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/* $Header: $ */

#define	_DDI_DKI	1
#define	_SYSV4		1

 * Functions related to device polling support in the DDI/DKI.
 * $Log: $

 *	<common/ccompat.h>
 *		__USE_PROTO__
 *		__ARGS ()
 *	<common/_tricks.h>
 *		__MAX_CONST ()
 *	<kernel/ddi_cpu.h>
 *		ddi_cpu_data ()
 *	<kernel/ddi_glob.h>
 *		ddi_global_data ()
 *	<kernel/ddi_lock.h>
 *		pollglob_hierarchy
 *		pollglob_priority
 *		pollhead_hierarchy
 *		pollhead_priority
 *		pollwait_hierarchy
 *		pollwait_priority
 *	<sys/debug.h>
 *		ASSERT ()
 *	<sys/kmem.h>
 *		kmem_alloc ()
 *		kmem_free ()
 *	<sys/ksynch.h>
 *		lkinfo_t
 *		LOCK ()
 *		SV_ALLOC ()
 *		SV_WAIT_SIG ()
 *		UNLOCK ()
 *	<sys/errno.h>

#include <common/ccompat.h>
#include <common/_tricks.h>
#include <kernel/ddi_cpu.h>
#include <kernel/ddi_glob.h>
#include <kernel/ddi_lock.h>
#include <sys/cmn_err.h>
#include <sys/debug.h>
#include <sys/kmem.h>
#include <sys/ksynch.h>
#include <sys/errno.h>
#include <sys/types.h>

#include <sys/inline.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <limits.h>

#include <common/_poll.h>
#include <sys/poll.h>
#include <poll.h>
#include <stropts.h>

 * The definition of the "pollhead" structure is kept private to this source
 * file to avoid the temptation for other code to look at its members or
 * allocate their own.
 * Since we want to keep things fast, we use a circular-list scheme here,
 * unlike most other places lists are maintained. For the DDI/DKI polling
 * system, this is not a problem because list head items are allocated via
 * phalloc (), which ensures that they are properly set up. For the old-style
 * Coherent versions, we hope that they have been initialised to NULL and try
 * and detect when they need setting up properly.
 * The 'event_t' structure used in old-style Coherent polling is defined in
 * <sys/poll.h>.

typedef	struct pollwait	pwait_t;
typedef	struct pollev	pevent_t;
typedef	struct pollhead	phead_t;

 * For DDI/DKI polling, drivers get to deal in terms of a head of a list of
 * events.

struct pollhead {
	poll_t		ph_node;
	lock_t	      *	ph_lock;

 * Structure of a polled event for DDI/DKI polling. Since these structures are
 * allocated from a pool in the "pollwait" structure, there is no explicit
 * per-process linkage between events.

struct pollev {
	poll_t		pe_node;
	pwait_t	      *	pe_pwaitp;
	phead_t	      *	pe_headp;
	short		pe_events;


 * For old-style polling, we need a cell per event being waited on; however,
 * since old-style polling only supported POLLIN, POLLOUT, and POLLPRI there
 * is a small upper bound on the number we need.

typedef	struct old_poll	o_event_t;

struct old_poll {
	poll_t		op_node;
	pwait_t	      *	op_pwaitp;

#endif	/* _OLD_COH_POLLING */

 * A polling process allocates a 'pollwait' structure and goes to sleep on it
 * after checking with all the items being polled. The 'pollwait' structure
 * records if any events have been triggered after being checked but before
 * the process has actually gone to sleep (ie, when it is checking other
 * devices).

struct pollwait {
	lock_t	      *	pw_lock;
	sv_t	      *	pw_sleep;
	int		pw_state;

	pevent_t      *	pw_events;
	int		pw_nevents;

	toid_t		pw_timeout;

	size_t		pw_size;	/* allocated size of structure */

	 * The old-style events are allocated down from the top of the same
	 * chunk of memory used for the new-style events. 'pw_oevents' is the
	 * current base and is moved down each time a new entry is allocated.

	o_event_t     *	pw_oevents;
	int		pw_noevents;
#endif	/* _OLD_COH_POLLING */

 * Declare the lock information structures at file scope.

__LOCAL__ lkinfo_t _pollhead_lkinfo = {
	"polling pollhead lock", INTERNAL_LOCK

__LOCAL__ lkinfo_t _pollwait_lkinfo = {
	"polling pollwait lock", INTERNAL_LOCK

 * Utility routine to initialize a 'pnode' for use as a circular list head.

#define	INIT_PNODE(pnp)	((pnp)->pn_next = (pnp)->pn_prev = (pnp))

 * Enqueue a node on a circular list head.

#define	QUEUE_PNODE(pnp,php) \
	((pnp)->pn_next = (php)->pn_next, \
	 (pnp)->pn_prev = (php), \
	 (pnp)->pn_next->pn_prev = (pnp), \
	 (php)->pn_next = (pnp))

 * Dequeue a node that has been queued on a circular list.

#define	DEQUEUE_PNODE(pnp) \
	((pnp)->pn_next->pn_prev = (pnp)->pn_prev, \
	 (pnp)->pn_prev->pn_next = (pnp)->pn_next)

 * Currently, we store the user's "pollwait" structure in the per-CPU data
 * area. However, it seems prudent to encapsulate this fact. Note that the
 * case to "pwait_t *" in GET_POLLWAIT () exists to satisfy PC-Lint's notion
 * of strong typing.

#define	GET_POLLWAIT()		((pwait_t *) ddi_cpu_data ()->dc_pollwait)
#define	SET_POLLWAIT(pw)	(void) (ddi_cpu_data ()->dc_pollwait = (pw))

 * Some macros to save typing given the long, descriptive names of the lock-
 * related constants.

#define	POLLWAIT_LOCK(pw)	LOCK ((pw)->pw_lock, pollwait_priority)
#define	POLLWAIT_UNLOCK(pw,p)	UNLOCK ((pw)->pw_lock, (p))

#define	POLLHEAD_LOCK(ph)	LOCK ((ph)->ph_lock, pollhead_priority)
#define	POLLHEAD_UNLOCK(ph,p)	UNLOCK ((ph)->ph_lock, (p))

 * Between the time that a "struct pollhead **" is passed to a DDI/DKI driver
 * chpoll () entry point and the time that we can enqueue all the structures
 * appropriately we must ensure that events cause the polling process to be
 * woken. We use a global lock on pollwakeup () to deal with this.

#define	POLL_GLOBAL_LOCK()	LOCK (ddi_global_data ()->dg_polllock, \
#define	POLL_GLOBAL_UNLOCK(p)	UNLOCK (ddi_global_data ()->dg_polllock, (p))

 * Check the vital statistics of a pollwait structure.

#if	__USE_PROTO__
void (POLL_CHECK) (pwait_t * pwaitp)
POLL_CHECK (pwaitp)
pwait_t	      *	pwaitp;
	ASSERT (pwaitp != NULL);
	ASSERT (pwaitp->pw_events == (pevent_t *) (pwaitp + 1));
	ASSERT (pwaitp->pw_oevents + pwaitp->pw_noevents ==
		(o_event_t *) ((char *) pwaitp + pwaitp->pw_size));

 * Utility routine to deal with signalling an event to a process that has
 * begun polling (but may not have gone to sleep yet).

#if	__USE_PROTO__
void (POLL_WAKE) (pwait_t * pwaitp)
POLL_WAKE __ARGS ((pwaitp))
pwait_t	      *	pwaitp;
	pl_t		prev_pl;

	POLL_CHECK (pwaitp);

	prev_pl = POLLWAIT_LOCK (pwaitp);

	if (pwaitp->pw_state == __POLL_SLEEPING)
		SV_SIGNAL (pwaitp->pw_sleep, 0);

	pwaitp->pw_state = __POLL_EVENT;

	POLLWAIT_UNLOCK (pwaitp, prev_pl);

 * Utility routine to deal with signalling a timeout.

#if	__USE_PROTO__
void (POLL_TIME) (__VOID__ * argp)
POLL_TIME __ARGS ((argp))
__VOID__      *	argp;
	pwait_t	      *	pwaitp = (pwait_t *) argp;
	pl_t		prev_pl;

	POLL_CHECK (pwaitp);

	prev_pl = POLLWAIT_LOCK (pwaitp);

	if (pwaitp->pw_state == __POLL_SLEEPING) {
		SV_SIGNAL (pwaitp->pw_sleep, 0);
		pwaitp->pw_state = __POLL_TIMEOUT;

	pwaitp->pw_timeout = 0;

	POLLWAIT_UNLOCK (pwaitp, prev_pl);

 * The original Coherent polling system allocated event records at the time of
 * the first call to pollopen () based on a patchable variable. If the
 * patchable value was 0, then more event cells would be allocated (in blocks
 * of 32) on demand and added to the event cell pool.
 * In the new system, event cells are allocated at the time of entry to the
 * poll () system call, meaning that there is some fixed allocation overhead
 * per system call but that the event cells will be returned to a general
 * pool.

 * This function (called by old-style device drivers) requests an association
 * between the polling process and the device's list of polling processes. The
 * contents of the list head and the method of association are opaque, except
 * for the "e_procp" member of the event cell and the fact that the list head
 * structure is used directly in data structure declarations in the driver
 * rather than being managed by constructor/destructor routines.
 * To get around the initialization problems, we must assume that such driver
 * structures will be initially zero-filled.
 * Callable ONLY from base level within a Coherent old-style device-driver
 * poll () entry point.

#if	__USE_PROTO__
void (pollopen) (event_t * elistp)
pollopen __ARGS ((elistp))
event_t	      *	elistp;
	pwait_t	      *	pwaitp = GET_POLLWAIT ();
	o_event_t     *	eventp;
	pl_t		prev_pl;

	POLL_CHECK (pwaitp);

	 * Detect a zero-filled (hence uninitialised) list head. We use the
	 * circular list property to detect initialization.

	if (elistp->e_node.pn_next == NULL)
		INIT_PNODE (& elistp->e_node);

	 * Take an event from the 'pollwait' structure.

	eventp = -- pwaitp->pw_oevents;
	pwaitp->pw_noevents ++;

	ASSERT ((pevent_t *) eventp > pwaitp->pw_events + pwaitp->pw_nevents);

	 * String it all together. We use interrupt priority level to protect
	 * the insertion, because code that uses this code isn't going to be
	 * multiprocessor-safe anyway.

	eventp->op_pwaitp = pwaitp;	/* link to polling process */

	prev_pl = splhi ();

	QUEUE_PNODE (& eventp->op_node, & elistp->e_node);

	 * Set the magic flag.

	elistp->e_procp = (__VOID__ *) 1;
	POLL_CHECK (pwaitp);

	(void) splx (prev_pl);

 * This routine signals all the polling processes that have been queued on
 * this event list by pollopen () that an event they are interested in has
 * occurred.

#if	__USE_PROTO__
void (pollwake) (event_t * elistp)
pollwake __ARGS ((elistp))
event_t	      *	elistp;
	poll_t	      *	pnodep;

	 * Since we have to maintain the magic header flag, we may as well use
	 * it as well.

	if (elistp->e_procp == 0)

	elistp->e_procp = 0;

	 * Service circularly-linked polls on device queue. It may be that the
	 * driver's circular list has not yet been initialized.
	 * We don't take out a lock because this system doesn't support them,
	 * and we don't need to manipulate interrupts because we don't modify
	 * the structure.

	if ((pnodep = elistp->e_node.pn_next) != NULL) {
		 * We detect the end of the list when the circular walk has
		 * taken us back to the list head.

		while (pnodep != & elistp->e_node) {
			 * Downcast from the node to the queued event cell,
			 * and wake the process.

			POLL_WAKE (__DOWNCAST (o_event_t, op_node,

			pnodep = pnodep->pn_next;

 * This routine cleans up any old-style events.

#if	__USE_PROTO__
__LOCAL__ void (oldpollclean) (o_event_t * oevents, int noevents)
__LOCAL__ void
oldpollclean __ARGS ((oevents, noevents))
o_event_t     *	oevents;
int		noevents;
	pl_t		prev_pl;

	ASSERT (oevents != NULL);

	 * Iterate over the list of queued old-style events and dequeue each
	 * one.

	prev_pl = splhi ();

	while (noevents > 0) {

		DEQUEUE_PNODE (& oevents->op_node);

		noevents --;
		oevents ++;

	splx (prev_pl);

#endif	/* _OLD_COH_POLLING */

 *	phalloc		Allocate and initialize a pollhead structure.
 *	#include <sys/poll.h>
 *	#include <sys/kmem.h>
 *	struct pollhead * phalloc (int flag);
 *	flag		Specifies whether the caller is willing to sleep
 *			waiting for memory. If "flag" is set to "KM_SLEEP",
 *			the caller will sleep if necessary until sufficient
 *			memory is available. If "flag" is set to "KM_NOSLEEP",
 *			the caller will not sleep, but phalloc () will return
 *			NULL if sufficient memory is not immediately
 *			available.
 *	phalloc () allocates and initializes a "pollhead" structure for use by
 *	non-STREAMS character drivers that wish to support polling. The "flag"
 *	argument indicates whether the caller is willing to sleep waiting for
 *	memory as described above.
 *	Upon successful completion, phalloc () returns a pointer to the newly
 *	allocated "pollhead" structure. If "KM_NOSLEEP" is specified and
 *	sufficient memory is not immediately available, phalloc () returns a
 *	NULL pointer.
 *	Base only if "flag" is set to "KM_SLEEP". Base or interrupt if "flag"
 *	is set to "KM_NOSLEEP".
 *	May sleep if slag is set to "KM_SLEEP".
 *	Driver-defined basic locks and read/write locks may be held across
 *	calls to this function if "flag" is "KM_NOSLEEP" but may not be held
 *	if "flag" is "KM_SLEEP".
 *	Driver-defined sleep locks may be held across calls to this function
 *	regardless of the value of "flag".
 *	DDI/DKI conforming drivers may only use "pollhead" structures which
 *	have been allocated and initialized using phalloc (). Use of
 *	"pollhead" structures which have been obtained by any other means is
 *	prohibited.
 *	phfree (), pollwakeup ()

#if	__USE_PROTO__
struct pollhead * (phalloc) (int flag)
struct pollhead *
phalloc __ARGS ((flag))
int		flag;
	struct pollhead * php;

	if ((php = (struct pollhead *) kmem_alloc (sizeof (* php), flag))
	    != NULL) {

		if ((php->ph_lock = LOCK_ALLOC (pollhead_hierarchy,
						& _pollhead_lkinfo,
						flag)) == NULL) {
			kmem_free (php, sizeof (* php));
			return NULL;

		INIT_PNODE (& php->ph_node);

	return php;

 *	phfree		Free a pollhead structure.
 *	#include <sys/poll.h>
 *	void phfree (struct pollhead * php);
 *	php		Pointer to the "pollhead" structure to be freed. The
 *			structure pointed to by "php" must have been
 *			previously allocated by a call to phalloc ().
 *	phfree () frees the "pollhead" structure specified by "php".
 *	None.
 *	Base or interrupt.
 *	Does not sleep.
 *	Driver-defined basic locks, read/write locks, and sleep locks may be
 *	held across calls to this function.
 *	DDI/DKI conforming drivers may only use "pollhead" structures which
 *	have been allocated and initialized using phalloc (). Use of
 *	"pollhead" structures which have been obtained by any other means is
 *	prohibited.
 *	phalloc (), pollwakeup ()

#if	__USE_PROTO__
void (phfree) (struct pollhead * php)
phfree __ARGS ((php))
struct pollhead * php;
	poll_t	      *	pnodep;
	poll_t	      *	next;

	ASSERT (php != NULL);

	 * Since phalloc () and phfree () are not constrained to be used only
	 * in driver open/close routines, the possibility exists for a poll
	 * head structure to be deallocated while processes are waiting on it.
	 * This isn't very desirable, but it seems to be legal.
	 * After acquiring the global lock, we request a lock on the pollhead
	 * structure to ensure that all activity on the structure has
	 * completed before we begin to tear it down. Since the caller has
	 * requested deallocation of the structure, the caller should be
	 * confident that no-one will try and access it after any current
	 * activity has ceased.
	 * We engage in some subterfuge here in order to create a situation
	 * where we can detect any mistaken access.

		pl_t		prev_pl;
		lock_t	      *	lock = php->ph_lock;

		prev_pl = POLL_GLOBAL_LOCK ();
		(void) LOCK (lock, pollhead_priority);

		php->ph_lock = NULL;

		POLL_GLOBAL_UNLOCK (pollhead_priority);
		UNLOCK (lock, prev_pl);

		LOCK_DEALLOC (lock);

	 * Walking over an entire circular list removing all the queue nodes
	 * allows a few simple optimizations; because we will be touching
	 * *every* node an dequeueing it, we don't need to engage in any
	 * real manipulation of the first/next nodes. In fact, since we almost
	 * immediately deallocate the structure, we don't have to touch the
	 * list head at all.

	next = php->ph_node.pn_next;

	while ((pnodep = next) != & php->ph_node) {
		 * Doing this ensures that multiple attempts to dequeue this
		 * node (such as from the process polling cleanup routine)
		 * will have no effect. We could use the "pe_events" member of
		 * the event structure for this, but that would need a
		 * downcast and probably wouldn't result in higher
		 * performance.

		next = pnodep->pn_next;
		pnodep->pn_prev = pnodep->pn_next = pnodep;

	kmem_free (php, sizeof (* php));

 *	pollwakeup	Inform polling process that an event has occurred.
 *	#include <sys/poll.h>
 *	void pollwakeup (struct pollhead * php, short event);
 *	php		Pointer to a "pollhead" structure.
 *	event		Event to notify the process about.
 *	The pollwakeup () function provides non-STREAMS character drivers with
 *	a way to notify processes polling for the occurrence of an event.
 *	pollwakeup () should be called from the driver for each occurrence of
 *	an event.
 *	The "pollhead" structure will usually be associated with the driver's
 *	private data structure for the particular minor device where the event
 *	has occurred.
 *	None.
 *	Base or interrupt.
 *	Does not sleep.
 *	Driver-defined basic locks, read/write locks, and sleep locks may be
 *	held across calls to this function.
 *	pollwakeup () should only be called with one event at a time.
 *	phalloc (), phfree ()

#if	__USE_PROTO__
void (pollwakeup) (struct pollhead * php, short event)
pollwakeup __ARGS ((php, event))
struct pollhead * php;
short		event;
	poll_t	      *	pnodep;
	poll_t	      *	next;
	pl_t		prev_pl;

	ASSERT (php != NULL);
	ASSERT (event == POLLIN || event == POLLPRI || event == POLLOUT ||
		event == POLLRDNORM || event == POLLWRNORM ||
		event == POLLRDBAND || event == POLLWRBAND ||
		event == POLLERR || event == POLLHUP);

	 * Acquire a lock on the pollhead structure after getting a global
	 * lock on the polling system.

	prev_pl = POLL_GLOBAL_LOCK ();


	POLL_GLOBAL_UNLOCK (pollhead_priority);

	 * Scan the list of queued processes and wake up (and dequeue) any
	 * that are waiting for the event being signalled.

	next = php->ph_node.pn_next;

	while ((pnodep = next) != & php->ph_node) {
		pevent_t      *	eventp;

		next = pnodep->pn_next;
		eventp = __DOWNCAST (pevent_t, pe_node, pnodep);

		if ((eventp->pe_events & event) != 0) {

			POLL_WAKE (eventp->pe_pwaitp);

			 * Perform a full general dequeue, and also change
			 * the node pointers so that a second request to
			 * dequeue the node has no effect.

			next->pn_prev = pnodep->pn_prev;
			pnodep->pn_prev->pn_next = next;

			pnodep->pn_prev = pnodep->pn_next = pnodep;

	POLLHEAD_UNLOCK (php, prev_pl);

 * This internal function allocates and initializes a 'pollwait' structure on
 * behalf of a process that wants to perform polling operations. The 'fds'
 * argument specifies the number of devices/streams that are being polled.
 * The newly-allocated structure is recorded in the per-CPU DDI/DKI data area,
 * so that it is an error for the caller to sleep between a call to pwalloc ()
 * and a call to pollsleep ().
 * The return value is 0 on success, or an error number on failure (due to
 * insufficient kernel memory). This function may sleep for memory to become
 * available. Callable from base level only.

enum {
	cellsize = __MAX_CONST (sizeof (pevent_t), 3 * sizeof (o_event_t))
	cellsize = sizeof (pevent_t)

#if	__USE_PROTO__
int (pwalloc) (int fds, int msec)
pwalloc __ARGS ((fds, msec))
int		fds;
int		msec;
	size_t		size;
	pwait_t	      *	pwaitp;

	ASSERT (fds >= 0 && fds < INT_MAX / cellsize);

	 * How much memory to allocate; we assume that at most three old-style
	 * event cells could be allocated per stream, or one new event cell.

	size = fds * cellsize + sizeof (pwait_t);

	if ((pwaitp = (pwait_t *) kmem_alloc (size, KM_SLEEP)) == NULL)
		goto failed_kmem;

	if ((pwaitp->pw_lock = LOCK_ALLOC (pollwait_hierarchy,
					    & _pollwait_lkinfo,
					    KM_SLEEP)) == NULL)
		goto failed_lock;

	if ((pwaitp->pw_sleep = SV_ALLOC (KM_SLEEP)) == NULL)
		goto failed_sv;

	pwaitp->pw_state = __POLL_POLLING;
	pwaitp->pw_events = (pevent_t *) (pwaitp + 1);
	pwaitp->pw_nevents = 0;
	pwaitp->pw_size = size;
	pwaitp->pw_oevents = (o_event_t *) ((char *) pwaitp + size);
	pwaitp->pw_noevents = 0;

	POLL_CHECK (pwaitp);

	if (msec > 0) {
		pl_t		prev_pl;

		 * Take out a lock on the pollwait head so that an immediate
		 * timeout trip does not cause a problem. Note that we also
		 * test that value inside the locked area!

		prev_pl = POLLWAIT_LOCK (pwaitp);
		pwaitp->pw_timeout = itimeout (POLL_TIME, pwaitp,
				  	       drv_usectohz (msec * 1000),
		msec = pwaitp->pw_timeout == 0;
		POLLWAIT_UNLOCK (pwaitp, prev_pl);

		if (msec)
			goto failed_timeout;

	SET_POLLWAIT (pwaitp);
	return 0;

	SV_DEALLOC (pwaitp->pw_sleep);
	LOCK_DEALLOC (pwaitp->pw_lock);
	kmem_free (pwaitp, size);
	return EAGAIN;

 * This local function deals with dequeuing event cells from device polling
 * lists.

#if	__USE_PROTO__
__LOCAL__ void (pollclean) (pevent_t * events, int nevents)
__LOCAL__ void
pollclean __ARGS ((events, nevents))
pevent_t      *	events;
int		nevents;
	pl_t		prev_pl;

	ASSERT (events != NULL);

	 * Iterate over the list of queued events and dequeue each one.

	while (nevents > 0) {

		prev_pl = POLLHEAD_LOCK (events->pe_headp);

		DEQUEUE_PNODE (& events->pe_node);

		POLLHEAD_UNLOCK (events->pe_headp, prev_pl);

		nevents --;
		events ++;

 * This internal function is used by user-level polling code to go to sleep
 * after checking with each device being polled (thus registering any event
 * cells as necessary).
 * May sleep. Callable from base level only. Returns 0 if woken by an
 * indication that an event has occurred, or 1 if woken by a signal.

#if	__USE_PROTO__
int (pollsleep) (int msec)
pollsleep __ARGS ((msec))
int		msec;
	pwait_t	      *	pwaitp = GET_POLLWAIT ();

	POLL_CHECK (pwaitp);

	 * Lock the structure before checking to see whether we want to go
	 * to sleep or not.

	(void) POLLWAIT_LOCK (pwaitp);

	if (pwaitp->pw_state == __POLL_POLLING) {
		int		reason;

		if (msec > 0 && pwaitp->pw_timeout == 0) {
			POLLWAIT_UNLOCK (pwaitp, plbase);
			return __POLL_TIMEOUT;

		 * No events were triggered while we were scanning all the
		 * requested channels, so we do actually have to sleep.

		pwaitp->pw_state = __POLL_SLEEPING;

		reason = SV_WAIT_SIG (pwaitp->pw_sleep, prilo,


		pwaitp->pw_state =
			pwaitp->pw_state == __POLL_EVENT ? __POLL_POLLING :
		SET_POLLWAIT (pwaitp);
	} else {

		ASSERT (pwaitp->pw_state == __POLL_EVENT);

		pwaitp->pw_state = __POLL_POLLING;
		POLLWAIT_UNLOCK (pwaitp, plbase);

	oldpollclean (pwaitp->pw_oevents, pwaitp->pw_noevents);
	pwaitp->pw_oevents = (o_event_t *) ((char *) pwaitp + pwaitp->pw_size);
	pwaitp->pw_noevents = 0;

	pollclean (pwaitp->pw_events, pwaitp->pw_nevents);
	pwaitp->pw_nevents = 0;

	return pwaitp->pw_state;

 * This function destroys and deallocates all the resources taken up by a
 * user poll-wait structure.

#if	__USE_PROTO__
void (pwfree) (void)
pwfree __ARGS (())
	pwait_t	      *	pwaitp = GET_POLLWAIT ();

	POLL_CHECK (pwaitp);


	oldpollclean (pwaitp->pw_oevents, pwaitp->pw_noevents);
	pollclean (pwaitp->pw_events, pwaitp->pw_nevents);
	if (pwaitp->pw_timeout)
		untimeout (pwaitp->pw_timeout);

	 * Now there is no way that an interrupt-level context could try and
	 * access the pollwait structure, we can safely deallocate it.

	SV_DEALLOC (pwaitp->pw_sleep);

	LOCK_DEALLOC (pwaitp->pw_lock);

	kmem_free (pwaitp, pwaitp->pw_size);

 * Here we provide a caller access to the next useable pollhead pointer in the
 * pollwait structure. This is called from the code that maps the old, broken 
 * Coherent polling system into the DDI/DKI interface, pending real filesystem
 * layering.
 * Callable from base level between calls to pwalloc () and pollsleep () only.
 * A DDI/DKI chpoll () entry point must be bracketed by some form of interlock
 * to guarantee that an event occurring between the time the driver supplies
 * the "struct pollhead" structure to us and the time we can link all the
 * structures together is still recognised. We take care of that here, since
 * this and the matching install_phpp () function are a symmetric pair that
 * cover exactly the required time; this also keeps things encapsulated.

#if	__USE_PROTO__
struct pollhead ** get_next_phpp (short events)
struct pollhead **
get_next_phpp (events)
short		events;
	pwait_t	      *	pwaitp = GET_POLLWAIT ();
	pevent_t      *	peventp;

	ASSERT (pwaitp != NULL);

	(void) POLL_GLOBAL_LOCK ();

	peventp = pwaitp->pw_events + pwaitp->pw_nevents;

	ASSERT (peventp < (pevent_t *) pwaitp->pw_oevents);

	 * Set up the event node.

	peventp->pe_headp = NULL;
	peventp->pe_pwaitp = pwaitp;
	peventp->pe_events = events;

	return & peventp->pe_headp;

 * This should be called by whatever code is wrapping DDI/DKI polling to
 * finish enqueuing the DDI/DKI polling structures.
 * This routine must be called within the same critical section that brackets
 * the chpoll () driver entry point to ensure that a process is guaranteed to
 * see an event as signalled by pollwake ().

#if	__USE_PROTO__
void install_phpp ()
install_phpp ()
	pwait_t	      *	pwaitp = GET_POLLWAIT ();
	pevent_t      *	peventp;
	phead_t	      *	pheadp;

	ASSERT (pwaitp != NULL);

	peventp = pwaitp->pw_events + pwaitp->pw_nevents;

	 * If the "struct pollhead" member was not filled in, bail out.

	if ((pheadp = peventp->pe_headp) == NULL) {

	pwaitp->pw_nevents ++;

	 * OK, link this event node into the list of nodes for the pollhead
	 * structure.
	 * We could convert the global lock into a specific one now that we
	 * have a pollhead structure, but the overhead is almost certain to
	 * outweigh the potential gain.

	QUEUE_PNODE (& peventp->pe_node, & pheadp->ph_node);
