
Notes on the Combined THP/TELNET Program

by Dan Franklin

This directory contains all the pieces needed for telnet,
thp, and tcp_telnet. Important files are:

    Makes a telnet, thp, or tcp_telnet. Moderately baroque.

    Among other things, this file has a #define of NEWTTY. If your
    system doesn't have the new TTY driver, this #define should be
    commented out. The LOGGING #define is used to include or not
    include the logging code. Even if the code is included, it is
    not invoked unless the ^open command so specifies; thus, all you
    lose if it is included is the space it takes up.

    Unlike all the other .c files in this directory, nettty.c is
    used to make a separate program, which should be moved to
    /etc/nettty. nettty is called by the "^stty" command of telnet/thp.
    It is just like stty, but puts out CRLF instead of LF, thus
    assuring proper formatting of its information even when CRMOD
    (-nl mode) is not set, as it rarely is during a network connection.

tcplib.c tcpstru.h
    These files are Mike Wingfield's TCP library routines.
    I have not changed them at all.

    This archive exists mainly for my convenience. It contains those
    files which I hardly ever change during THP/TELNET development.
    Also, some of its files are not always loaded, depending on
    what the program being built is.

xthpserv, xtelserv
    These shell files set up a thp or tcp_telnet server using the version
    in the current directory. Useful for testing.

    Sets up a one-time thp under adb, and gets a stack trace when it dies.
    If thp ever blows up, you should try to duplicate it with this shell file.

telserv, thpserv
    The real, true shell files for setting up tcp_telnet and thp (respectively)