
/ I/O library for use with boot programs.  Uses the BIOS.
/ La Monte H. Yarroll <>, September 1991

/ Magic constants.

	RETF	= 0xCB			/ Far return
	VIDEO	= 0x10			/ video swi
	DISK	= 0x13			/ disk io swi
	KEYBD	= 0x16			/ keyboard swi
	MON	= 0x00			/ Monitor swi
	READ1	= 0x0201		/ read 1 sector
	BUFSIZE	= 0x200		/ Size of a physical disk block.
	NTRK	= 40		/ Number of tracks on a floppy.
	NSPT	= 9		/ Number of sectors per track on a floppy.
	NHD	= 1		/ Number of heads per drive on a floppy.

	FIRST	= 8		/ Relative start of partition.

	.shri	/ Shared code segment, initialized.
/ Read a block from disk, relative to the start of the boot partition,
/ using the code in the IBM firmware.
/ It takes two parameters:
/	daddr_t	blockno;	/* 32 bit block number.  */
/	char *buff;	/* Must point to a 512 byte buffer.  */
/ The buffer must not cross a 4K boundry.  Disk input should generally
/ be done through the C routine bread(), which calls bread() with an
/ aligned buffer.

	.globl	_bread_
	push	es			/ Save registers
	push	si
	push	di
	push	bp
	push	dx

	push	ds
	pop	es			/ Set es:bp to address of the buffer.

	mov	bp, sp
	mov	ax, 12(bp)		/ Get low word of block number.
	mov	dx, 14(bp)		/ Get high word of block number.
	mov	bx, 16(bp)		/ Get a buffer to put it in.
	mov	bp, bx

	mov	di, bp			/ Blast the buffer contents.
	mov	cx, $BUFSIZE		/ For block 0, this fills the buffer
	rep				/ with zeros.

	/ Block #0 is the sparse block--it means a block of all zeros.
	test	ax, ax			/ if block 0, return zeroed buffer
	jnz	3f
	test	dx, dx
	jnz	3f
	movb	al, $1			/ Say that we read 1 block.
	jmp	2f
	/ Translate block number into cylinder, head, and sector.
3:	add	ax, first		/ add first block
	adc	dx, first+2		/ add rest

	mov	bx, ax			/ save block number
	movb	al, heads		/ get number of heads
	movb	cl, sects		/ get number of sectors
	mulb	cl			/ calculate sectors per cylinder
	xchg	bx,ax			/ swap block/sectors
	div	bx			/ calculate track
	xchg	dx, ax			/ put track in DX
	divb	cl			/ calculate head/sector

	movb	cl, ah			/ set sector
	inc	cx			/ sectors start at 1 [incb cl]
	cmp	dx, traks		/ check for second side
	jb	0f
	sub	dx, traks		/ fold track
	inc	ax			/ next head [incb al]

0:	rorb	dh, $1			/ rotate track(low) into
	rorb	dh, $1			/  msbits of DX
	orb	cl, dh			/ set track(high)
	movb	ch, dl			/ set track(low)
	movb	dh, al			/ set head
	movb	dl, drive		/ set drive
	mov	bx, bp			/ set offset [bbuf]

	mov	ax, $READ1		/ Read, 1 sector.
	int	DISK			/ Disk I/O.
	jnc	2f			/ Jump if no error.
	mov	ax, $READ1		/ try again
	int	DISK
	jc	berror

	/ al contains the number of blocks read (should be 1).
	pop	dx			/ restore registers.
	pop	bp
	pop	di
	pop	si
	pop	es
	ret				/ return.

berror:	/ error handling for _bread.
	xorb	al, al	/ ah contains an error code.
	jmp	2b

/ Write the character in "al" out to
/ the display, using routines in the ROM.
/ Like most calls to the ROM, this routine spends
/ most of its time saving and restoring the
/ registers.

	.globl	putchar_
putchar_:	push	si			/ Save registers.
	push	di
	push	bp

	mov	bp, sp
	mov	ax, 8(bp)		/ Fetch the single argument.

	mov	bx, $0x0007		/ Page 0, white on black
	movb	ah, $0x0E		/ Write TTY.
	int	VIDEO			/ Call video I/O in ROM.

	pop	bp			/ Restore registers.
	pop	di
	pop	si

/ Fetch character from keyboard, using
/ routines in the ROM.

	.globl	getchar_
	push	si			/ Save registers.
	push	di
	push	bp

	movb	ah, $0x00		/ Read keystroke.
	int	KEYBD

	movb	ah, $0x00
	pop	bp			/ Restore registers.
	pop	di
	pop	si

/ Check for a pending keystroke using
/ routines in the ROM.

	.globl	iskey_
	push	si			/ Save registers.
	push	di
	push	bp

	movb	ah, $0x01		/ Check for keystroke.
	int	KEYBD
	jne	0f
	xor	ax, ax			/ Set false.
	jmp	1f
0:	xor	ax, ax
	inc	ax			/ Set true.
1:	pop	bp			/ Restore registers.
	pop	di
	pop	si

/ Goto a far address
/ Takes two integer arguments: an offset, and a segment, in that order.

	.globl gotofar_
	add	sp, $2
	.byte	RETF

/ Goto a kernel.
/ Takes three integer arguments: an offset, a segment, and a new data segment
/ in that order.

	.globl gotoker_
	mov	bp, sp
	mov	es, 6(bp)	/ Point es at the new data segment.
	mov	si, $seconddat	/ Point ds:si at useful data.
	add	sp, $2
	.byte	RETF

/ Initilize hard disk parameters
	.globl	hdinit_
	push	si			/ Save registers.
	push	di
	push	bp

	mov	si, bp			/ set si to partition table

	movb	dl, (si)		/ get drive number
	movb	ah, $8			/ get drive parameters
	int	DISK
	jc	1f			/ abort on error (just return)

	movb	al, ch			/ fetch cyl(lo)
	movb	ah, cl			/ move cyl(hi), sects
	rolb	ah, $1			/ shift cylinder high to
	rolb	ah, $1			/ the least sig bits
	andb	ah, $3			/ mask out cylinder bits

	mov	di, $traks		/ point to drive
	stosw				/ set number of tracks

	movb	al, $0x3F		/ sector mask
	andb	al, cl			/ mask sector
	stosb				/ set sector

	movb	al, dh			/ get max head
	inc	ax			/ change to # of heads (incb al)
	stosb				/ set number of heads

	movsb				/ set drive
	add	si, $FIRST-1		/ point to first block
	movsw				/ fetch first block

1:	pop	bp			/ Restore registers.
	pop	di
	pop	si


/ Invoke the native monitor.
/ Useful for debugging.

	.globl	intmon_
	int	MON

/ void _ffcopy(from_fp, to_fp, count)
/ faddr_t from_fp, to_fp;
/ int count;
/ Copy count bytes from from_fp to to_fp.
/ Here is the stack after initial "push bp":
/	12(bp)	count
/	10(bp)	FP_SEL(to_fp)
/	8(bp)	FP_OFF(to_fp)
/	6(bp)	FP_SEL(from_fp)
/	4(bp)	FP_OFF(from_fp)
/	2(bp)	return IP
/	0(bp)	old bp

	.globl	_ffcopy_
	push	bp
	mov	bp, sp
	push	es
	push	di
	push	ds
	push	si

	lds	si, 4(bp)	/ from_fp  to DS:SI
	les	di, 8(bp)	/ to_fp to ES:DI
	mov	cx, 12(bp)	/ rep count to CX

	pop	si
	pop	ds
	pop	di
	pop	es
	pop	bp
	ret		/ return from _ffcopy()

/ Read a block from disk, relative to start of disk,
/ using the code in the IBM firmware.
/ It takes two parameters:
/	daddr_t	blockno;	/* 32 bit block number.  */
/	char *buff;	/* Must point to a 512 byte buffer.  */
/ The buffer must not cross a 4K boundry.  Disk input should generally
/ be done through the C routine bread(), which calls bread() with an
/ aligned buffer.

	.globl	_xbread_
	push	es			/ Save registers
	push	si
	push	di
	push	bp
	push	dx

	push	ds
	pop	es			/ Set es:bp to address of the buffer.

	mov	bp, sp
	mov	ax, 12(bp)		/ Get low word of block number.
	mov	dx, 14(bp)		/ Get high word of block number.
	mov	bx, 16(bp)		/ Get a buffer to put it in.
	mov	bp, bx

	/ Translate block number into cylinder, head, and sector.
	mov	bx, ax			/ save block number
	movb	al, heads		/ get number of heads
	movb	cl, sects		/ get number of sectors
	mulb	cl			/ calculate sectors per cylinder
	xchg	bx,ax			/ swap block/sectors
	div	bx			/ calculate track
	xchg	dx, ax			/ put track in DX
	divb	cl			/ calculate head/sector

	movb	cl, ah			/ set sector
	inc	cx			/ sectors start at 1 [incb cl]
	cmp	dx, traks		/ check for second side
	jb	0f
	sub	dx, traks		/ fold track
	inc	ax			/ next head [incb al]

0:	rorb	dh, $1			/ rotate track(low) into
	rorb	dh, $1			/  msbits of DX
	orb	cl, dh			/ set track(high)
	movb	ch, dl			/ set track(low)
	movb	dh, al			/ set head
	movb	dl, drive		/ set drive
	mov	bx, bp			/ set offset [bbuf]

	mov	ax, $READ1		/ Read, 1 sector.
	int	DISK			/ Disk I/O.
	jnc	2f			/ Jump if no error.
	mov	ax, $READ1		/ try again
	int	DISK
	jc	berror

	/ al contains the number of blocks read (should be 1).
	pop	dx			/ restore registers.
	pop	bp
	pop	di
	pop	si
	pop	es
	ret				/ return.