
/* (-lgl
 *	Coherent 386 release 4.2
 *	Copyright (c) 1982, 1993 by Mark Williams Company.
 *	All rights reserved. May not be copied without permission.
 *	For copying permission and licensing info, write
 -lgl) */

#ifndef __KERNEL_ST_ALLOC_H__
#define	__KERNEL_ST_ALLOC_H__

#include <limits.h>
#include <common/ccompat.h>
#include <common/xdebug.h>
#include <common/_size.h>

 * Definitions/declarations for the quick arena manager.
 * The quick arena manager's basic algorithm utilizes a heap (in the sense
 * defined below) to implement a binary-searchable index of block buckets
 * ordered by size.
 * The primariy characteristic of this algorithm is speed; the execution time
 * is O (log W), where W is the number of words in the arena being managed. 
 * This implementation is directly derived from the article in which this
 * algorithm first appeared;
 *	"Efficient Implementation of the First-Fit Strategy for Dynamic
 *	 Storage Allocation"
 *	R. P. Brent, Australian National University
 *	ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems
 *	Volume 11, No. 3, July 1989 pp 388-403.
 * This source code deviates somewhat from the terminology used in the
 * article, due to the large number of ambiguous terms here. The following
 * definitions are used exclusively in the commentary and selection of
 * identifiers within this source code:
 *	heap		a balanced binary tree with implicit links, esp.
 *			used to perform max/min calculations or binary search
 *	arena		the memory area being managed
 *	block		a single unit of contiguous allocated or free memory
 *	bucket		a subsection of the heap containing zero or more
 *			blocks

 * Definition of the type of an underlying machine address for each one of
 * the pointer types used in the arena control structure.
 * An interesting question: what type should be being used for the heap
 * control words, short or long? If a short is used for the size of a
 * control word, then we are limited to 64k bytes for the size of a single
 * allocation arena.

typedef int			_ST_WORD_T;

#define	_ST_FREE_MASK		0x80000000
#define	_ST_SIZE_MASK		0x7FFF
#define	_ST_FREE_MASK		0x8000

typedef _ST_WORD_T	      *	_ST_ADDR_T;

#define	_ST_HEAP_ADDR(q,a)	(a)
#define	_ST_HEAP_BUCKET(q,a)	(((char *) (a) - (char *) (q)->_arena_base) / \
				 ((q)->_words_per_bucket * sizeof (_ST_WORD_T)))

 * For the control word of a block, it is *vital* that all used blocks
 * compare as "<" with a free block, and that free blocks test as normal
 * integers.

#define	_ST_BLOCK_CONTROL(q,a)		(* _ST_HEAP_ADDR (q, (a)))
#define	_ST_BLOCK_SIZE(c)		((c) & _ST_SIZE_MASK)
#define	_ST_BLOCK_FREE(c)		(((c) & _ST_FREE_MASK) == 0)
#define	_ST_BLOCK_SET_FREE(q,a,n)	(void) (_ST_BLOCK_CONTROL (q, (a)) = \
						(n) & ~ _ST_FREE_MASK)
#define	_ST_BLOCK_SET_USED(q,a,n)	(void) (_ST_BLOCK_CONTROL (q, (a)) = \
						(n) | _ST_FREE_MASK)

#define	_ST_HEAP_BIGGEST(q,s)	((q)->_bucket_biggest [s])
#define	_ST_HEAP_FIRST(q,s)	((q)->_bucket_first [s])

#define	_ST_BUCKET_SIBLING(b)	(b ^ 1)
#define	_ST_BUCKET_PARENT(b)	(b >>= 1)

#define	_ST_HEAP_NEXT(a,c)	((_ST_ADDR_T) ((a) + _ST_BLOCK_SIZE (c)))
#define	_ST_HEAP_NEXT_RAW(a,c)	((_ST_ADDR_T) ((a) + (c)))

#define	_ST_SET_ERROR(q,e)	((q)->_heap_error = (e))
#define	_ST_HEAP_ERROR(q)	((q)->_heap_error)

 * Help clients initialise the arena.

#define	_ST_HEAP_CONTROL_SIZE(segs)\
	(sizeof (struct _st_heap_control) + \
		(segs) * (2 * sizeof (_ST_WORD_T) + sizeof (_ST_ADDR_T)))

 * Allocation control block. This block is normally followed by vectors
 * containing a maximum block size heap and a vector defining the first free
 * block in an allocation bucket.

struct _st_heap_control {

	int		_buckets_inuse;		/* number of active buckets */
	int		_buckets_maximum;	/* maximum possible buckets */
	int		_words_per_bucket;	/* memory words per bucket */
	size_t		_arena_size;		/* total bytes in arena */

	_ST_WORD_T    *	_bucket_biggest;	/* bucket size ordered heap */
	_ST_ADDR_T    *	_bucket_first;		/* address of first block */
	_ST_ADDR_T	_arena_base;
						 * base address of the first
						 * word in the arena, same as
						 * _bucket_first [0]
	_ST_ADDR_T	_arena_end;
						 * Address of last word in
						 * the arena +1
	__CONST__ char * _heap_error;
						 * If this heap is corrupt,
						 * points to a string that
						 * describes the problem

typedef struct _st_heap_control _ST_HEAP_CONTROL, * _ST_HEAP_CONTROL_P;

 * As an additional check, we can make clients of st_disp () pass in the
 * size of the block to free as (i) an additional assertion check against
 * bugs, and (ii) because a faster/less overhead implementation of the
 * algorithm is possible where there is no header for allocated blocks
 * (the free blocks contain a size and a pointer to the next free block).

#define	USE_ST_SIZE

#ifdef	USE_ST_SIZE
#define	ST_FREE_SIZE(x)		, x
#define	ST_FREE_SIZE(x)

 * Public function prototypes


int		st_assert	__PROTO ((_ST_HEAP_CONTROL_P _q));
__VOID__      *	st_alloc	__PROTO ((_ST_HEAP_CONTROL_P _q,
					  size_t _size));
int		st_free		__PROTO ((_ST_HEAP_CONTROL_P _q,
					  __VOID__ * _a
					  ST_FREE_SIZE (size_t _size)));
__VOID__      *	st_realloc	__PROTO ((_ST_HEAP_CONTROL_P _q,
					  __VOID__ * _a, size_t _newsize
					  ST_FREE_SIZE (size_t _oldsize)));
void		st_ctor		__PROTO ((_ST_HEAP_CONTROL_P _q, int _segs,
					  size_t _arensize,
					  _ST_ADDR_T _arenabase));
		st_heap_init	__PROTO ((__VOID__ * _memory, size_t _size));
size_t		st_maxavail	__PROTO ((_ST_HEAP_CONTROL_P _q));

int		st_check	__PROTO ((_ST_HEAP_CONTROL_P _q,
					  __CONST__ char * _where));

#if	_ST_IMPL

void		st_reduced	__PROTO ((_ST_HEAP_CONTROL_P _q,
					  int _bucket));
void		st_grown	__PROTO ((_ST_HEAP_CONTROL_P _q,
					  _ST_ADDR_T _a, int _bucket));
_ST_ADDR_T	st_pred		__PROTO ((_ST_HEAP_CONTROL_P _q,
					  _ST_ADDR_T _a, int _bucket));

#endif	/* _ST_IMPL */


#if	0	/* in case of emergency, break glass */
#define	_ST_CHECK(q, msg)	st_check (q, msg)
#define	_ST_CHECK(q, msg)	(0)

#endif	/* ! defined (__KERNEL_ST_ALLOC_H__) */