
.th HP92BOOT VIII 5/27/78
The \fBhp92boot\fR bootstrap program is  used for booting
UNIX systems from DEC RP04 drives on an RH70 controller.
It will boot the
file '/unix' from a file system at a selectable cylinder offset.
Files of up to \fB92Kw\fR are capable of being loaded.
Start the DEC M9301-YC hardware bootstrap by
.in +7
 165000		Load address
 000000		Start
.in -7
The bootstrap program will be loaded and will commence running.
Once \fB18-bit\fR is attained it
will wait until the value in the switch register is changed
before continuing.
Set the switch register to 173030 for single user or 52 for rotating pattern,
then default file system, currently at cylinder 220, will be searched
for the file 'unix' and it will be loaded and executed.
Start the DEC M9301-YC hardware bootstrap by
.in +7
 165000		Load address
 000070		Start
.in -7
The bootstrap program will be loaded and will commence running.
Once \fB18-bit\fR is attained it
will wait until the value in the switch register is changed
before continuing.
If the value is increased, for example to 52 or 173030, then a
default file system, currently at cylinder 220, will be searched
for the file 'unix' and it will be loaded and executed.
A decreased value will cause a '?' to be typed on
the console terminal, which can then be used to type in an alternative
program for booting. The name should be given as a pathname
starting from the root directory of the file system being booted.
Before typing return put the cylinder number of the file system in
the switch register. Now place a suitable value in the switch register
(52 or 173030) and hit return again. A further '?' indicates that
the name could not be found and the procedure should be repeated.
/usr/source/mdec/hp92boot.s	bootstrap program
/usr/mdec/hp92boot		likewise but assembled
.sh BUGS