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/* $Header: $ */
 * Part of the credentials system. This file implements a subsystem for
 * managing the list of supplementary group ID's.
 * $Log: $

#include <common/ccompat.h>
#include <kernel/cred_lib.h>
#include <sys/debug.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/cred.h>
#include <sys/kmem.h>

 * Allocate an area sufficient to hold "ngroups" supplementary group
 * identifiers. The reference count of the allocated storage is set to 1.
 * NULL is returned if sufficient memory cannot be allocated.
 * Note that a request to allocate 0 supplementary group ID's is an error.

#if	__USE_PROTO__
n_gid_t * (groups_alloc) (unsigned short ngroups)
n_gid_t *
groups_alloc __ARGS ((ngroups))
unsigned short	ngroups;
	n_gid_t	      *	groupsp;

	ASSERT (ngroups > 0);

	 * Allocate room for an additional member to store a reference count
	 * in.

	if ((groupsp = (n_gid_t *)
			kmem_zalloc ((ngroups + 1) * sizeof (n_gid_t),
				     KM_SLEEP)) == NULL)
		return NULL;

	* groupsp ++ = 1;
	return groupsp;

 * Increase the reference count of a supplementary group ID list.

#if	__USE_PROTO__
void groups_ref (n_gid_t * groups, unsigned short __NOTUSED (ngroups))
groups_ref __ARGS ((groups, ngroups))
n_gid_t	      *	groups;
unsigned short	ngroups;
	ASSERT (groups != NULL);
	ASSERT (groups [- 1] > 0);

	groups [- 1] ++;

 * Decrement the reference count of a supplementary group ID list; if the
 * reference count reaches zero, deallocate the memory.

#if	__USE_PROTO__
void (groups_unref) (n_gid_t * groups, unsigned short ngroups)
groups_unref __ARGS ((groups, ngroups))
n_gid_t	      *	groups;
unsigned short	ngroups;
	ASSERT (groups != NULL);
	ASSERT (ngroups > 0);
	ASSERT (groups [- 1] > 0);

	if (-- groups [- 1] == 0)
		kmem_free (groups - 1, (ngroups + 1) * sizeof (n_gid_t));