
How to fix the configuration straps on your HP 2621.

(1) get the "default labels" (config ...) on the bottom of the screen.
    If they aren't already there, hit the labels key (the blank light one
    on the right) to get them.
(2) go into config mode by hitting "config".  (To hit a label such as
    config, you must hold down shift and hit the corresponding key of
    the 8 at the top of the keyboard.  In this case it's shift home,
    that is shift the key pointing up to the left.)  You will get a
    row of options at the top, and a row of labels starting "exit"
    at the bottom.
(3) Set the straps to bcGHxZ and the handshake to etX.  (The capitalization
    is what counts, not the letter.)  Use the left and right arrow keys
    (unshifted) to move the cursor to a thing to change, and use either
    next or previous (these are shifted) to toggle the thing to the
    other state.
(4) Leave config mode by hitting exit.
(5) If you want rid of the labels, do a tset or hit control shift labels.