
/* (-lgl
 *	Coherent 386 release 4.2
 *	Copyright (c) 1982, 1993 by Mark Williams Company.
 *	All rights reserved. May not be copied without permission.
 *	For copying permission and licensing info, write
 -lgl) */

#ifndef	__KERNEL_X86IO_H__
#define	__KERNEL_X86IO_H__

 * The system V DDI/DKI for Intel processors defines a C-language interface to
 * the machine I/O instructions available through <sys/types.h>.
 * For simplicity, this has been factored out into a separate file for this
 * implementation, and <sys/types.h> pulls this file in.

#include <common/ccompat.h>
#include <common/feature.h>
#include <common/xdebug.h>
#include <common/__types.h>

 * Get these into a useful form in a similar manner to the way the spl... ()
 * functions are defined in <sys/inline.h>

#if	__GNUC__ && _I386	/* 80386 with GNU CC */

 * It appears that the code GCC produces is sufficiently good that we can
 * run into problems with I/O recovery times on older boards, especially with
 * 386's. So, we allow for the possibility of delaying for a brief time.

#ifndef	__IO_RECOVER
# if	1
#  define	__IO_RECOVER	""
# else
#  define	__IO_RECOVER	";jmp LIO%=a;LIO%=a:;jmp LIO%=b;LIO%=b:"
# endif

 * Similarly to the above, it may be that using the REP instruction prefix
 * with I/O instructions may cause problems with motherboards or peripheral
 * failure to meet bus timings. To permit investigation of this problem we
 * allow either the REP prefix or the LOOP instruction to be used.

# define	__REPEAT(instr)	";rep;" instr
# define	__REPEAT(instr)	";LX%=: " instr "; loop LX%="

 * Note that the definitions for the string-input instructions assume that
 * ES: is equivalent to DS:.

__LOCAL__ __INLINE__ __uchar_t __inb (int _port) {
	__uchar_t	_result;
	__NON_ISO (asm) volatile ("in %1,%0" __IO_RECOVER :
				  "=a" (_result) : "d" ((__ushort_t) _port));
	return _result;

__LOCAL__ __INLINE__ __ulong_t __inl (int _port) {
	__ulong_t	_result;
	__NON_ISO (asm) volatile ("in %1,%0" __IO_RECOVER :
				  "=a" (_result) : "d" ((__ushort_t) _port));
	return _result;

__LOCAL__ __INLINE__ __ushort_t __inw (int _port) {
	__ushort_t	_result;
	__NON_ISO (asm) volatile ("in %1,%0" __IO_RECOVER :
				  "=a" (_result) : "d" ((__ushort_t) _port));
	return _result;

__LOCAL__ __INLINE__ void __outb (int _port, __uchar_t value) {
	__NON_ISO (asm) volatile ("out %1,%0" __IO_RECOVER : :
				  "d" ((__ushort_t) _port), "a" (value));

__LOCAL__ __INLINE__ void __outl (int _port, __ulong_t value) {
	__NON_ISO (asm) volatile ("out %1,%0" __IO_RECOVER : :
				  "d" ((__ushort_t) _port), "a" (value));

__LOCAL__ __INLINE__ void __outw (int _port, __ushort_t value) {
	__NON_ISO (asm) volatile ("out %1,%0" __IO_RECOVER : :
				  "d" ((__ushort_t) _port), "a" (value));

void __repinsb (int _port, __uchar_t * _addr, int _cnt) {
	__NON_ISO (asm) volatile ("mov %1,%%edi" __REPEAT ("insb") : :
				  "d" ((__ushort_t) _port), "g" (_addr),
				  "c" (_cnt) : "di");

void __repinsd (int _port, __ulong_t * _addr, int _cnt) {
	__NON_ISO (asm) volatile ("mov %1,%%edi" __REPEAT ("insl") : :
				  "d" ((__ushort_t) _port), "g" (_addr),
				  "c" (_cnt) : "di");

void __repinsw (int _port, __ushort_t * _addr, int _cnt) {
	__NON_ISO (asm) volatile ("mov %1,%%edi" __REPEAT ("insw") : :
				  "d" ((__ushort_t) _port), "g" (_addr),
				  "c" (_cnt) : "di");

void __repoutsb (int _port, __uchar_t * _addr, int _cnt) {
	__NON_ISO (asm) volatile ("mov %1,%%esi" __REPEAT ("outsb") : :
				  "d" ((__ushort_t) _port), "g" (_addr),
				  "c" (_cnt) : "si");

void __repoutsd (int _port, __ulong_t * _addr, int _cnt) {
	__NON_ISO (asm) volatile ("movl %1,%%esi" __REPEAT ("outsl") : :
				  "d" ((__ushort_t) _port), "g" (_addr),
				  "c" (_cnt) : "si");

void __repoutsw (int _port, __ushort_t * _addr, int _cnt) {
	__NON_ISO (asm) volatile ("movl %1,%%esi" __REPEAT ("outsw") : :
				  "d" ((__ushort_t) _port), "g" (_addr),
				  "c" (_cnt) : "si");

#define __FORWARD_inb__
#define __FORWARD_inl__
#define __FORWARD_inw__
#define	__FORWARD_outb__
#define	__FORWARD_outl__
#define	__FORWARD_outw__
#define	__FORWARD_repinsb__
#define	__FORWARD_repinsd__
#define	__FORWARD_repinsw__
#define	__FORWARD_repoutsb__
#define	__FORWARD_repoutsd__
#define	__FORWARD_repoutsw__

#elif	__BORLANDC__

void	__emit__	(unsigned char __byte, ...);

 * Note the use of the 0x66 operand-size override prefix below, which is built
 * on the assumption that Borland generates 16-bit code segments.

#define	__REP__		0xF3		/* repeat-prefix */

#define	__INB__		0xEC
#define	__INW__		0xED
#define	__INL__		0x66, __INW__	/* size-override for 32-bit form */

#define	__OUTB__	0xEE
#define	__OUTW__	0xEF
#define	__OUTL__	0x66, __OUTW__	/* size-override for 32-bit form */

#define	__INSB__	0x6C
#define	__INSW__	0x6D
#define	__INSL__	0x65, __INSW__

#define	__OUTSB__	0x6E
#define	__OUTSW__	0x6F		/* word/long depending on CS: */
#define	__OUTSL__	0x66, __OUTSW__

 * If we are willing to restrict ourselves to i386's, Borland C++ 3.1 allows
 * support for 32-bit register-pseudovariables if 386 code generation has
 * been enabled.
 * As it turns out, there are all kinds of bugs in the 386 support in BC++ 3.1
 * but enough works that we can even get a far pointer into ES:whatever via
 * a 32-bit register, as long as the intermediate register isn't _ESI or _EDI
 * since _EAX = _ESI or _EAX = _EDI only moves the low 16 bits. Being able to
 * load ES:whatever via a 32-bit register allows us to write macros that only
 * reference each argument exactly once.
 * While the 32-bit-pointer version still works in the near models, it's not
 * exactly optimal, so we use a more straightforward version there.

#define	__inb(port)		(_DX = (port), __emit__ (__INB__),\
				 (__uchar_t) _AL)
#define	__inl(port)		(_DX = (port), __emit__ (__INL__), _EAX)
#define	__inw(port)		(_DX = (port), __emit__ (__INW__), \
				 (__ushort_t) _AX)

#define	__outb(port,value)	(_DX = (port), _AL = (value), \
				 __emit__ (__OUTB__))
#define	__outl(port,value)	(_DX = (port), _EAX = (value), \
				 __emit__ (__OUTL__))
#define	__outw(port,value)	(_DX = (port), _AX = (value), \
				 __emit__ (__OUTW__))

#if	defined (__LARGE__) || defined (__HUGE__) || defined (__COMPACT__)

#define	__repins(p,a,c)		(_EDX = (long) (void __far *) (a), _EAX = _EDX,\
				 _ES = (unsigned) (_EAX >> 16),\
				 _DI = _DX, _CX = (c), _DX = (p))
#define	__repouts(p,a,c)	(_EDX = (long) (void _far *) (a), _EAX = _EDX,\
				 _ES = (unsigned) (_EAX >> 16),\
				 _SI = _DX, _CX = (c), _DX = (p))

#else	/* use simpler small-data versions */

#define	__repins(p,a,c)		(_ES = _DS, _DI = (unsigned) (a), \
				 _CX = (c), _DX = (p))
#define	__repouts(p,a,c)	(_ES = _DS, _SI = (unsigned) (a), \
				 _CX = (c), _DX = (p))


#define	__repinsb(p,a,c)	(__repins (p, a, c),\
				 __emit__ (__REP__, __INSB__))
#define	__repinsd(p,a,c)	(__repins (p, a, c),\
				 __emit__ (__REP__, __INSL__))
#define	__repinsw(p,a,c)	(__repins (p, a, c),\
				 __emit__ (__REP__, __INSW__))

#define	__repoutsb(p,a,c)	(__repouts (p, a, c),\
				 __emit__ (__REP__, __OUTSB__))
#define	__repoutsd(p,a,c)	(__repouts (p, a, c),\
				 __emit__ (__REP__, __OUTSL__))
#define	__repoutsw(p,a,c)	(__repouts (p, a, c),\
				 __emit__ (__REP__, __OUTSW__))

#define __FORWARD_inb__
#define __FORWARD_inl__
#define __FORWARD_inw__
#define	__FORWARD_outb__
#define	__FORWARD_outl__
#define	__FORWARD_outw__
#define	__FORWARD_repinsb__
#define	__FORWARD_repinsd__
#define	__FORWARD_repinsw__
#define	__FORWARD_repoutsb__
#define	__FORWARD_repoutsd__
#define	__FORWARD_repoutsw__



__uchar_t	inb		__PROTO ((int _port));
__ulong_t	inl		__PROTO ((int _port));
__ushort_t	inw		__PROTO ((int _port));
void		outb		__PROTO ((int _port, __uchar_t _value));
void		outl		__PROTO ((int _port, __ulong_t _value));
void		outw		__PROTO ((int _port, __ushort_t _value));
void		repinsb		__PROTO ((int _port, __uchar_t * _addr,
					  int _cnt));
void		repinsd		__PROTO ((int _port, __ulong_t * _addr,
					  int _cnt));
void		repinsw		__PROTO ((int _port, __ushort_t * _addr,
					  int _cnt));
void		repoutsb	__PROTO ((int _port, __uchar_t * _addr,
					  int _cnt));
void		repoutsd	__PROTO ((int _port, __ulong_t * _addr,
					  int _cnt));
void		repoutsw	__PROTO ((int _port, __ushort_t * _addr,
					  int _cnt));


#ifdef	__FORWARD_inb__
# define	inb(port)	__inb (port)

#ifdef	__FORWARD_inl__
# define	inl(port)	__inl (port)

#ifdef	__FORWARD_inw__
# define	inw(port)	__inw (port)

#ifdef	__FORWARD_outb__
# define	outb(port,val)	__outb (port, val)

#ifdef	__FORWARD_outl__
# define	outl(port,val)	__outl (port, val)

#ifdef	__FORWARD_outw__
# define	outw(port,val)	__outw (port, val)

#ifdef	__FORWARD_repinsb__
# define	repinsb(p,a,c)	__repinsb (p, a, c)

#ifdef	__FORWARD_repinsd__
# define	repinsd(p,a,c)	__repinsd (p, a, c)

#ifdef	__FORWARD_repinsw__
# define	repinsw(p,a,c)	__repinsw (p, a, c)

#ifdef	__FORWARD_repoutsb__
# define	repoutsb(p,a,c)	__repoutsb (p, a, c)

#ifdef	__FORWARD_repoutsd__
# define	repoutsd(p,a,c)	__repoutsd (p, a, c)

#ifdef	__FORWARD_repoutsw__
# define	repoutsw(p,a,c)	__repoutsw (p, a, c)

#undef	__FORWARD_inb__
#undef	__FORWARD_inl__
#undef	__FORWARD_inw__
#undef	__FORWARD_outb__
#undef	__FORWARD_outl__
#undef	__FORWARD_outw__
#undef	__FORWARD_repinsb__
#undef	__FORWARD_repinsd__
#undef	__FORWARD_repinsw__
#undef	__FORWARD_repoutsb__
#undef	__FORWARD_repoutsd__
#undef	__FORWARD_repoutsw__

#endif	/* ! defined (__KERNEL_X86IO_H__) */