The writing tools package contains 3 command files, style, diction, and explain. ``style'' reads a document and analyzes the surface characteristics of the writing style of the document. ``diction'' locates all sentences in a document containing commonly misused or wordy phrases. ``explain'' is an interactive thesaures for the phrases found by diction. The manual pages are in files style.1 and diction.1 - see the enclosed documentation for more details. ``style'' is a runcom that runs 4 programs, style1, style2, style3, and deroff. style1, style2, style3 are included on the tape, you should not need to make them, but if you do - To make style1, style2, style3: set BIN in Makefile to the directory where the object files are to be stored. then run ``make style'' in the file ``style'' set B to the same directory as BIN above. ``diction'' is a runcom that runs 2 programs, dprog and deroff. dprog has been included on the tape, but you will need to make it to include the full path name of dict.d To make dprog: set DICT in Makefile to the full path name of diction's data file ``dict.d'' the program ``dprog'' will get put in the same place as the object files for style (BIN). then run ``make diction'' the file ``diction'' also needs B set to the same directory as BIN above The file ``explain'' needs D set to the full path name of the file explain.d Both ``style'' and ``diction'' expect the document to contain formatting commands. A new version of deroff is included that knows about the standard UNIX formatting macro packages. the command ``make deroff'' will install deroff in BIN mentioned above. You may wish to install this version of deroff in /usr/bin in which case the path names to it in files ``style'' and ``diction'' should be changed accordingly. The default flag passed to deroff (either -ms or -ml) in both style and diction should be set to the proper one for your installation. These programs will not compile under UNIX version 6 or PWB 1.2 due to size limitations on these systems.