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/* cbootlib.c -- C routines for use by boot programs.
 * La Monte H. Yarroll <>, September 1991

#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "tboot.h"

/* puts() -- put a NUL terminated string.
 * Takes one argument--a pointer to a NUL terminated character string.
 * Does no error checking.  Calls the assembly language routine putc().
	register char *s;
	while (*s != '\0') {

} /* puts() */

#define BS '\010'
#define DEL '\0'	/* This is really what getchar() returns!  */
#define NAK '\025'
/* gets() -- Read string from keyboard.
 * Takes one argument--a pointer to a buffer big enough for the
 * expected response.
 * It stops reading as soon as it detects a carriage return.  The CR
 * is replaced with a NUL.
char *
	char *s;
	register char *t;

	t = s;

	while ('\r' != (*t = getchar())) {
		if ((BS == *t) || (DEL == *t)) {
			/* Process back space.  */
			if (t > s) {
				puts("\010 \010"); /* Erase the last character.  */
		} else if (NAK == *t) {
			/* Kill line.  */
			while (--t >= s) {
				puts("\010 \010"); /* Erase the last character.  */
			t = s;
		} else {
			/* Echo the character; prepare for another.  */
	*t = '\0';
} /* gets() */

/* Reverse string s in place.
 * Straight from K&R.
	char s[];
	int c, i, j;

	for (i = 0, j = strlen(s)-1; i < j; i++, j--) {
		c = s[i];
		s[i] = s[j];
		s[j] = c;
} /* reverse() */

#define BASE10	10	/* itoa() generates base 10 numbers.  */

/* Convert n to decimal characters in s.
 * Straight from K&R  (with minor sylistic changes.)
itoa(n, s)
	char s[];
	int n;
	int i, sign;

	if ((sign = n) < 0) {	/* Record sign.  */
		n = -n;		/* Make n positive.  */
	i = 0;
	do {	/* Generate digits in reverse order.  */
		s[i++] = n % BASE10 + '0';	/* Get next digit.  */

	} while ((n /= BASE10) > 0); /* Delete it.  */
	if (sign < 0) {
		s[i++] = '-';
	s[i] = '\0';
} /* itoa() */

#define BASE16 16
/* Convert n to digits in s, base base.
 * Works for any base from 2 to 36.
 * Modified itoa() from K&R.
itobase(n, s, base)
	uint16 n;
	char s[];
	int base;
	uint16 i;

	i = 0;
	do {	/* Generate digits in reverse order.  */
		s[i] = n % base + '0';	/* Get next digit.  */
		/* Adjust for the gap between '9' and 'A'.  */
		if (s[i] > '9') {
			s[i] += ('A' - '9') - 1;
	} while ((n /= base) > 0); /* Delete it.  */
	s[i] = '\0';
} /* itobase() */

/* basetoi(char *s, int base)
 * Convert a string base "base" to an integer.
 * Good through base 36.
 * Loosely based on K&R's atoi().
basetoi(s, base)
	char *s;
	int base;
	int i, n;

	static char convert[]="0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";

	/* Lowercase the entire string.  */
	for(i = 0; '\0' != s[i]; ++i) {
		if (isupper(s[i])) {
			s[i] = tolower(s[i]);

	/* Actually do the conversion.  */
	n = 0;
	for (i = 0; '\0' != s[i] && NULL != strchr(convert, s[i]); ++i) {
		n = (base * n) + (strchr(convert, s[i]) - convert);

} /* basetoi() */

/* seginc(uint16 *offset,
 *	  uint16 *segment,
 *	  uint16 increment)
 * Add an offset to a segment.  We may adjust the segment base
 * to make everything fit.
#define MAXSEG (int32)0xffff	/* Top address in a segment.  */
#define PPSIZE 16		/* Size of a paragraph--
				 * segments are PP aligned.
seginc(offset, segment, increment)
	uint16 *offset;
	uint16 *segment;
 	uint16 increment;
	/* If we won't spill over a segment boundary, just add increment
	 * to *offset.
	if ((int32) (*offset) + (int32) increment < MAXSEG) {
		*offset += increment;
	} else {
		/* Otherwise, we have to adjust the segment.  */
		*segment += (increment / PPSIZE);

		/* If offset is within PPSIZE of the end of a segment,
		 * we have to bump segment up to the next paragraph.
		if ((int32) (*offset) + (int32) (increment % PPSIZE) < MAXSEG) {
			*offset += (increment % PPSIZE);
		} else {
			*segment += 1;
			*offset = 
			 	(int) (((int32) (*offset) +
				        (int32) (increment % PPSIZE))
				       - MAXSEG);
} /* seginc() */

/* Pad a string s on the left with character c, to length n.
 * The old contents of s are replaced by the padded version.
char *
lpad(s, c, n)
	char *s;
	char c;
	int n;
	static char localbuf[LINESIZE];
	register int len_s;	/* length of s.  */
	register int i;

	len_s = strlen(s);

	/* We only have something to do if the string is too short.  */
	if (len_s < n) {
		/* Is n small enough to fit in locabuf? */
		if (n < (LINESIZE - 1)) {
			/* Fill the padding into the local buffer.  */
			for (i = 0; i < (n - len_s); ++i) {
				localbuf[i] = c;
			localbuf[i] = '\0';

			/* Append the string to be padded.  */
			strcat(localbuf, s);
			/* Copy the padded string back where it came from.  */
			strcpy(s, localbuf);
		} else {
			/* Too big!  Do something more complicated.  */
			strcpy(s, "lpad: n is too big!");

} /* lpad() */

#define BITS_PER_INT16		16	/* Number of bits in an int16.  */
#define DIGITS_PER_INT16	4	/* Maximum hex digits in a 16 bit number.  */
#define DIGITS_PER_INT8		2	/* Maximum hex digits in an 8 bit number.  */
 * Print a 32 bit integer in hexadecimal.
	uint32 my_int;
	uint16 half;
	char buffer[sizeof("ffff")];

	/* Convert and print the upper half.  */
	half = (uint16) ((my_int) >> BITS_PER_INT16);
	itobase(half, buffer, BASE16);
	lpad(buffer, '0', DIGITS_PER_INT16);

	/* Convert and print the lower half.  */
	half = (uint16) ((my_int << BITS_PER_INT16) >> BITS_PER_INT16);
	itobase(half, buffer, BASE16);
	lpad(buffer, '0', DIGITS_PER_INT16);

 * Print a 16 bit integer in hexadecimal.
	uint16 my_int;
	char buffer[sizeof("ffff")];

	itobase(my_int, buffer, BASE16);
	lpad(buffer, '0', DIGITS_PER_INT16);

 * Print an 8 bit integer in hexadecimal.
	uint8 my_int;
	char buffer[sizeof("ff")];

	itobase((uint16) my_int, buffer, BASE16);
	lpad(buffer, '0', DIGITS_PER_INT8);

 * Wrapper for far-far copy.  Changes the segment so that the requested
 * length does not wrap past the end of the segment.
 * For Intel 8086 Real Mode.
ffcopy(to_offset, to_seg, from_offset, from_seg, length)
	uint16 to_offset;
	uint16 to_seg;
	uint16 from_offset;
	uint16 from_seg;
	uint16 length;
	uint16 to_move;	/* Amount to move at a time.  */
	/* Algorithm:
	 * Align both segments so each offset is within a paragraph
	 * of the beginning of the segment.
	 * Move up to 1/2 a segment.
	 * Decrement length.
	 * Interate.
	while (length != 0) {
		/* Align both segments.  */
		seg_align(&to_offset, &to_seg);
		seg_align(&from_offset, &from_seg);

		/* Move up to 1/2 a segment.  */
		to_move = LESSER(length, MAXUINT16/2);

		_ffcopy(from_offset, from_seg, to_offset, to_seg, to_move);
		/* Decrement length.  */
		length -= to_move;
} /* ffcopy() */

 * Align a far address so that its offset is within a paragraph of
 * the start of the segment.
 * Note that we ignore overflow in the segment, since this is exactly
 * what happens when you offset past the end of the highest segment.
 * WARNING: This routine is destructive to its arguments.
 * For Intel 8086 Real Mode.
seg_align(offset, segment)
	uint16 *offset;
	uint16 *segment;
#define BYTE_PER_PP	16	/* Number of bytes in a paragraph.  */
	uint16	new_offset,

	new_segment = *segment + (*offset/BYTE_PER_PP);
	new_offset  = *offset % BYTE_PER_PP;
	*segment = new_segment;
	*offset = new_offset;
} /* seg_align() */
 * wait_for_keystroke() -- wait for a specific keystroke.

/* Location of BIOS-run timer.  */
#define TIMER_SEG	0x0040
#define TIMER_OFF	0x006c

#define MIDNIGHT	(((uint32) 24) << 16)

 * Waits delay ticks for the requested keystroke.  Returns TRUE if
 * keystroke came, FALSE if delay runs out.
 * If key == -1, accept ANY keystroke.
wait_for_keystroke(delay, key)
	int delay;
	int key;
	extern uint16 myds;	/* My Data Segment, defined in Statup.s.  */
	uint32 end_time;		/* Return when time reaches this.  */
	uint32 current_time;	/* Current value of timer list.  */
	int my_key_found;
	while (iskey()) {
		getchar();	/* Eat all pending characters.  */

	/* Calculate the terminating time.  */
	ffcopy(&end_time, myds, TIMER_OFF, TIMER_SEG, sizeof(int32));
	end_time += (int32) delay;

	/* Adjust for timer reset at midnight.  */
	if (end_time > MIDNIGHT) {
		/* These messages are meaningless.  */
		puts("I'm tired.  Please leave me alone.\r\n");
		end_time -= MIDNIGHT;

	/* Busy wait keystrokes and time delay.  */

	my_key_found = FALSE;
	do {
		ffcopy(&current_time, myds, TIMER_OFF, TIMER_SEG,sizeof(int32));
		if (iskey()) {
			/* The order of evaluation here is important.
			 * getchar() MUST be called to clean out the
			 * pending character.
			if (((int) getchar() == key) || (-1 == key)) {
				my_key_found = TRUE;
	} while (!my_key_found && (current_time < end_time));

} /* wait_for_keystrok() */