
/* (-lgl
 *	Coherent 386 release 4.2
 *	Copyright (c) 1982, 1993 by Mark Williams Company.
 *	All rights reserved. May not be copied without permission.
 *	For copying permission and licensing info, write
 -lgl) */

#ifndef	__SYS_INODE_H__
#define	__SYS_INODE_H__

 * Memory resident inodes.


#include <common/feature.h>
#include <common/__cred.h>
#include <common/__time.h>
#include <common/__fsize.h>
#include <common/__daddr.h>
#include <common/_io.h>
#include <common/_uid.h>
#include <sys/ksynch.h>
#include <sys/poll.h>

 * File inode.

typedef struct inode {
	o_dev_t		i_dev;		/* Device */
	o_ino_t		i_ino;		/* Inode index */
	int		i_refc;		/* Reference count */
	unsigned	i_lrt;		/* Last reference time */
	int		i_flag;		/* Flags */
	o_mode_t	i_mode;		/* Mode and type */
	o_nlink_t	i_nlink;	/* Number of links */
	o_uid_t		i_uid;		/* Owner's user id */
	o_gid_t		i_gid;		/* Owner's group id */
	__fsize_t	i_size;		/* Size of file in bytes */

	union ia_u {
		__daddr_t	i_addr [13];	/* Disk addresses */
		struct ip_dev {		/* devices */
			o_dev_t		id_rdev; /* Real device */
			__VOID__      *	id_private; /* per-device info */
		} i_d;
		struct ip_s {		/* Pipes */
			__daddr_t	ip_pipe [10];
			short		ip_pnc;	/* Number Characters */
			short		ip_prx;	/* Reader Offset */
			short		ip_pwx;	/* Writer Offset */
			short		ip_par; /* Number Awake Readers */
			short		ip_paw; /* Number Awake Writers */
			short		ip_psr; /* Number Sleeping Readers */
			short		ip_psw; /* Number Sleeping Writers */
			event_t 	ip_iev;	/* Polling Input Event */
			event_t 	ip_oev;	/* Polling Output Event */
		} i_p;
	} i_a;			/* Addresses */

	__time_t	i_atime;	/* Last access time */
	__time_t	i_mtime;	/* Last modify time */
	__time_t	i_ctime;	/* Creation time */

	struct	rlock *	i_rl;		/* List of record locks */
	__daddr_t	i_lastblock;	/* for readahead */

	__DUMB_GATE	__i_gate;

 * Pretend that the above is flat...

#define i_pipe		i_a.i_p.ip_pipe
#define i_pnc		i_a.i_p.ip_pnc
#define i_prx		i_a.i_p.ip_prx
#define i_pwx		i_a.i_p.ip_pwx
#define i_par		i_a.i_p.ip_par
#define i_paw		i_a.i_p.ip_paw
#define i_psr		i_a.i_p.ip_psr
#define i_psw		i_a.i_p.ip_psw
#define i_iev		i_a.i_p.ip_iev
#define i_oev		i_a.i_p.ip_oev
#define	i_rdev		i_a.i_d.id_rdev
#define	i_private	i_a.i_d.id_private

 * Flags.

#define	IFACC	0x01			/* File has been accessed */
#define	IFMOD	0x02			/* File has been modified */
#define	IFCRT	0x04			/* File has been created */
#define IFMNT	0x08			/* Contains mounted file system */
#define	IFWPROT	0x10			/* Write-protected inode */
#define	IFTRACE	0x20			/* Trace this inode */
#define	IFEXCL	0x80			/* Exclusive open */

 * This relates to a hack in the 16-bit system-call interface; this value is
 * jammed into 16-bit file descriptors. If NOFILE ever gets bigger than this,
 * 16-bit applications stand to lose big.

#define	DUP2	0x40


#include <kernel/_timers.h>
#include <kernel/__buf.h>
#include <kernel/dir.h>
#include <sys/io.h>

 * Locking macros for inodes. Due to the way locks are acquired on
 * behalf of functions by ftoi (), the following has the
 * kernel diagnose when a system call exits with a lock still held.

#define	__INIT_INODE_LOCK(ip) \
		(__GATE_INIT ((ip)->__i_gate, "inode", __GATE_COUNT))

#define ilock(ip, where) \
		(__GATE_LOCK ((ip)->__i_gate, "lock : inode " where))
#define iunlock(ip)	(__GATE_UNLOCK ((ip)->__i_gate))
#define ilocked(ip)	(__GATE_LOCKED ((ip)->__i_gate))

#define	iprotected(ip)	(((ip)->i_flag & IFWPROT) != 0)
#define	itrace(ip)	((ip)->i_flag |= IFTRACE)
#define	iuntrace(ip)	((ip)->i_flag &= ~ IFTRACE)
#define	itraced(ip)	(((ip)->i_flag & IFTRACE) != 0)

 * Declare as structure tag to avoid scope problems in prototypes.

struct stat;


int		ftoi		__PROTO ((__CONST__ char * _path, int _cookie,
					  int space, IO * _iop,
					  struct direct * _direct,
					  __cred_t * _credp));
int		file_to_inode	__PROTO ((__CONST__ char * _path, int _cookie,
					  int _doRmDir, int space,
					  IO * _iop, struct direct * _dirent,
					  __cred_t * _credp));
struct inode  *	imake		__PROTO ((unsigned _mode, o_dev_t _rdev,
					  IO * _iop, struct direct * _dirent,
					  __cred_t * _credp));
int		iaccess		__PROTO ((struct inode * _ip, int _request,
					  __cred_t * _credp));

void		iaccessed	__PROTO ((struct inode * _ip));
void		imodifed	__PROTO ((struct inode * _ip));
void		icreated	__PROTO ((struct inode * _ip));
void		iaccmodcreat	__PROTO ((struct inode * _ip));
struct inode  *	inode_find	__PROTO ((o_dev_t _dev, o_ino_t _ino,
					  struct inode ** _inodepp));
struct inode  *	inode_clone	__PROTO ((struct inode * _inodep,
					  o_dev_t _dev));
struct inode  *	ialloc		__PROTO ((o_dev_t _dev, unsigned _mode,
					  __cred_t * _credp));
void		idirent		__PROTO ((o_ino_t _ino, IO * _iop,
					  struct direct * _dirent));
struct inode  *	iattach		__PROTO ((o_dev_t _dev, o_ino_t _ino));
struct inode  *	ftoim		__PROTO ((struct inode * _ip));
void		itruncate	__PROTO ((struct inode * _ip));
void		icopymd		__PROTO ((struct inode * _ip));
void		idetach		__PROTO ((struct inode * _ip));
void		ldetach		__PROTO ((struct inode * _ip));
int		iucheck		__PROTO ((o_dev_t _dev, o_ino_t _ino));
int		icopydm		__PROTO ((struct inode * _ip));
void		isync		__PROTO ((o_dev_t _dev));
void		istat		__PROTO ((struct inode * _ip,
					  struct stat * _sbp));
void		ifree		__PROTO ((o_dev_t _dev, o_ino_t _ino));
__daddr_t	balloc		__PROTO ((o_dev_t _dev));
void		bfree		__PROTO ((o_dev_t _dev, __daddr_t _b));
void		idump		__PROTO ((struct inode * _ip,
					  __CONST__ char * _where));

struct inode  *	pmake		__PROTO ((unsigned _mode));
void		pwake		__PROTO ((struct inode * _ip, unsigned _who));
void		popen		__PROTO ((struct inode * _ip,
					  unsigned _mode));
void		pclose		__PROTO ((struct inode * _ip,
					  unsigned _mode));
void		pread		__PROTO ((struct inode * _ip, IO * _iop));
void		pwrite		__PROTO ((struct inode * _ip, IO * _iop));
int		ppoll		__PROTO ((struct inode * _ip, int _events,
					  int _msec));
struct inode  *	iopen		__PROTO ((struct inode * _ip,
					  unsigned _mode));
void		iclose		__PROTO ((struct inode * _ip,
					  unsigned _mode));
void		iread		__PROTO ((struct inode * _ip, IO * _iop));
void		iwrite		__PROTO ((struct inode * _ip, IO * _iop));
void		fread		__PROTO ((struct inode * _ip, IO * _iop));
void		fwrite		__PROTO ((struct inode * _ip, IO * _iop));
__buf_t       *	vread		__PROTO ((struct inode * _ip,
					  __daddr_t _blkno));


 * Global variables.

extern	int		ronflag;	/* Root is read only */
extern	struct inode  *	acctip;		/* Accounting file pointer */

extern	struct inode  *	inode_table;	/* Pointer to in core struct inode s */
extern	struct inode  *	inode_table_end;/* */

extern	o_dev_t		rootdev;	/* root device */
extern	o_dev_t		pipedev;	/* pipe device */

#endif	/* _KERNEL */

#endif	/* ! defined (__SYS_INODE_H__) */