
 * Copyright (c) 1980 The Regents of the University of California.
 * All rights reserved.
 * This module is believed to contain source code proprietary to AT&T.
 * Use and redistribution is subject to the Berkeley Software License
 * Agreement and your Software Agreement with AT&T (Western Electric).
 *	@(#)gram.expr	5.3 (Berkeley) 4/12/91

 * gram.expr
 * Grammar for expressions, f77 compiler pass 1, 4.2 BSD.
 * University of Utah CS Dept modification history:
 * $Log:	gram.expr,v $
Revision 1.3  86/02/12  15:28:19  rcs
4.3 F77. C. Keating.

 * Revision 3.2  85/02/15  19:08:53  donn
 * Put OPPAREN operators in trees when not optimizing as well as when
 * optimizing -- this allows '(1)' to produce a writable temporary instead
 * of a read-only constant when passed as an argument to a subroutine.
 * Revision 3.1  84/10/13  00:42:08  donn
 * Installed Jerry Berkman's version with cosmetic changes.
 * Revision 1.2  84/08/04  21:27:05  donn
 * Added Jerry Berkman's fix to stop complaints about parentheses in
 * declarations.

		{ $$ = 0; }
	| funargs

funargs:  expr
		{ $$ = mkchain($1, CHNULL); }
	| funargs SCOMMA expr
		{ $$ = hookup($1, mkchain($3,CHNULL) ); }

expr:	  uexpr
	{ if (optimflag && parstate != INSIDE && parstate !=INDCL)
			$$ = mkexpr(OPPAREN, $2, ENULL);
		  else $$ = $2;
	| complex_const

uexpr:	  lhs
	| simple_const
	| expr addop expr   %prec SPLUS
		{ $$ = mkexpr($2, $1, $3); }
	| expr SSTAR expr
		{ $$ = mkexpr(OPSTAR, $1, $3); }
	| expr SSLASH expr
		{ $$ = mkexpr(OPSLASH, $1, $3); }
	| expr SPOWER expr
		{ $$ = mkexpr(OPPOWER, $1, $3); }
	| addop expr  %prec SSTAR
		{ if($1 == OPMINUS)
			$$ = mkexpr(OPNEG, $2, ENULL);
		  else 	$$ = $2;
	| expr relop expr  %prec SEQ
		{ $$ = mkexpr($2, $1, $3); }
	| expr SEQV expr
		{ NO66(".EQV. operator");
		  $$ = mkexpr(OPEQV, $1,$3); }
	| expr SNEQV expr
		{ NO66(".NEQV. operator");
		  $$ = mkexpr(OPNEQV, $1, $3); }
	| expr SOR expr
		{ $$ = mkexpr(OPOR, $1, $3); }
	| expr SAND expr
		{ $$ = mkexpr(OPAND, $1, $3); }
	| SNOT expr
		{ $$ = mkexpr(OPNOT, $2, ENULL); }
	| expr SCONCAT expr
		{ NO66("concatenation operator //");
		  $$ = mkexpr(OPCONCAT, $1, $3); }

addop:	  SPLUS		{ $$ = OPPLUS; }
	| SMINUS	{ $$ = OPMINUS; }

relop:	  SEQ	{ $$ = OPEQ; }
	| SGT	{ $$ = OPGT; }
	| SLT	{ $$ = OPLT; }
	| SGE	{ $$ = OPGE; }
	| SLE	{ $$ = OPLE; }
	| SNE	{ $$ = OPNE; }

lhs:	 name
		{ $$ = mkprim($1, PNULL, CHNULL); }
	| name substring
		{ NO66("substring operator :");
		  if( $1->vclass != CLPARAM ) {
		  	$$ = mkprim($1, PNULL, $2);
		  } else {
			errstr("substring of parameter %s",
				varstr(VL,$1->varname) );
	| name SLPAR funarglist SRPAR
		{ if( $1->vclass != CLPARAM ) {
		  	$$ = mkprim($1, mklist($3), CHNULL);
		  } else {
			errstr("can not subscript parameter %s",
				varstr(VL,$1->varname) );
	| name SLPAR funarglist SRPAR substring
		{ if( $1->vclass != CLPARAM ) {
		  	NO66("substring operator :");
		  	$$ = mkprim($1, mklist($3), $5);
		  } else {
			errstr("can not subscript parameter %s",
				varstr(VL,$1->varname) );

substring:  SLPAR opt_expr SCOLON opt_expr SRPAR
		{ $$ = mkchain($2, mkchain($4,CHNULL)); }

		{ $$ = 0; }
	| expr

simple_const:   STRUE	{ $$ = mklogcon(1); }
	| SFALSE	{ $$ = mklogcon(0); }
	| SHOLLERITH  { $$ = mkstrcon(toklen, token); }
	| SICON	= { $$ = mkintcon( convci(toklen, token) ); }
	| SRCON	= { $$ = mkrealcon(TYREAL, convcd(toklen, token)); }
	| SDCON	= { $$ = mkrealcon(TYDREAL, convcd(toklen, token)); }

complex_const:  SLPAR uexpr SCOMMA uexpr SRPAR
		{ $$ = mkcxcon($2,$4); }

fexpr:	  unpar_fexpr
	| SLPAR fexpr SRPAR
		{ if (optimflag && parstate != INDCL)
			$$ = mkexpr(OPPAREN, $2, ENULL);
		  else $$ = $2;

unpar_fexpr:	  lhs
	| simple_const
	| fexpr addop fexpr   %prec SPLUS
		{ $$ = mkexpr($2, $1, $3); }
	| fexpr SSTAR fexpr
		{ $$ = mkexpr(OPSTAR, $1, $3); }
	| fexpr SSLASH fexpr
		{ $$ = mkexpr(OPSLASH, $1, $3); }
	| fexpr SPOWER fexpr
		{ $$ = mkexpr(OPPOWER, $1, $3); }
	| addop fexpr  %prec SSTAR
		{ if($1 == OPMINUS)
			$$ = mkexpr(OPNEG, $2, ENULL);
		  else	$$ = $2;
	| fexpr SCONCAT fexpr
		{ NO66("concatenation operator //");
		  $$ = mkexpr(OPCONCAT, $1, $3); }