
I am working on the section about options. As soon as you have
stablized them, please pass them on to me. As a start I have
listed what I perceive to be the list. Please modify and return.

Option		Used by		Function
  a		pix		separate args to px
  b		pi, pc, pix	buffer for ``output''
  c		pc		generate .o file
  d		pc		internal debugging
  e		pc		passed to ``ld''
  g		pc		generate ``sdb'' info
  i		pi, pc, pix	selective listing
  l		pi, pc, pix	generate full listing (-lx passed to ``ld'')
  n		pc		passed to ``ld''
  o		pc		rename a.out
  p		pc		generate ``prof'' style profiling
  s		pi, pc, pix	warnings on standard Pascal
  w		pi, pc, pix	other warnings
  x		pc		passed to ``ld''
  y		pi, pc, pix	dump symbol table
  z		pi, pc, pix	generate ``pxp'' style profiling
  C		pi, pc, pix	generate runtime tests
  O		pc		optimize
  S		pi, pc, pix	generate ``obj'' (pi and pix) or .s (pc)
