
.Lc Data\ Structure\ Access 2
.\".ch 2
The following functions allow one to create and manipulate the various types
of lisp data structures.
Refer to \(sc1.3 for details of the data structures known to 
.Fr .
.sp 3v
.Lf *array "'s_name 's_type 'x_dim1 ... x_dim\fIn\fP"
s_type may be one of t, nil, fixnum, flonum, fixnum-block and 
an array of type s_type with n dimensions of extents given by the 
If s_name is non nil, the function definition of s_name is
set to the array structure returned.
.i *array
function creates a Maclisp compatible array.
Arrays are fully described in \(sc9.
arrays of type t, nil, fixnum and flonum are equivalent and the elements
of these arrays can be any type of lisp object.
Fixnum-block and flonum-block arrays are restricted to fixnums and flonums
respectively and are used mainly to communicate with 
foreign functions (see \(sc8.4).
.Lf aexplode "'s_arg"
a list of single character symbols which 
.i print 
would use to print out
g_arg, that is the list returned will contain quoting characters if
.i print
would have used them to print s_arg.
this is restricted to symbols and is mainly for use by explode.
.Lf aexplodec "'s_arg"
a list of symbols whose pnames are the characters 
in s_arg's pname.
.Lf aexploden "'s_arg"
a list of fixnums which represent the characters of s_arg's
-> \fI(setq x '|quote this \e| ok?|)\fP
|quote this \e| ok?|
-> \fI(aexplode x)\fP
(q u o t e |\e\e| | | t h i s |\e\e| | | |\e\e| |\e|| |\e\e| | | o k ?)
; note that |\e\e| just means the single character: backslash.
; and |\e|| just means the single character: vertical bar

-> \fI(aexplodec x)\fP
(q u o t e | | t h i s | | |\e|| | | o k ?)
-> \fI(aexploden x)\fP
(113 117 111 116 101 32 116 104 105 115 32 124 32 111 107 63)
.Lf alphalessp "'s_arg1 's_arg2"
t iff the print name of s_arg1 is alphabetically less than the 
print name of s_arg2.
.Lf append "'l_arg1 'l_arg2"
a list containing the elements of l_arg1 followed by l_arg2.
To generate the result, the top level list cells of l_arg1 are duplicated
and the cdr of the last list cell is set to point to l_arg2.
Thus this is an expensive operation if l_arg1 is large.
See the description of nconc for a cheaper way of doing the append.
.Lf append1 "'l_arg1 'g_arg2"
a list like l_arg1 with g_arg2 as the last element.
this is equivalent to (append 'l_arg1 (list 'g_arg2)).
; A common mistake is using append to add one element to the end of a list
-> \fI(append '(a b c d) 'e)\fP
(a b c d . e)
; better is append1
-> \fI(append1 '(a b c d) 'e)\fP
(a b c d e)
.Lf array "s_name s_type x_dim1 ... x_dim\fIi\fP"
this is the same as *array except the arguments are not evaluated.
.Lf arraycall "s_type 'as_array 'x_ind1 ... "
the element selected by  the indicies from the array a_array
of type s_type.
if as_array is a symbol then the function binding of this symbol should
contain an array object.
s_type is ignored by
.i arraycall
but is included for compatibility with Maclisp.
.Lf arraydims "'s_name"
a list of the type and bounds of the array s_name.
.Lf arrayp "'g_arg"
t iff g_arg is of type array.
.Lf arrayref "'a_name 'x_ind"
the x_ind\fIth\fP element of the array object a_name.
x_ind of zero accesses the first element.
.i arrayref
used the data, length and delta fields of a_name to determine which
object to return.
; We will create a 3 by 4 array of general lisp objects
-> \fI(array ernie t 3 4)\fP

; the array header is stored in the function definition slot of the
; symbol ernie
-> \fI(arrayp (getd 'ernie))\fP
-> \fI(arraydims (getd 'ernie))\fP
(t 3 4)

; store in ernie[2][2] the list (test list)
-> \fI(store (ernie 2 2) '(test list))\fP
(test list)

; check to see if it is there
-> \fI(ernie 2 2)\fP
(test list)

; now use the low level function \fIarrayref\fP to find the same element
; arrays are 0 based and row-major (the last subscript varies the fastest)
; thus element [2][2] is the 10th element , (starting at 0).
-> \fI(arrayref (getd 'ernie) 10)\fP
(ptr to)(test list)    ; the result is a value cell (thus the (ptr to))
.Lf ascii "x_charnum"
x_charnum is between 0 and 255.
a symbol whose print name is the single character whose fixnum 
representation is x_charnum.
.Lf assoc "'g_arg1 'l_arg2"
the first top level element of l_arg2 whose
.i car
.i equal
to g_arg1.
the test is make with the lisp function equal.
Usually l_arg2 has an
.i a-list
structure and g_arg1 acts as key.
.Lf assq "'g_arg1 'l_arg2"
the first top level element of l_arg2 whose
.i car
equal to g_arg1 using the
lisp function
.i eq.
This is faster than assoc since eq is faster than equal but 
lisp objects which print alike are not always 
.i eq.
See the description of eq for more details.
; an `assoc list' (or alist) is a common lisp data structure.  It has the
; form ((key1 . value1) (key2 . value2) (key3 . value3) ... (keyn . valuen))
; \fIassoc\fP or \fIassq\fP is given a key and an assoc list and returns
; the key and value item if it exists, they differ only in how they test
; for equality of the keys.

-> \fI(setq alist '((alpha . a) ( (complex key) . b) (junk . x)))\fP
((alpha . a) ((complex key) . b) (junk . x))

; we should use \fIassq\fP when the key is an atom
-> \fI(assq 'alpha alist)\fP
(alpha . a)

; but it may not work when the key is a list
-> \fI(assq '(complex key) alist)\fP

; however \fIassoc\fP will always work
-> \fI(assoc '(complex key) alist)\fP
((complex key) . b)
.Lf atom "'g_arg"
t iff g_arg is not a list or hunk object.
(atom '()) returns t.
.Lf bcdad "'s_funcname"
a fixnum which is the address in memory where the function 
s_funcname begins.
If s_funcname is not a machine coded function (binary) then 
bcdad returns nil.
.Lf bcdp "'g_arg"
t iff g_arg is a data object of type binary.
the name of this function is a throwback to the PDP-11 Lisp system.
.Lf bigp "'g_arg"
t iff g_arg is a bignum.
.Lf c\.\.r "'lh_arg"
the .. represents any positive number of \fBa\fP's and \fBd\fP's.
the result of accessing the list structure in the way determined by
the function name.
The \fBa\fP's and \fBd\fP's are read from right to left, a 
.b d
directing the access down the cdr part of the list cell and an
.b a
down the car part.
lh_arg may also be nil, and it is guaranteed that the car and cdr of nil
is nil.
Currently one may dissect hunks and bignums with c..r as well although this is
subject to change.
.Lf concat "['stn_arg1 ... ]"
a symbol whose print name
is the result of concatenating the print names,
string characters or numerical representations
of the sn_arg\fIi\fP.
If no arguments are given, a symbol with a null pname is returned.
Concat places the symbol created on the oblist, the function uconcat
does the same thing but does not place the new symbol on the oblist.
\fI(concat 'abc (add 3 4) "def")\fP ==> abc7def
.Lf cons "'g_arg1 'g_arg2"
a new list cell whose car is g_arg1 and whose cdr is g_arg2.
.Lf copy "'g_arg"
A structure 
.i equal
to g_arg but with new list cells.
.Lf copysymbol "'s_arg 'g_pred"
an uninterned symbol with the same print name as s_arg.
If g_pred is non nil, then the value, function binding
and property list of the new symbol are made 
.i eq 
to those of s_arg.
.Lf cpy1 "'xvt_arg"
a new cell of the same type as xvt_arg with the same value as xvt_arg.
.Lf cxr "'x_ind 'h_hunk"
element x_ind (starting at 0) of hunk h_hunk.
.Lf defprop "ls_name g_val g_ind"
The property list of ls_name is updated by adding g_val as the value
of indicator g_ind.
this is similar to putprop except that the arguments to defprop
are not evaluated.
ls_name may be a disembodied property list, see \fIget\fP.
.Lf delete "'g_val 'l_list ['x_count]"
the result of splicing g_val from the top level of
l_list no more than x_count times.
x_count defaults to a very large number, thus if x_count is not given, all
occurances of g_val are removed from the top level of l_list.
g_val is compared with successive 
.i car 's
of l_list using the function
.i equal .
l_list is modified using rplacd, no new list cells are used.
.Lf delq "'g_val 'l_list ['x_count]"
the result of splicing g_val from the top level of l_list no more than
x_count times.
.i delq 
is the same as 
.i delete 
except that 
.i eq
is used for comparison instead of 
.i equal .
; note that you should use the value returned by \fIdelete\fP or \fIdelq\fP
; and not assume that g_val will always show the deletions.
; For example

-> \fI(setq test '(a b c a d e))\fP
(a b c a d e)
-> \fI(delete 'a test)\fP
(b c d e)         ; the value returned is what we would expect	
-> \fItest\fP
(a b c d e)       ; but test still has the first a in the list!
.Lf dtpr "'g_arg"
t iff g_arg is a list cell.
that (dtpr '()) is nil.
.Lf eq "'g_arg1 'g_arg2"
t if g_arg1 and g_arg2 are the exact same lisp object.
.i Eq
simply tests if g_arg1 and g_arg2 are located in the exact same
place in memory.
Lisp objects which print the same are not necessarily 
.i eq .
The only objects guaranteed to be 
.i eq
are interned symbols with the same print name.
[Unless a symbol is created in a special way (such as with
uconcat or maknam)
it will be interned.]
.Lf equal "'g_arg1 'g_arg2"
t iff g_arg1 and g_arg2 have the same structure as described below.
g_arg and g_arg2 are 
.i equal
they are eq.
they are both fixnums with the same value
they are both flonums with the same value
they are both bignums with the same value
they are both strings and are identical.
they are both lists and their cars and cdrs are
.i equal .
; \fIeq\fP is much faster than \fIequal\fP, especially in compiled code,
; however you cannot use \fIeq\fP to test for equality of numbers outside
; of the range -1024 to 1023.  \fIequal\fP will always work.
-> \fI(eq 1023 1023)\fP
-> \fI(eq 1024 1024)\fP
-> \fI(equal 1024 1024)\fP
.Lf explode "'g_arg"
a list of single character symbols which 
.i print 
would use to print g_arg.
.Lf explodec "'g_val"
the list of characters which print would use to print g_val except that
special characters in symbols are 
not escaped (just as if patom were used to print them).
.Lf exploden "'g_val"
a list of fixnums which print would use to print g_val except that
special characters in symbols are not escaped
(just as if patom were used to print them).
.Lf fillarray "'s_array 'l_itms"
the array s_array is filled with elements from l_itms.
If there are not enough elements in l_itms to fill the entire array,
then the last element of l_itms is used to fill the remaining parts
of the array.
.Lf gensym "'s_leader"
a new uninterned atom beginning with the first character of s_leader's
pname, or beginning with g if s_leader is not given.
The symbol looks like x0nnnnn where x is s_leader's first character and
nnnnn is the number of times you have called gensym.
.Lf get "'ls_name 'g_ind"
the value under indicator g_ind in ls_name's property list if ls_name
is a symbol.
If there is no indicator g_ind in ls_name's property list nil is returned.
If ls_name is a list of an odd number of elements then it is a disembodied
property list. 
\fIget\fP searches a disembodied property list by  starting at its 
\fIcdr\fP and looking at every other element for g_ind.
-> \fI(putprop 'xlate 'a 'alpha)\fP
-> \fI(putprop 'xlate 'b 'beta)\fP
-> \fI(plist 'xlate)\fP
(alpha a beta b)
-> \fI(get 'xlate 'alpha)\fP
-> \fI(get '(nil fateman rjf sklower kls foderaro jkf) 'sklower)\fP
.Lf get_pname "'s_arg"
the string which is the print name of s_arg.
.Lf getaccess  "'a_array"
the access function for the array a_array.
.Lf getaddress "'s_entry1 's_binder1 'st_discipline1 [... ...]"
the binary object  which s_binder1's  function field is set to.
This looks in the running lisp's symbol table for a symbol with the same
name as s_entry\fIi\fP.
It then creates a binary object
whose entry field points to s_entry\fIi\fP 
and whose discipline is st_discipline\fIi\fP.
This binary object is stored in the function field of s_binder\fIi\fP.
If st_discipline\fIi\fP is nil, then "subroutine" is used by default.
This is especially useful for 
.i cfasl
.Lf getaux "'a_array"
the auxiliary field for the array a_array.
.Lf getchar "'s_arg 'x_index"
the x_index'th character of the print name of s_arg or nil if x_index
is less than 1 or greater than the length of s_arg's print name.
.Lf getcharn "'s_arg 'x_index"
the fixnum representation of the x_index'th character 
of the print name of s_arg or nil if x_index
is less than 1 or greater than the length of s_arg's print name.
.Lf getd "'s_arg"
the function definition of s_arg or nil if there is no function definition.
the function definition may turn out to be an array header.
.Lf getdelta "'a_array"
the delta field for a_array.
.Lf getentry "'y_funchd"
the entry field of the binary y_funchd.
.Lf getlength "'a_array"
the length field of the array a_array.
.Lf hunk "'g_val1 ['g_val2 ... 'g_val\fIn\fP]"
a hunk of length n whose elements are initialized to the g_val\fIi\fP.
the maximum size of a hunk is 128.
\fI(hunk 4 'sharp 'keys)\fP ==> {4 sharp keys}
.Lf hunksize "'h_arg"
the size of the hunk h_arg.
\fI(hunksize (hunk 1 2 3))\fP ==> 3
.Lf implode "'l_arg"
l_arg is a list of symbols and small fixnums.
The symbol whose print name is the result of concatenating the print names
of the symbols in the list.
Any fixnums are converted to the equivalent ascii character.
.Lf intern "'s_arg"
s_arg is put on the oblist if it is not already there.
.Lf last "'l_arg"
the last list cell in the list l_arg.
\fIlast\fP does NOT return the last element of a list!
\fI(last '(a b))\fP ==>  (b)
.Lf length "'l_arg"
the number of elements in the top level of list l_arg.
.Lf list "['g_arg1 ... ]"
a list whose elements are the g_arg\fIi\fP.
.Lf makhunk "'xl_arg"
a hunk of length xl_arg initialized to all nils if xl_arg is a fixnum.
If xl_arg is a list, then we return a hunk of size \fI(length\ 'xl_arg)\fP
initialized to the elements in xl_arg.
\fI(makhunk\ '(a\ b\ c))\fP is equivalent to \fI(hunk\ 'a\ 'b\ 'c)\fP.
\fI(makhunk 4)\fP ==> {nil nil nil nil}
.Lf *makhunk "'x_arg"
a hunk of size 2\*[x_arg\*] initialized to EMPTY.
This is only to be used by such functions as \fIhunk\fP and \fImakhunk\fP
which create and initialize hunks for users.
.Lf maknam "'l_arg"
what implode would return except the resulting symbol is uninterned.
.Lf makunbound "'s_arg"
the value of s_arg is made `unbound'.
If the interpreter attempts to evaluate s_arg before it is again 
given a value, an unbound variable error will occur.
.Lf marray  "'g_data 's_access 'g_aux 'x_length 'x_delta"
an array type with the fields set up from the above arguments
in the obvious way (see \(sc 1.3.9).
.Lf member "'g_arg1 'l_arg2"
that part of the l_arg2 beginning with the first occurrence
of g_arg1.
If g_arg1 is not in the top level of l_arg2, nil is returned.
the test for equality is made with
.i equal .
.Lf memq "'g_arg1 'l_arg2"
that part of the l_arg2 beginning with the first occurance
of g_arg1.
If g_arg1 is not in the top level of l_arg2, nil is returned.
the test for equality is made with
.i eq .
.Lf nconc "'l_arg1 'l_arg2 ['l_arg3 ...]"
A list consisting of the elements of l_arg1 followed by the elements of
l_arg2 followed by l_arg3 and so on.
.i cdr 
of the last list cell of l_arg\fIi\fP is changed to point to 
; \fInconc\fP is faster than \fIappend\fP because it doesn't allocate new list
; cells.
-> \fI(setq lis1 '(a b c))\fP
(a b c)
-> \fI(setq lis2 '(d e f))\fP
(d e f)
-> \fI(append lis1 lis2)\fP
(a b c d e f)
-> \fIlis1\fP
(a b c)       ; note that lis1 has not been changed by \fIappend\fP
-> \fI(nconc lis1 lis2)\fP
(a b c d e f) ; \fInconc\fP returns the same value as \fIappend\fP
-> \fIlis1\fP
(a b c d e f) ; but in doing so alters lis1
.Lf ncons "'g_arg"
a new list cell with g_arg as car and nil as cdr.
.Lf not "'g_arg"
t iff g_arg is nil.
.Lf nreverse "'l_arg"
the reverse of l_arg.
The reverse is done in place, that is the list structure is modified.
No new list cells are allocated.
.Lf nthelem "'n_arg1 'l_arg2"
The n_arg1'\fIst\fP element of the list l_arg2.
If n_arg1 is non-positive or greater than the length
of the list, nil is returned. 
.Lf null "'g_arg"
t iff g_arg is nil.
.Lf plist "'s_name"
the property list of s_name.
.Lf ptr "'g_arg"
a value cell initialize to point to g_arg.
.Lf putaccess "'a_array 's_func"
replaces the access field of a_array with s_func.
.Lf putaux "'a_array 'g_aux"
replaces the auxillary field of a_array with g_aux.
.Lf putdelta "'a_array 'x_delta"
replaces the delta field of a_array with x_delta.
.Lf putdisc "'y_func 's_discipline"
the discipline field of y_func is set to s_discipline.
.Lf putlength "'a_array 'x_length"
replaces the length field of a_array with x_length.
.Lf putprop "'ls_name 'g_val 'g_ind"
Adds to the property list of ls_name the value g_val under the indicator
this is similar to 
.i defprop 
except the arguments are evaluated to 
.i putprop .
ls_name may be a disembodied property list, see \fIget\fP.
.Lf quote "g_arg"
the reader allows you to abbreviate (quote foo) as 'foo.
.Lf rematom "'s_arg"
t if s_arg is indeed an atom.
s_arg is put on the free atoms list, effectively reclaiming an
atom cell.
This function does 
.i not
check to see if s_arg is on the oblist or is referenced anywhere.
Thus calling 
.i rematom
on an atom in the oblist may result in disaster when that atom cell
is reused!
.Lf remob "'s_symbol"
s_symbol is removed from the oblist.
.Lf remprop "'ls_name 'g_ind"
the portion of  ls_name's property list beginning with the 
property under the indicator g_ind.
If there is no g_ind indicator in ls_name's plist, nil is returned.
the value under indicator g_ind and g_ind itself is removed from 
the property list of ls_name.
ls_name may be a disembodied property list, see \fIget\fP.
.Lf replace "'g_arg1 'g_arg2"
g_arg1 and g_arg2 must be the same type of lispval and not symbols or hunks.
The effect of
.i replace 
is dependent on the type of the g_arg\fIi\fP although one will notice 
a similarity in the effects.
To understand what 
.i replace
does to fixnum and flonum arguments you must first understand that 
such numbers are `boxed' in 
.Fr .
What this means is that if the symbol x has a value 32412, then in
memory the value element of x's symbol structure contains the address of
another word of memory (called a box) with 32412 in it.
Thus there are two ways of changing the value of x, one is to change
the value element of x's symbol structure to point to a word of memory
with a different value.
Another way is to change the value in the box which x points to.
The former method is used almost all of the time, the latter is
used very rarely and has the potential to cause great confusion.
The function
.i replace
allows you to do the latter, that is to actually change the value in
the box.
You should watch out for these situations.
If you do \fI(setq\ y\ x)\fP then both  x and y will point to the
same box.
If you now \fI(replace\ x\ 12345)\fP then y will also have the value
And in fact there may be many other pointers to that box.
Another problem with replacing fixnums is that some boxes are read only.
The fixnums between -1024 and 1023 are stored in a read only area
and attempts to replace them will result in an "Illegal memory reference"
error (see the description of 
.i copyint*
for a way around this problem)..
For the other valid types, the effect of 
.i replace 
is easy to understand.
The fields of g_val1's structure are made eq to the corresponding fields of
g_val2's structure.
For example, if x  and  y have lists as values then the effect of
\fI(replace\ x\ y)\fP is the same as 
\fI(rplaca\ x\ (car\ y))\fP and \fI(rplacd\ x\ (cdr\ y))\fP.
.Lf reverse "'l_arg"
the reverse of the list l_arg.
.i reverse 
is performed by allocating new list cells to duplicate
the top level of l_arg. This can be expensive if l_arg is large.
The function nreverse will reverse the list without allocating 
new list cells.
.Lf rplaca "'lh_arg1 'g_arg2"
the modified lh_arg1.
the car of lh_arg1 is set to  g_arg2.
If lh_arg1 is a hunk then the second element of the hunk is set to g_arg2.
.Lf rplacd "'lh_arg1 'g_arg2"
the modified lh_arg1.
the cdr of lh_arg2 is set to g_arg2.
If lh_arg1 is a hunk then the first element of the hunk is set to g_arg2.
.Lf rplacx "'x_ind 'h_hunk 'g_val"
Element x_ind (starting at 0) of h_hunk is set to g_val.
.Lf *rplacx "'x_ind 'h_hunk 'g_val"
Element x_ind (starting at 0) of h_hunk is set to g_val.
This is the same as \fIrplacx\fP except you may replace uninitialized
hunk entries. 
This is only to be used by functions such as \fIhunk\fP and \fImakhunk\fP
which create hunks of sizes which are not powers of two.
.Lf sassoc "'g_arg1 'l_arg2 'sl_func"
the result of \fI(cond\ ((assoc\ 'g_arg\ 'l_arg2)\ (apply\ 'sl_func\ nil)))\fP
sassoc is written as a macro.
.Lf sassq "'g_arg1 'l_arg2 'sl_func"
the result of \fI(cond\ ((assq\ 'g_arg\ 'l_arg2)\ (apply\ 'sl_func\ nil)))\fP
sassq is written as a macro.
.Lf set "'s_arg1 'g_arg2"
the value of s_arg1 is set to g_arg2.
.Lf setplist "'s_atm 'l_plist"
the property list of s_atm is set to l_plist.
.Lf setq "s_atm1 'g_val1 [ s_atm2 'g_val2 ... ... ]"
the arguments are pairs of atom names and expressions.
the last g_val\fIi\fP.
each s_atm\fIi\fP is set to have the value g_val\fIi\fP.
.Lf stringp "'g_arg"
t iff g_arg is a string.
.Lf symbolp "'g_arg"
t iff g_arg is a symbol.
.Lf type "'g_arg"
a symbol whose pname describes the type of g_arg.
.Lf typep "'g_arg"
.Lf uconcat "['s_arg1 ... ]"
a symbol whose pname is the result of concatenating the print names (pnames)
of the s_arg\fIi\fP.
If no arguments are given, a symbol with a null pname is returned.
\fIuconcat\fP does not place the symbol created on 
the oblist, the function concat
does the same thing but does place the new symbol on the oblist.
.Lf valuep "'g_arg"
t iff g_arg is a value cell