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	.asciz	"@(#)reset.s	34.1	10/3/80"
# C library -- reset, setexit
#	reset(x)
# will generate a "return" from
# the last call to
#	setexit()
# by restoring r6 - r12, ap, fp
# and doing a return.
# The returned value is x; on the original
# call the returned value is 0.
# useful for going back to the main loop
# after a horrible error in a lowlevel
# routine.
# Changed by M. Marcus (4/4/80) to chain saved frames.  Should be rewritten
# to only use the stack, avoiding need for resexit and getexit.
# Setexit works as before, but getexit adds pointer
# to the saved block when it pushes saved state onto stack. 
# resexit restores this link by moving back extra word.
# getexit and setexit are to be thought of as an (almost) unitary action.
.globl	_setexit
.globl	_getexit
.globl	_reset
.globl	_resexit
.globl	_setsav
.globl	_exitlnk
.globl	_svkludg

	.word	0x0000
	movab	_setsav,r0
	movq	r6,(r0)+
	movq	r8,(r0)+
	movq	r10,(r0)+
	movq	8(fp),(r0)+		# ap, fp
	movab	4(ap),(r0)+		# sp
	movl	16(fp),(r0)		# pc
	clrl	r0

	.word	0x0000
	movl	4(ap),r0	# returned value
	movab	_setsav,r1
	movq	(r1)+,r6
	movq	(r1)+,r8
	movq	(r1)+,r10
	movq	(r1)+,r12
	movl	(r1)+,sp
	jmp 	*(r1)

	.word	0x0000
	movc3	$44,*4(ap),_setsav
	movl	(sp)+,out
	movq	r0,myregs
	movq	r2,myregs+8
	movq	r4,myregs+16
	subl2	$44,sp
	movc3	$44,_setsav,(sp)
	movq	myregs,r0
	movq	myregs+8,r2
	movq	myregs+16,r4
	jmp	*out

	.word	0x0000
	movc3	$44,_setsav,*4(ap)
	movl	4(ap), _exitlnk

#exitlnk is to be thought of as the last word of the setsav area (11 longs long)
_setsav:.space	10*4
_exitlnk:.space 4
out:	.space	4
myregs:	.space	6*4