1) deroff: remove nroff, troff, tbl and eqn constructs.
df(1) df: display free disk space.
diction(1) diction, explain: print wordy sentences; thesaurus for diction.
diff(1) diff: differential file and directory comparator.
diff3(1) diff3: 3-way differential file comparison.
dig(1) dig: send domain name query packets to name servers.
du(1) du: display disk usage statistics.
echo(1) echo: produce message in a shell script.
ed(1) \&ed: text editor.
emacs(1) emacs: GNU project Emacs.
eqn(1) @g@eqn: format equations for troff.
error(1) error: analyze and disperse compiler error messages.
ex(1) ex, edit: text editor.
expand(1) expand, unexpand: expand tabs to spaces, and vice versa.
expr(1) expr: evaluate arguments as an expression.
false(1) false: return false value.
file(1) file: identify file content.
find(1) find: walk a file hierarchy.
finger(1) finger: user information lookup program.
fmt(1) fmt: simple text formatter.
fold(1) fold: fold long lines for finite width output device.
fpr(1) fpr: print Fortran file.
from(1) from: print names of those who have sent mail.
fsplit(1) fsplit: split a multi-routine Fortran file into individual files.
fstat(1) fstat: file status.
ftp(1) ftp: ARPANET file transfer program.
g++(1) g++: GNU project C++ Compiler (v2 preliminary).
gcore(1) gcore: get core images of running process.
gdb(1) gdb: the GNU debugger.
gprof(1) gprof: display call graph profile data.
graph(1) graph: draw a graph.
grep(1) grep: file pattern searcher.
grodvi(1) grodvi: convert groff output to TeX dvi format.
groff(1) groff: front end for the groff document formatting system.
grog(1) grog: guess options for groff command.
grops(1) grops: PostScript driver for groff.
grotty(1) grotty: groff driver for typewriter-like devices.
groups(1) groups: show group memberships.
gzip(1) gzip, gunzip, zcat: compress or expand files.
head(1) head: display first lines of a file.
hexdump(1) hexdump: ascii, decimal, hexadecimal, octal dump.
host(1) rhost: look up host names using domain server.
hostname(1) hostname: set or print name of current host system.
id(1) id: return user identity.
ident(1) ident: identify files.
indent(1) indent: indent and format C program source.
indxbib(1) @g@indxbib: make inverted index for bibliographic databases.
install(1) install: install binaries.
invert(1) invert, lookup: create and access an inverted index.
join(1) join: relational database operator.
jot(1) jot: print sequential or random data.
kdestroy(1) kdestroy: destroy Kerberos tickets.
kdump(1) kdump: display kernel trace data.
kerberos(1) kerberos: introduction to the Kerberos system.
keylogin(1) keylogin: decrypt and store secret key.
kill(1) kill: terminate or signal a process.
kinit(1) kinit: Kerberos login utility.
klist(1) klist: list currently held Kerberos tickets.
ksrvtgt(1) ksrvtgt: fetch and store Kerberos ticket-granting-ticket using a service key.
ktrace(1) ktrace: enable kernel process tracing.
lam(1) lam: laminate files.
last(1) last: indicate last logins of users and ttys.
lastcomm(1) lastcomm: show last commands executed in reverse order.
ld(1) ld: link editor.
learn(1) learn: computer aided instruction about.
leave(1) leave: remind you when you have to leave.
lex(1) lex: fast lexical analyzer generator.
lkbib(1) lkbib: search bibliographic databases.
ln(1) ln: make links.
locate(1) locate: find files.
lock(1) lock: reserve a terminal.
logger(1) logger: make entries in the system log.
login(1) login: log into the computer.
logname(1) logname: display user's login name.
look(1) look: display lines beginning with a given string.
lookbib(1) @g@lookbib: search bibliographic databases.
lorder(1) lorder: list dependencies for object files.
lpq(1) lpq: spool queue examination program.
lpr(1) lpr: off line print.
lprm(1) lprm: remove jobs from the line printer spooling queue.
lptest(1) lptest: generate lineprinter ripple pattern.
ls(1) ls: list directory contents.
m4(1) m4: macro language preprocessor for ratfor(1) and pascal(1).
mail(1) mail: send and receive mail.
make(1) make: maintain program dependencies.
man(1) man: display the on-line manual pages.
merge(1) merge: three-way file merge.
mesg(1) mesg: display (do not display) messages from other users.
mh(1) mh: Message Handler.
mkdep(1) mkdep: construct Makefile dependency list.
mkdir(1) mkdir: make directories.
mkfifo(1) mkfifo: make fifos.
mklocale(1) mklocale: make LC_CTYPE locale files.
mkstr(1) mkstr: create an error message file by massaging C source.
more(1) more: file perusal filter for crt viewing.
mset(1) mset: retrieve ASCII to IBM 3270 keyboard map.
msgs(1) msgs: system messages and junk mail program.
mt(1) mt: magnetic tape manipulating program.
mv(1) mv: move files.
netstat(1) netstat: show network status.
newaliases(1) newaliases: rebuild the data base for the mail aliases file.
nfsstat(1) nfsstat: display NFS statistics.
nice(1) nice: execute a command at a low scheduling priority.
nm(1) nm: display name list (symbol table).
nohup(1) nohup: invoke a command immune to hangups.
nroff(1) @g@nroff: emulate nroff command with groff.
nslookup(1) nslookup: query Internet name servers interactively.
od(1) od: octal, decimal, hex, ascii dump.
pagesize(1) pagesize: print system page size.
passwd(1) passwd: modify a user's password.
paste(1) paste: merge corresponding or subsequent lines of files.
patch(1) patch: a program for applying a diff file to an original.
pax(1) pax: read and write file archives and copy directory hierarchies.
perl(1) perl: practical extraction and report language.
pfbtops(1) pfbtops: translate a PostScript font in .pfb format to ASCII.
pic(1) @g@pic: compile pictures for troff or TeX.
plot(1) plot: graphics filters.
pr(1) pr: print files.
printenv(1) printenv, env: print out the environment, set and print environment.
printf(1) printf: formatted output.
ps(1) \&ps: process status.
psbb(1) psbb: extract bounding box from PostScript document.
ptx(1) ptx: permuted index.
pwd(1) pwd: return working directory name.
quota(1) quota: display disk usage and limits.
ranlib(1) ranlib: table-of-contents for archive libraries.
rcp(1) rcp: remote file copy.
rcs(1) rcs: change RCS file attributes.
rcsclean(1) rcsclean: clean up working files.
rcsdiff(1) rcsdiff: compare RCS revisions.
rcsfreeze(1) rcsfreeze: freeze a configuration of sources checked in under RCS.
rcsintro(1) rcsintro: introduction to RCS commands.
rcsmerge(1) rcsmerge: merge RCS revisions.
rdist(1) rdist: remote file distribution program.
refer(1) @g@refer: preprocess bibliographic references for groff.
register(1) register: register with Kerberos.
rev(1) rev: reverse lines of a file.
rlog(1) rlog: print log messages and other information about RCS files.
rlogin(1) rlogin: remote login.
rm(1) rm: remove directory entries.
rmdir(1) rmdir: remove directories.
rpcgen(1) rpcgen: an RPC protocol compiler.
rs(1) rs: reshape a data array.
rsh(1) rsh: remote shell.
rstat(1) rstat: remote status display.
ruptime(1) ruptime: show host status of local machines.
rwho(1) rwho: who is logged in on local machines.
sccs(1) sccs: front end for the SCCS subsystem.
script(1) script: make typescript of terminal session.
sed(1) sed: stream editor.
sendbug(1) sendbug: mail a system bug report to 4bsd-bugs.
sh(1) sh: command interpreter (shell).
shar(1) shar: create a shell archive of files.
size(1) size: display object file segment sizes (text, data and bss).
sleep(1) sleep: suspend execution for an interval of time.
soelim(1) soelim: eliminate \&.so's from nroff input.
sort(1) sort: sort or merge text files.
spell(1) spell, spellin, spellout: find spelling errors.
spline(1) spline: interpolate smooth curve.
split(1) split: split a file into pieces.
startslip(1) startslip: dial up and login to a slip server.
strings(1) strings: find printable strings in a file.
strip(1) strip: remove unnecessary information from executable files.
struct(1) struct: structure Fortran programs.
stty(1) stty: set the options for a terminal device interface.
style(1) style: analyze surface characteristics of a document.
su(1) su: substitute user identity.
sum(1) sum: calculate file checksums and block counts.
symorder(1) symorder: rearrange name list.
systat(1) systat: display system statistics on a crt.
tail(1) tail: display the last part of a file.
talk(1) talk: talk to another user.
tar(1) tar: tape archiver.
tbl(1) @g@tbl: format tables for troff.
tcopy(1) tcopy: copy and/or verify mag tapes.
tee(1) tee: pipe fitting.
telnet(1) telnet: user interface to the  TELNET protocol.
test(1) test: condition evaluation utility.
tfmtodit(1) tfmtodit: create font files for use with groff \-Tdvi.
tftp(1) tftp: trivial file transfer program.
time(1) time: time command execution.
tip(1) tip, cu: connect to a remote system.
tn3270(1) tn3270: full-screen remote login to IBM VM/CMS.
touch(1) touch: change file access and modification times.
tput(1) tput: terminal capability interface.
tr(1) tr: translate characters.
troff(1) @g@troff: format documents.
true(1) true: return true value.
tset(1) tset: terminal initialization.
tsort(1) tsort: topological sort of a directed graph.
tty(1) tty: return user's terminal name.
ul(1) ul: do underlining.
uname(1) uname: display information about the system.
unifdef(1) unifdef: remove ifdef'ed lines.
uniq(1) uniq: report or filter out repeated lines in a file.
units(1) units: conversion program.
unvis(1) unvis: revert a visual representation of data back to original form.
uptime(1) uptime: show how long system has been running.
users(1) users: list current users.
uucp(1) uucp: unix to unix copy.
uuencode(1) uuencode, uudecode: encode/decode a binary file.
uulog(1) uulog: display UUCP log entries.
uuname(1) uuname: list names of UUCP hosts.
uuq(1) uuq: examine or manipulate the uucp queue.
uusend(1) uusend: send a file to a remote host.
uux(1) uux: unix to unix command execution.
vacation(1) vacation: return ``I am not here'' indication.
vgrind(1) vgrind: grind nice listings of programs.
vi(1) \&vi, view: screen oriented (visual) display editor based on ex.
vis(1) vis: display non-printable characters in a visual format.
w(1) w: who present users are and what they are doing.
wait(1) wait: await process completion.
wall(1) wall: write a message to users.
wc(1) wc: word, line, and byte count.
what(1) what: show what versions of object modules were used to construct a file.
whatis(1) whatis: describe what a command is.
whereis(1) whereis: locate programs.
which(1) which: locate a program file including aliases and paths.
who(1) who: display who is logged in.
whoami(1) whoami: display effective user id.
whois(1) whois: Internet user name directory service.
window(1) window: window environment.
write(1) write: send a message to another user.
xargs(1) xargs: construct argument list(s) and execute utility.
xchess(1) xchess: X chess display.
xsend(1) xsend, xget, enroll: private encrypted mail.
xstr(1) xstr: extract strings from C programs to implement shared strings.
yacc(1) yacc: an LALR(1) parser generator.
yes(1) yes: be repetitively affirmative.
yyfix(1) yyfix: extract tables from y.tab.c.