
.tr ~ 
.nr O 12	\" page offset
.nr W 80	\" line length
.nr B 1
.nr L 72	\" 12i for Qume
.so /usr/lib/tmac.m
.SA 1
.nr Hy 0
.nr Pt 1
.SA 1
.ds HF 3 3 3
.de HX	\"increase spacing by 2 and setup header strings
.sp 2
.PH "''ALE''"
.PF "''-\\\\nP-''"
.H 1 "Ale"
Ale is a program which takes a sequence of addresses and,
depending on the switches used,
generates files suitable for the production of letters,
envelopes or labels.
.H 1 "Usage"
.ti -5
ale [-pr] [-let] [-lab] [-env] [-o file] [-s] [-c] [-dx] [-wnn] [-lnn] [-pnn] [-inn] [file...]
The flags have the following meanings:
.ML " "
-pr - a printout of the input to be made on the destination.
The output will be double spaced.
A common use of this option would be
	ale -pr files... ^ lpr -1
-let - Indicates letters are to be produced on file tempA
-lab - Indicates labels are to be produced on file tempL.
-env - Indicates envelopes are to be produced on file tempE.
-o file - this specifies the output file on which the
letters/labels/envelopes are to be produced.
Letters will be produced on 'fileA',
labels will be produced on 'fileL',
and envelopes on 'fileE'.
The default is 'temp'.
-s - do all work silently.
\&'Ale' usually gives an error message to any error
occuring in the text. The error message indicates which
file (if not standard input) the error occured in,
the line number that it occured on,
and an error message indicating the source of the error.
If you use the '-s' option, no error diagnostics are given.
-c - Ignore capital letters in surname.
Usually only the first letter of the surname is allowed to
be capitalized, this flag turns this checking off.
-dx - the letter x defines the destination and is one of
.DL 5 1
q - QUME (default if not specified),
l - LA180, (the decprinter)
p - LP05. (the line printer)
The following flags should only be used to change the default
specifications for the destination.
-wnn - specifies a page width of nn to be used.
The defaults are those normally used on the destination.
(which are QUME - 100, LP05 - 132, LA180 - 136)
-lnn - specifies the page length (in lines) to be used.
The defaults are those normally used on the destination.
(QUME - 72, LP05 - 66, LA180 - 51)
-pnn - specifies the pitch of the destination.
The defaults are those normally used on the destination.
(QUME - 12, LP05 and LA180 - 10).
-inn - specify the number of lines/inch
The defaults are those normally used on the destination.
(QUME - 6, LP05 and LA180 - 8)
The input comes from the file(s),
or if these are not specified,
standard input,
thus 'ale' can be piped to.
Options may be placed in any order,
but must come before any files.
If none of the options -let, -lab, -env are specified,
only a syntax check is performed.
This will indicate almost all of the errors in the files.
The possible error that a syntax check would miss are
typically output dependent information,
i.e. too many lines for a label.
.H 1 "Input Format"
The input must be in the following format:
[comment] <field> { <sep> <field> } $ [Dear]
.ML ""
Blank lines between addresses are ignored.
Blank lines within fields are flagged as errors.
Comment is optional and consists of the maximal string of characters
terminated by a colon on that line.
A field is a string of characters terminated by a <sep> or a $.
It corresponds to one line of the address.
Leading and trailing blanks are stripped.
<sep> consists of a comma optionally followed by
a newline.
The 'Dear' field is optional and exists if and only if
there exist non blank characters
between the '$' and the newline following.
The following characters are legal
in comments.
Their presence elsewhere is an error.
The illegal characters are !#%*<=>?@[]\\^_|{} .
Any of these characters is flagged as an error.
The following is an example of a valid address:
.sp 2
	xx,12,abh: Mr Jack M Jones, 123 Abacrombie St Jackstown,
	Appletree 4524, Afganastan$
.sp 2
The following is invalid:
.sp 2
	xx,12,abh: Mr Jack M Jones, 123 Abacrombie St Jackstown
	Appletree 4524, Afganastan$
.sp 2
This is because there is no ',' on the end of the first
The error message that this would invoke should indicate
that you could have left off a ',' or a '$'.
.H 1 "Output"
.H 2 "Letters"
The output for letters will be in the following format:
	<blank line>
	Dear xxxx
	<blank line>
The fields are as they appear in the input but folded if they exceed the line length.
If the 'Dear' line is not specified in the input, it will be determined
from the first field, which is assumed to contain a title and name.
The first field should be in the format
title initials and/or first-names surname
The title is the maximal string of valid, non-blank characters
and can contain any combination of the following:
.ne 5
.ML "" "" 1
With all of these (except Sir and The), the 'Dear' line is the title
followed by the surname.
.tr ~~
If the surname ends in a tilde (~) followed by a sequence of (only) capital letters,
.tr ~ 
the sequence of capital letters is considered to be a postfix and will
not appear in the 'Dear' line.
The complete output consists of a sequence of these items followed
by a line containing ".ex",
which makes it digestable to "nroff".
To produce the letters you must have a file which contains
(assume the filename is 'adrmk') :-
	{ information to be placed at header of letter }
	{ information to be placed after address of person has been printed }
	{ the letter to be sent to the person }
	.nx adrmk
Then, for example,  to produce the letters on the Qume you type
	nroff -Tqu12 adrmk < tempA   (or fileA if you used -o option)
.H 2 "Labels"
To produce the labels you simply type
	cat tempL      (or fileL if you used -o option)
The labels produced will have several lines (2 on Qume, 10 on line printers)
of "dummy labels" which are included so that the labels can be
properly alligned.
These "dummy labels" consist of rows and columns of stars,
which will outline the labels when they are properly aligned.
These are followed by your labels.
Each of these labels consists of the fields in the input centered and
left justified in the label.
This means that if you consider the fields left justified as a block,
this block will be centered within the label.
If a line is too long to fit within the label, it will be folded
(that is, split onto several lines at appropriate places).
.H 2 "Envelopes"
To produce envelopes you type
	nroff tempE       (or fileE if you used -o option)
and the envelopes will be produced properly addressed.
.H 1 Errors
All errors will be printed in the following format:-
	file: nn: message
\&'file' is the file in which the error occured
(if standard input is used then this is ommited),
\&'nn' is the line number on which the error occured,
and 'message' is an explanitory message indicating
the possible fix for the file.
As many errors will be flagged as possible, but only the
first error within any address will be flagged.
If any errors occur in the text, all output,
except that from the "-pr" option,
will be surpressed and only a syntax check will
be performed on the rest of the text.
No files will be produced.