
Compare this file to the similar file:
Show the results in this format:

/* (-lgl
 *	Coherent 386 release 4.2
 *	Copyright (c) 1982, 1993 by Mark Williams Company.
 *	All rights reserved. May not be copied without permission.
 *	For copying permission and licensing info, write
 -lgl) */

#ifndef	__UNISTD_H__
#define	__UNISTD_H__

#include <common/feature.h>
#include <common/ccompat.h>
#include <common/__pid.h>
#include <common/__off.h>
#include <common/__time.h>
#include <common/_imode.h>
#include <common/_size.h>
#include <common/_ssize.h>
#include <common/_uid.h>
#include <common/whence.h>

/* Access modes. */
#define	F_OK		_PERM_EXIST
#define	X_OK		_PERM_EXEC
#define	W_OK		_PERM_WRITE
#define	R_OK		_PERM_READ

/* lockf() commands. */
#define	F_ULOCK		0	/* unlock region */
#define	F_LOCK		1	/* sleep until available and lock */
#define	F_TLOCK		2	/* lock if available, EAGAIN if not */
#define	F_TEST		3	/* return 0 if available, EAGAIN if not	*/

/* File descriptors for standard FILEs. */
#define	STDIN_FILENO	0

 * Names for pathconf () and fpathconf ().

#if	_SYSV4

#define	_PC_LINK_MAX		1
#define	_PC_MAX_CANON		2
#define	_PC_MAX_INPUT		3
#define	_PC_NAME_MAX		4
#define	_PC_PATH_MAX		5
#define	_PC_PIPE_BUF		6
#define	_PC_NO_TRUNC		7
#define	_PC_VDISABLE		8


#define	_PC_LINK_MAX		0
#define	_PC_MAX_CANON		1
#define	_PC_MAX_INPUT		2
#define	_PC_NAME_MAX		3
#define	_PC_PATH_MAX		4
#define	_PC_PIPE_BUF		5
#define	_PC_NO_TRUNC		7
#define	_PC_VDISABLE		8


 * Names for sysconf ().

#if	_SYSV4

#define	_SC_ARG_MAX		1
#define	_SC_CHILD_MAX		2
#define	_SC_CLK_TCK		3
#define	_SC_NGROUPS_MAX		4
#define	_SC_OPEN_MAX		5
#define	_SC_JOB_CONTROL		6
#define	_SC_SAVED_IDS		7
#define	_SC_VERSION		8
#define	_SC_PASS_MAX		9
#define	_SC_LOGNAME_MAX		10
#define	_SC_PAGESIZE		11
#define	_SC_XOPEN_VERSION	12

#else	/* ! _SYSV4 */

#define	_SC_ARG_MAX		0
#define	_SC_CHILD_MAX		1
#define	_SC_CLK_TCK		2
#define	_SC_NGROUPS_MAX		3
#define	_SC_OPEN_MAX		4
#define	_SC_JOB_CONTROL		5
#define	_SC_SAVED_IDS		6
#define	_SC_VERSION		7


 * POSIX parameters.

#if	_SYSV4
#define	_POSIX_VDISABLE		0

#define	_POSIX_SAVED_IDS	1


__NO_RETURN__	_exit		__PROTO ((int _status))
int		access		__PROTO ((__CONST__ char * _path,
					  int _mode));
unsigned int	alarm		__PROTO ((unsigned int _seconds));
int		chdir		__PROTO ((__CONST__ char * _path));
int		chown		__PROTO ((__CONST__ char * _path, 
					  __uid_t _owner, __gid_t _group));
int		close		__PROTO ((int _fildes));
char	      *	ctermid		__PROTO ((char * _s));
int		dup		__PROTO ((int _fildes));
int		dup2		__PROTO ((int _fildes, int _fildes2));
int		execl		__PROTO ((__CONST__ char * _path,
					  __CONST__ char * _arg, ...));
int		execle		__PROTO ((__CONST__ char * _path,
					  __CONST__ char * _arg, ...));
int		execlp		__PROTO ((__CONST__ char * _file,
					  __CONST__ char * _arg, ...));
int		execv		__PROTO ((__CONST__ char * _path,
					  char * __CONST__ _argv []));
int		execve		__PROTO ((__CONST__ char * _path,
					  char * __CONST__ _argv [],
					  char * __CONST__ _envp []));
int		execvp		__PROTO ((__CONST__ char * _file,
					  char * __CONST__ _argv []));
__pid_t		fork		__PROTO ((void));
char	      *	getcwd		__PROTO ((char * _buf, size_t _size));
__gid_t		getegid		__PROTO ((void));
__uid_t		geteuid		__PROTO ((void));
__gid_t		getgid		__PROTO ((void));
int		getgroups	__PROTO ((int _gidsetsize,
					  __gid_t * _grouplist));
char	      *	getlogin	__PROTO ((void));
__pid_t		getpgrp		__PROTO ((void));
__pid_t		getpid		__PROTO ((void));
__pid_t		getppid		__PROTO ((void));
__uid_t		getuid		__PROTO ((void));
int		isatty		__PROTO ((int _fildes));
int		link		__PROTO ((__CONST__ char * _existing,
					  __CONST__ char * _new));
__off_t		lseek		__PROTO ((int _fildes, __off_t _offset,
					  int _whence));
long		pathconf	__PROTO ((__CONST__ char * _path, int _name));
int		pause		__PROTO ((void));
int		pipe		__PROTO ((int _fildes [2]));
int		read		__PROTO ((int _fildes, __VOID__ * _buf,
					  size_t _nbyte));
int		rmdir		__PROTO ((__CONST__ char * _path));
int		setgid		__PROTO ((__gid_t _gid));
int		setpgid		__PROTO ((__pid_t _pid, __pid_t _pgid));
__pid_t		setsid		__PROTO ((void));
int		setuid		__PROTO ((__uid_t _uid));
unsigned int	sleep		__PROTO ((unsigned int _seconds));
long		sysconf		__PROTO ((int _name));
char	      *	ttyname		__PROTO ((int _fildes));
int		unlink		__PROTO ((__CONST__ char * _path));
int		write		__PROTO ((int _fildes,
					  __CONST__ __VOID__ * _buf,
					  size_t _nbyte));

#if	0		/* not supported */
__pid_t		tcgetpgrp	__PROTO ((int _fildes));
int		tcsetpgrp	__PROTO ((int _fildes, __pid_t _pgrp_id));
#endif	/* 0 */

#if	_POSIX_C_SOURCE != 1

int		getopt		__PROTO ((int _argc, char * __CONST__ * _argv,
					  __CONST__ char * _optstring));


int		acct		__PROTO ((__CONST__ char * _path));
int		brk		__PROTO ((__VOID__ * _endds));
int		chroot		__PROTO ((__CONST__ char * _path));
long		fpathconf	__PROTO ((int _fildes, int _name));
int		ioctl		__PROTO ((int _fd, int _cmd, ...));
int		nice		__PROTO ((int _incr));
int		ptrace		__PROTO ((int _request, __pid_t _pid,
					  int _addr, int _data));
__VOID__      *	sbrk		__PROTO ((int _incr));
int		setgroups	__PROTO ((int _ngroups,
					  __CONST__ __gid_t * _grouplist));
__pid_t		setpgrp		__PROTO ((void));
int		stime		__PROTO ((__CONST__ __time_t * _time));
void		sync		__PROTO ((void));



#if	_POSIX_C_SOURCE != 1

extern	int		opterr;
extern	int		optopt;
extern	int		optind;
extern	char	      *	optarg;

#endif	/* _POSIX_C_SOURCE != 1 */

#endif	/* ! defined (__UNISTD_H__) */