
host \*- show host or network numbers and names.
.IX "\*ihost\*r command"
.IX "\*inet\*r command"
.IX "\*imkhost\*r command"
.IX "\*iprhost\*r command"
.IX "host number"
.IX "network number"
.IX "host name"
.IX "network name"
\*bhost\*r [\*ihostname|address[,netname|number]\*r  ...]
\*bnet\*r [\*inetname|number\*r ...]
\*b/etc/net/mkhost\*r [\*b\*-i\*r \*iifile\*r] [\*b\*-o\*r \*iofile\*r]
\*b/etc/net/prhost\*r [\*b\*-[an]\*r] [\*b\*-i\*r \*iifile\*r]
These commands are used for interrogating and maintaining the host map,
which contains the names and numbers of hosts and networks.
.IX network
.IX host
.I host
command accepts standard network addresses (using either symbolic names
or numeric addresses) of the form
For each, it prints a line containing the host and network names,
the host address and network number
and any aliases (nicknames) associated with that host.
If no argument is given,
.I host
uses the name of the local host as found in the file
Addresses are expected to be in the standard BBN hoi/imp
.I net
command is similar to
.I host
but accepts only network names or numbers as arguments.
If no arguments are given, the number of the first local network
(as defined by \*i/etc/NETWORKS\*r) is used.
.I Net
displays the official name of the network, its number
and any aliases (nicknames) associated with it.
.I Mkhost
uses an ascii file (see hostmap(5))
to generate a binary file used by the functions
described in libnet(3).
Options are provided to override the default input file
(\*i/etc/net/hostmap\*r) and the default output file
.I Mkhost
is moderately verbose; it writes a number of messages
to the standard output describing its processing.
.I Prhost
may be used to regenerate an ascii version of the binary map.
The network entries are given first, ordered by network number.
Then host entries are displayed, ordered by network, host name
and address.
Two flags allow the ordering to be by network, address and name (\*b\*-a\*r)
or by name, network and address (\*b\*-n\*r).
The \*b\*-i\*r flag may be used to override the default input file
The output of
.I prhost
is suitable as input to
.I mkhost.
.I Host
.I net
complain if their arguments cannot be found
or are syntactically incorrect.
.I Mkhost
generates a variety of diagnostics giving the line number of the input
and a description of the error.
libnet(3), hostmap(5)
/etc/THISHOST		local host name
/etc/NETWORKS		local host addresses
/etc/net/hostmap	ascii host map
/etc/net/hostmap.bin	binary version of map
/etc/net/hostmap.bin~	backup of binary