
.Lc Arrays 9
Arrays in 
provide a programmable data structure access mechanism.
One possible use for 
arrays is to implement Maclisp style arrays which are simple vectors
of fixnums, flonums or general lispvalues.
This is described in more detail in \(sc9.3 but first
we will describe how array references are handled by
the lisp system.
The structure of an array object is given in \(sc1.3.9 and reproduced here
for your convenience.
.sp 1v
box center ;
c | c | c | c .
Subpart name	Get value	Set value	Type

access function	getaccess	putaccess	binary, list
			or symbol
auxiliary	getaux	putaux	lispval
data	arrayref	replace	block of contiguous
		set	lispval
length	getlength	putlength	fixnum
delta	getdelta	putdelta	fixnum
.sh 2 "general arrays" \n(ch 1
Suppose the evaluator is told to evaluate \fI(foo\ a\ b)\fP
and the function cell of the symbol foo contains an array object
(which we will call foo_arr_obj).
First the evaluator will evaluate and stack the values of 
.i a 
.i b .
Next it will stack the array object foo_arr_obj.
Finally it will call the access function of foo_arr_obj.
The access function should be a lexpr\*[\(dg\*]
or a symbol whose 
function cell contains a lexpr.
\*[\(dg\*]A lexpr is a function which accepts any number of arguments
which are evaluated before the function is called.
The access function is responsible for locating and returning 
a value from the array.
The array access function is free to interpret the arguments as it wishes.
The Maclisp compatible array access function which is provided 
in the standard
system interprets the arguments as subscripts in the same way as 
languages like Fortran and Pascal.
The array access function will also be called up to store elements in 
the array.
For example, \fI(store\ (foo\ a\ b)\ c)\fP
will automatically expand to (foo c a b) and when the evaluator is called
to evaluate this, it will evaluate the arguments 
.i c , 
.i b 
.i a .
Then it will
stack the array object (which is stored 
in the function cell of foo) and call the array access function
with (now) four arguments.
The array access function must be able to tell this is a store operation
which it can by checking the number of arguments it has been
given (a lexpr can do this very easily).
.sh 2 "subparts of an array object"
When an array is created a raw array object is allocated with
.i marray
and the user is responsible for filling in the parts.
Certain lisp functions interpret the values of the subparts 
of the array object in special
ways as described in the following text.
Placing illegal values in these subparts may cause
the lisp system to fail.
.sh 3 "access function"
The function of the access function has been described above.
The contents of the access function should be a lexpr, 
either a binary (compiled function) or a list (interpreted function).
It may also be a symbol whose function cell contains a function 
This subpart 
is used by 
.i eval , 
.i funcall , 
.i apply
when evaluating array references.
.sh 3 auxiliary
This can be used for any purpose. If it is a list and the first element
of that list is the symbol unmarked_array then the data subpart will
not be marked by the garbage collector (this is used in the Maclisp
compatible array package and has the potential for causing strange errors
if used incorrectly).
.sh 3 data
This is either nil or points to a block of data space allocated by 
.i segment 
.i small-segment.
.sh 3 length
This is a fixnum whose value is the number of elements in the
data block.  This is used by the garbage collector and by 
.i arrayref
to determine if your index is in bounds.
.sh 3 delta
This is a fixnum whose value is the number of bytes in each element of 
the data block.
This will be four for an array of fixnums or value cells, and eight
for an array of flonums.
This is used by the garbage collector and 
.i arrayref
as well.
.sh 2 "The Maclisp compatible array package"
A Maclisp style array is similar to what are know as arrays in other
languages: a block of homogeneous data elements which
is indexed by one or more integers called subscripts.
The data elements can be all fixnums, flonums or general lisp objects.
An array is created by a call to the function 
.i array 
or *array .
The only difference is that 
.i *array
evaluates its arguments.
This call: 
.i "(array foo t 3 5)"
sets up an array called foo of dimensions 3 by 5.
The subscripts are zero based. 
The first element is \fI(foo\ 0\ 0)\fP, the next is \fI(foo\ 0\ 1)\fP
and so on up to \fI(foo\ 2\ 4)\fP.
The t indicates a general lisp object array which means each element of
foo can be any type.
Each element can be any type since all that is stored in the array is
a pointer to a lisp object, not the object itself.
.i Array 
does this by allocating an array object
.i marray
and then allocating a segment of 15 consecutive value cells with
.i small-segment
and storing a pointer to that segment in the data subpart of the array
The length and delta subpart of the array object are filled in (with 15
and 4 respectively) and the access function subpart is set to point to 
the appropriate  array access function.
In this case there is a special access function for two dimensional
value cell arrays called arrac-twoD, and this access function is used.
The auxiliary subpart is set to (t\ 3\ 5) which describes the type of array
and the bounds of the subscripts.  
Finally this array object is placed in the function cell of the symbol foo.
Now when 
.i "(foo 1 3)"
is evaluated, the array access function is invoked with three arguments:
1, 3 and the array object.  From the auxiliary field of the
array object it gets a description of the particular array.
It then determines which element \fI(foo\ 1\ 3)\fP refers to  and 
uses arrayref to extract that element.
Since this is an array of value cells, what arrayref returns is a
value cell whose value what we want, so we evaluate the value cell
and return it as the value of \fI(foo\ 1\ 3)\fP.
In Maclisp the call \fI(array\ foo\ fixnum\ 25)\fP
returns an array whose data object is a block of 25 memory words.
When fixnums are stored in this array, the actual numbers are be 
stored instead of pointers to the numbers as are done in general lisp
object arrays.
This is efficient under Maclisp but inefficient in
since every time a value was referenced from an array it had to be copied
and a pointer to the copy returned to prevent aliasing\*[\(dg\*].
\*[\(dg\*]Aliasing is when two variables are share the same storage location.
For example if the copying mentioned weren't done then after 
\fI(setq\ x\ (foo\ 2))\fP was done, the value of x and 
(foo\ 2) would share the same 
Then should the value of (foo\ 2) change, x's value would change as well.
This is considered dangerous and as a result pointers are never returned
into the data space of arrays.
Thus t, fixnum and flonum arrays are all implemented in the same 
This should not affect the compatibility of Maclisp
.Fr .
If there is an application where a block of fixnums or flonums is required,
then the exact same effect of fixnum and flonum arrays in Maclisp
can be achieved by using fixnum-block and flonum-block arrays.
Such arrays are required if you want to pass a large number of arguments to a 
Fortran or C coded function and then get answers back.
The Maclisp compatible array package is 
just one example of how a general array scheme can be implemented.
Another type of array you could implement would be hashed arrays.
The subscript could be anything, not just a number.
The access function would hash the subscript and use the result to
select an array element.
With the generality of arrays also comes extra cost; if you just
want a simple vector of (less than 128) general lisp objects
you would be wise to look into using hunks.