*= programs written specifically for, or heavily modified for, AUSAM.

absout.c	turns DEC absolute loader format into an a.out file
ac.h		new accounting program					*
ac1.c									*
ac2.c									*
ac3.c									*
ac4.c									*
ar.c		latest - more modes, longer names
ask.c		asks a question and returns TRUE if answer=yes
banner.c	full 64 character set
bye.c		for cretins to turn system off
cc.c		new control line #else, conditional expressions for #ifdef
chdir.c		executes chdir for glob
chk.c		runs icheck,dcheck on known file systems
chmod.c		chmod.s in C!
chown.c		chown.s in C -- flag -s saves modify date		*
clri.s		modified to work on multiple inodes
cnvtwtmp.c	converts vn6 wtmp file to AUSAM wtmp file for ac	*
copy.c		ex a distribution tape + some new flags
coreit.c	prints out core dump summary
cr.s		reads cards from card reader and strips off trailing blanks
cron.c		minor fixes
cstrip.c	removes comments from cc files (e.g. param.h)
ctofor.c	convert a.out to obj for fortran linker
date.c									*
dcheck.c	extra features
dcopy.c		file system straightener
df.c		works out file system
diff1.c		new flag -d for pretty listings
disktest.c	general diagnostic for random access device
dump.c		better
edrecon.s	reconstructs ed file after crash
em.c		QMC thing with new features: join command, ...
enable.c	enable/disable tty lines
entab.c		converts spaces to tabs where suitable -- and "dtab" vice-versa
errlog.c	uses /dev/errlog to log system errors on /usr/adm/errlog
fsize.c		exits true if file exists & size > 0
fwd.s		forward-space magtape
getit.c		gets the date from wthin a run-file (e.g. "rc")
getty-tab40.c	makes table "decays.h" for getty.c			*
getty.c		incorporates login					*
glob.c									*
gripe.c		gets a gripe to /usr/gripes/.mail
init.c		new							*
ipatch.c	bugs fixed
kill.c		(now in shell)
list.c		an abomination
lked		yes well um theres no source you see -- shared data loader
log.c		talks to other systems + full file transfer protocol
login.c		old
lpd.c		new (all singing all dancing)				*
lpr.c		new (likewise)						*
ls.c									*
pp.c		prints limits						*
prstop.s	Abort current lpr output
run1		does everything
runaus1		recompiles all AUSAM programs
runlk1		recompiles all programs that use locking on files
*= programs written specifically for, or heavily modified for, AUSAM.

dtp.s		new super tp:- large blocks, does directories, ...
itp.s		an earlier version of dtp
mail.c									*
message.c	large, fancy letters
mkdir.s									*
mv.c									*
nice.c		uses execc
niced.c		tells you of all progs that should be niced, but aren't
nohup.c		uses execc
pack.c		fixed to use longs and be compaible with floating point
passwd.c								*
pcat.c		looks at packed files
pp.c		prints out your current limits				*
ps.c		new flags, new format -- all singing all dancing
ptbanner.c	readable paper tape banners -- full ascii set
pud.c		prints user directory status				*
restor.c	handles virtual blocks and other fixes
rew.s		rewinds a tape
rm.c									*
rmdir.c									*
rmtree.c	used by init to remove user's files from /tmp		*
rotsh.c		Jeff Rottman's shell
run2		does everything
runallaus2	recompiles all AUSAM modded files
runaus2		recompiles one AUSAM file
runlk2		recompiles all progs that use file locking
set.c		sets erase=bachspace and calls shell
sh.c		many fixes, changes, safe for super-users
shutdown.c	shuts down system nicely -- uses SIGTERMINATE
slp.c		sets line printer modes with stty call
sortbig.c	sorts lines > 1000 bytes
speed.s		version of cat that does backspace optimising
stap.c		manipulates magtape with stty calls -- needs new magtape drivers
stp		source directory for stp (which doesn't work)
stty.c		better
su.c									*
taprd.c		tests a tape is readable, and tells you its format
time.c		uses execc
timelim.c	puts a cpu time limit on a command
unlink.c	unequivocal unlink
unpack.c	changed as for pack
update.c								*
wall.c									*
warn.c		imminent shutdown warning
who.c		new flags						*