
Changes to e (em/ed):

    `%' now matches the right-hand side of the last `s' or `x'  command,
    just  as  `&'  matches the left-hand side.  The `z' command has been
    extended to print this out.  The `%' may be escaped by a `\'.

    Addressing  has  been  improved,  to allow for defaults.  No address
    before  the   `,'  defaults  to  `1',  and  no address after the `,'
    defaults to `$'. Thus `,p' prints the entire file, etc.

    The unix command line has been generalised: `!' is replaced  by  the
    last unix command.  This means `!!' works as before, but you may now
    type such things as `!!&' or `!! > junk', etc.

    Elfic mode has been fixed so can exit with null file name  and  null
    file,  can  enter  `f'  with no arguments, and can enter `f' with an
    argument if there is no file name.

    Made open-mode use  the  current  kill  and  erase  characters.   In
    particular,  those  sophisticated  people who use backspace as their
    erase character  have  had  their  prayers  answered!   Any  unknown
    control-character  (i.e. not an editing ctrl-chr) will result in the
    `help' listing, e.g., control-o.

    Added `wx' option to `w' command -  write  with  execute  permission
    (mode 0700).

    Complaints, suggestions, etc., may be directed to kev.