
.tl 'DCOPY(VIII)'12/17/75'DCOPY(VIII)'
	dcopy - stand-alone disk copier and compactor


	<bells_____> your command line <return>

	dcopy_____ is a stand-alone disk copier and compactor for rk11 disks.
Program produced output in the synopsis is underlined.
The command line has the following syntax:

	from____ x to__ y inoff_____ x1 outoff______ y1 options.

where the options are:

	fast, verify, format, and quit.

The meaning is:
	Copy from disk x_ (default 0) to disk y_ (default 1). Map physical blocks
on input by adding x1__ modulo 4872 (default 2400), and on output by adding y1__ modulo 4872 (default 2400).
The values x1 and y1 allow conversion to and from special format shuffled disks - on non-Princeton
disks, they should be specified as 0!
A fast____ copy omits the unix file structure compactification, and may be
verify______'ed. An output disk may be format______ted before the copy. If quit____
is specified, then control will return to the boot at the end of the copy.

	Non-Princeton users may want to adjust the additive offset defaults,
and the maximum number of inodes.