
/ FLG_PIQL	 Pre-fetch instruction queue length, 0 => 4-byte, 1 => 6-byte
/ FLG_08		 Intel 808x
/ FLG_NEC 	 NEC V20 or V30
/ FLG_18		 Intel 8018x
/ FLG_28		 Intel 8028x
/ FLG_38		 Intel 8038x
/ FLG_87		 Intel 8087
/ FLG_287 	 Intel 80287
/ FLG_387 	 Intel 80387
/ FLG_1167	 Weitek 1167
/ $FLG_CERR	 Faulty CPU
/ $FLG_NERR	 Faulty NDP switch setting


/ CPU-related flags

FLG_PIQL equ	 0001b shl $FLG_CPU
FLG_08	 equ	 0000b shl $FLG_CPU
FLG_NEC  equ	 0010b shl $FLG_CPU
FLG_18	 equ	 0100b shl $FLG_CPU
FLG_28	 equ	 0110b shl $FLG_CPU
FLG_38	 equ	 1000b shl $FLG_CPU

FLG_8088 equ	 FLG_08
FLG_8086 equ	 FLG_08 or FLG_PIQL
FLG_V20  equ	 FLG_NEC
FLG_80188 equ	 FLG_18
FLG_80186 equ	 FLG_18 or FLG_PIQL
FLG_80286 equ	 FLG_28 or FLG_PIQL
FLG_80386 equ	 FLG_38 or FLG_PIQL

/ NDP-related flags

FLG_NDPX equ	 000b shl $FLG_NDP	/ Not present
FLG_NDPU equ	 001b shl $FLG_NDP	/ Untested
FLG_87	 equ	 010b shl $FLG_NDP
FLG_287  equ	 011b shl $FLG_NDP
FLG_387  equ	 100b shl $FLG_NDP

FLG_1167 equ	 mask $FLG_WTK

CPUID	 proc	 near		/ Start CPUID procedure

/ This procedure determines the type of CPU and NDP (if any) in use.
/ The possibilities include:
/ Intel 8086
/ Intel 8088
/ NEC   V20
/ NEC   V30
/ Intel 80186
/ Intel 80188
/ Intel 80286
/ Intel 80386
/ Intel 8087
/ Intel 80287
/ Intel 80387
/    Also checked is whether or not the CPU allows interrupts after
/ changing the SS segment register.  If the CPU does, it is faulty and
/ should be replaced.
/    Further, if an NDP is installed, non-AT machines should have a
/ system board switch set correspondingly.  Such a discrepancy is
/ reported upon.
/    On exit, BX contains flag settings (as defined in $FLG record) which
/ the caller can check.  For example, to test for an Intel 80286, use
/ 	 and	 bx,mask $FLAG_CPU
/ 	 cmp	 bx,FLG_80286
/ 	 je	 ITSA286

	push	ax / Save registers
	push	cx
	push	di
	push	ds
	push	es

/ Test for 80286/386 -- these CPUs execute PUSH SP by first storing SP on stack,
/ then decrementing it.  Earlier CPUs first decrement then store.

	 push	 sp		/ Only 286 pushes pre-push SP
	 pop	 ax		/ Get it back

	 cmp	 ax,sp		/ Check for same
	 jne	 CHECK_18x	/ They aren't, try next class

	 call	 DIST_286or386	/ Distinguish a 286 from 386
	 jmp	 short CHECK_PIQL / Join common code

/ Test for 80186/80188 -- 18x and later CPUs mask shift/rotate operations
/ mod 32/ earlier CPUs use all 8 bits of CL.

	 mov	 bx,FLG_18	/ Assume it's an 8018x
	 mov	 cl,32+1	/ 18x masks shift counts mod 32
				/ Note we can't use just 32 in CL
	 mov	 al,0FFh	/ Start with all bits set

	 shl	 al,cl		/ Shift one position if 18x
	 jnz	 CHECK_PIQL	/ Some bits still on, so it's a 18x or later/
				/ check PIQL

	 mov	 bx,FLG_NEC	/ Assume it's an NEC V-series CPU
	 call	 CHECK_NEC	/ See if it's an NEC chip
	 jcxz	 CHECK_PIQL	/ Good guess, check PIQL

	 mov	 bx,FLG_08	/ It's an 808x
/	subttl  Check Length Of Pre-fetch Instruction Queue
/	page

/ Check the length of the pre-fetch instruction queue (PIQ).
/ xxxx6 CPUs have a PIQ length of 6 bytes,
/ xxxx8 CPUs   "     "     "      4   "
/ Self-modifying code is used to distinguish the two PIQ lengths.
/ To overcome write pipelining in 286/386 chips, the largest value
/ over several executions of the subroutine is used.

	 call	 PIQL_SUB	/ Handled via subroutine

	 cmp	 cx,PIQL	/ Use the larger of the two
	 jbe	 CHECK_PIQL1	/ CX is smaller

	 mov	 PIQL,cx	/ Save to report on later
	 dec	 PIQL_CNT	/ One fewer times through the loop
	 jnz	 CHECK_PIQL	/ Jump if

	 cmp	 PIQL,4 	/ Check PIQL
	 jbe	 CHECK_ERR	/ Jump if xxxx8

	 or	 bx,FLG_PIQL	/ PIQ length is 5 or longer
/	subttl  Check For Allowing Interrupts After POP SS
/	page

/ Test for faulty chip (allows interrupts after change to SS register)

	 call	 ERR_SUB	/ Handled via subroutine
	 jcxz	 CHECK_NDP	/ If CX is 0, the DEC was executed,
				/ and the CPU is OK
	 or	 bx,mask $FLG_CERR / It's a faulty chip
/	subttl  Check For Numeric Data Processor
/	page
	 call	 NDP_SUB	/ Handled via subroutine

	 pop	es / Restore registers
	 pop	ds
	 pop	di
	 pop	cx
	 pop	ax

	 ret			/ Return to caller

CPUID	 endp			/ End CPUID procedure
/	subttl  Distinguish A 286 From 386
/	page
DIST_286or386 proc   near

/ The test for 286 vs. 386 is done by attempting to set flag bits in
/ the high-order nibble of the flag word.  If that's successful, it's a
/ 386/ otherwise it's a 286.

	 push	ax		/ Save register

	 pushf			/ Save flags for a moment

	 mov	 ax,0F000h	/ Try to set high bits in flag register

	 push	 ax		/ Move into flag register

	 pushf			/ Get flags back into AX
	 pop	 ax

	 popf			/ Restore original flags

	 test	 ax,0F000h	/ Any bits set?
	 jz	 ITSA286	/ No, so it's a 286

	 or	 bx,FLG_38	/ It's a 38x
	 jmp	 short DIST_286or386_EXIT / Join common exit code
	 or	 bx,FLG_28	/ It's a 28x
	 pop ax		/ Restore

	 ret			/ Return to caller

DIST_286or386 endp		/ End DIST_286or386 procedure
/	subttl  Check For NEC V20/V30
/	page
CHECK_NEC proc	 near
/    The NEC V20/V30 CPUs are very compatible with the Intel 8086/8088.
/ The only point of "incompatiblity" is that they do not contain a bug
/ found in the Intel CPUs.  Specifically, the NEC CPUs correctly restart
/ an interrupted multi-prefix string instruction at the start of the
/ instruction.  The Intel CPUs incorrectly restart it in the middle of
/ the instruction.  This routine tests for that situation by executing
/ such an instruction for a sufficiently long period of time for a timer
/ interrupt to occur.  If at the end of the instruction, CX is zero,
/ it must be an NEC CPU/ if not, it's an Intel CPU.
/    Note that we're counting on the timer interrupt to do its thing
/ every 18.2 times per second.
/    Here's a worst case analysis:  An Intel 8086/8088 executes 65535
/ iterations of LODSB ES:[SI] in 2+9+13*65535 = 851,966 clock ticks.  If
/ the Intel 8086/8088 is running at 15 MHz, each clock tick is 66.67
/ nanoseconds, hence the entire operation takes 56.8 milliseconds.  If the
/ timer is running at normal speed, it interrupts the CPU every 55
/ millseconds and so should interrupt the repeated string instruction at
/ least once.

	 mov	 cx,0FFFFh	/ Move a lot of data
	 sti			/ Ensure timer enabled

/  Execute multi-prefix instruction.  Note that the value of ES as
/  well as the direction flag setting is irrelevant.

	 push	 ax		/ Save registers
	 push	 si
     rep lods	 byte ptr es:[si]
	 pop	 si		/ Restore
	 pop	 ax

/ On exit, if CX is zero, it's an NEC CPU, otherwise it's an Intel CPU

	 ret			/ Return to caller

/	subttl  Pre-fetch Instruction Queue Subroutine
/	page
PIQL_SUB proc	 near
/    This subroutine attempts to discern the length of the CPU's
/ pre-fetch instruction queue (PIQ).
/    It stores a new instruction into the instruction stream
/ following the STOSB.  The loop proceeds backwards from the end
/ of the stream to the beginning.  At the point the inserted
/ instruction is not executed, we have found the last byte in
/ the PIQ.  The value in CX at that time is then the PIQ length.

	 push	ax / Save registers
	 push	bx
	 push	dx
	 push	si
	 push	di

@REP	 equ	 64		/ Maximum length of PIQ
				/ we can handle

	 std			/ Store backwards

	 mov	 cx,@REP	/ Loop counter
	 lea	 di,LAB_NOP+@REP-1 / ES:DI ==> PIQL last byte
				/ in fill area

	 mov	 al,ds:LAB_INC	/ Change to INC BX
	 mov	 ah,ds:LAB_NOP	/ Save a NOP here to restore
	 mov	 si,1		/ Divisor
	 xor	 dx,dx		/ Zero high-order word for divide
	 cli			/ Ensure interrupts are disabled, otherwise
				/ a timer tick could disturb the PIQ filling
	 even			/ Ensure word alignment for LAB_FILL
	 xor	 bx,bx		/ Initialize flag
	 div	 si		/ Take up some time and
				/ refill the queue
	 stosb			/ Change the instruction

/ The PIQ begins filling here

LAB_NOP  label	 byte
	 rept	 @REP
	 nop			// Fill byte

	 mov	 es:[di+1],ah	/ Restore the NOP

	 and	 bx,bx		/ Did we execute it?
	 loopnz  PIQL_SUB_NEXT	/ Go around again if we did
				/ and loop not finished
	 inc	 cx		/ Count in last byte

	 sti			/ Restore interrupts
	 cld			/ Restore direction flag

	 pop	di / Restore
	 pop	si
	 pop	dx
	 pop	bx
	 pop	ax

/ At the end, CX has the length of the PIQ

	 ret			/ Return to caller

LAB_INC  label	 byte
	 inc	 bx		/ Increment counter

PIQL_SUB endp			/ End PIQL_SUB procedure
/	 subttl  Check For Faulty Interrupts
/	 page
ERR_SUB  proc	 near
/ Test for faulty chip (allows interrupts after change to SS register).
/ Setup a handler for INT 01h (single-step interrupt) and turn on that
/ flag just before executing a POP SS.  If the CPU allows a single-step
/ interrupt after the POP SS, it's faulty.
/ On exit:
/ CX	 =	 1 if CPU is faulty
/ 	 =	 0 if OK

	 push	ax	/ Save registers
	 push	ds

	 xor	 ax,ax		/ Prepare to address interrupt vector segment
	 mov	 ds,ax		/ DS points to segment 0

	 cli			/ Nobody move while we swap

	 lea	 ax,INT01	/ Point to our own handler
	 xchg	 ax,INT01_OFF	/ Get and swap offset
	 mov	 OLDINT01_OFF,ax / Save to restore later

	 mov	 ax,cs		/ Our handler's segment
	 xchg	 ax,INT01_SEG	/ Get and swap segment
	 mov	 OLDINT01_SEG,ax / Save to restore later

/ Note we continue with interrupts disabled to avoid an external interrupt
/ occurring during this test.

	 mov	 cx,1		/ Initialize a register
	 push	 ss		/ Save SS to store back into itself

	 pushf			/ Move flags
	 pop	 ax		/ ...into AX
	 or	 ax,mask $TF	/ Set trap flag
	 push	 ax		/ Place onto stack
	 POPFF			/ ...and then into effect
				/ Some CPUs effect the trap flag immediately,
				/   some wait one instruction.
	 nop			/ Allow interrupt to take effect
	 pop	 ss		/ Change the stack segment register (to itself)
	 dec	 cx		/ Normal CPUs execute this instruction before
				/ recognizing the single-step interrupt
	 hlt			/ We never get here

/ Note IF=TF=0

/ If we're stopped at or before POST_NOP, continue on

	 push	 bp		/ Prepare to address the stack
	 mov	 bp,sp		/ Hello, Mr. Stack

	 cmp	 [bp].ARG_OFF,offset cs:POST_NOP / Check offset
	 pop	 bp		/ Restore
	 ja	 INT01_DONE	/ We're done

	 iret			/ Return to caller

/ Restore old INT 01h handler

	 push	 es		/ Save for a moment
	 les	 ax,OLDINT01_VEC / ES:AX ==> old INT 01h handler
	 mov	 INT01_OFF,ax	/ Restore offset
	 mov	 INT01_SEG,es	/ ...and segment
	 pop	 es		/ Restore

	 sti			/ Allow interrupts again (IF=1)

	 add	 sp,3*2 	/ Strip IP, CS, and Flags from stack

	 pop	ds	/ Restore
	 pop	ax

	 ret			/ Return to caller

ERR_SUB  endp			/ End ERR_SUB procedure
/	 subttl  Check For Numeric Data Processor
/	 page
NDP_SUB  proc	 near
/    Test for a Numeric Data Processor -- Intel 8087, 80287, or 80387.
/ An 8087 allows FDISI, an 80287/80387 ignores it.  The 80287 and 80387
/ can be distinguished through their different treatment of the infinity
/ closure setting.
/    In general, the technique used is passive -- it leaves the NDP in
/ the same state in which it is found.
/    Unfortunately, some IBM PC/ATs and 3270/ATs without an NDP don't
/ handle floating-point instructions correctly.  In particular, when
/ no-WAIT NDP instruction is executed on those systems, they wipe out
/ the memory location and all bytes following in the same segment.  To
/ overcome this bug, Dan Lewis has suggested a technique which computes
/ the segment and offset of the location into which the store is made
/ such that the offset is in the last paragraph of the segment.  This
/ way, the wipe out is harmless.
/ On exit:
/ BX	 =	 $FLG_NDP & $FLG_NERR bits set as appropriate.

	 push	ax	/ Save registers
	 push	cx
	 push	di

	 call	 CHECK_1167	/ See if there's a Weitek 1167 in the system

/ Because some IBM PC/ATs and 3270/ATs without an NDP don't handle
/ floating-point instructions correctly, we check for a 286 explicitly
/ and rely upon the equipment flags to tell us if there's an NDP installed.
/ This behavior is also present on some 386s.

	 test	 LCL_FLAGS,@LCL_REAL / Use real code or not?
	 jnz	 NDP_SUB1	/ It's real

	 mov	 ax,bx		/ Copy CPUID bits for destructive testing
	 and	 ax,(mask $FLG_CPU) and not FLG_PIQL / Isolate CPU bits

	 cmp	 ax,FLG_28	/ Izit a 28x?
	 je	 NDP_SUB0	/ Yes, skip NDP instructions

	 cmp	 ax,FLG_38	/ Izit a 38x?
	 jne	 NDP_SUB1	/ Not this time
	 test	 LCL_FLAGS,@LCL_I11H / Skip INT 11h test?
	 jnz	 NDP_SUB_UN	/ Yes

	 int	 11h		/ Get equipment flags into AX

	 test	 ax,mask $I11_NDP / Check NDP-installed bit
	 jz	 NDP_SUB_EXIT0	/ Not installed

	 call	 DIST_287or387	/ Distinguish a 287 from a 387
	 jmp	 NDP_SUB_EXIT	/ Join common exit code

	 or	 bx,FLG_NDPU	/ Mark as untested

	 jmp	 NDP_SUB_EXIT	/ Join common exit code

	 push	 es		/ Save for a moment

	 lea	 di,NDP_ENV+(size NDP_ENV)-1 / Offset of end of environment
	 call	 MAX_OFFSET	/ Return with ES:DI ==> NDP_ENV and DI largest
	 sub	 di,(size NDP_ENV)-1 / Back off to start of NDP_ENV

	 cli			/ Protect FNSTENV
	 fnstenv es:[di]	/ If NDP present, save current environment,
				/ otherwise, this instruction is ignored
	 sti			/ Allow interrupts

	 pop	 es		/ Restore

	 mov	 cx,50/7	/ Cycle this many times
	 loop	 $		/ Wait for result to be stored

	 fninit 		/ Initialize processor to known state
	 jmp	 short $+2	/ Wait for initialization

	 push	 es		/ Save for a moment

	 lea	 di,NDP_CW+(size NDP_CW)-1 / Offset of end of control word
	 call	 MAX_OFFSET	/ Return with ES:DI ==> NDP_CW and DI largest
	 sub	 di,(size NDP_CW)-1 / Back off to start of control word

	 fnstcw  es:[di]	/ Save control word

	 pop	 es		/ Restore

	 jmp	 short $+2	/ Wait for result to be stored
	 jmp	 short $+2

	 and	 NDP_CW,not mask $IC / Turn off infinity control in case of 387

	 cmp	 NDP_CW_HI,03h	/ Check for NDP initial control word
	 jne	 NDP_SUB_NONE	/ No NDP installed

	 test	 LCL_FLAGS,@LCL_I11H / Skip INT 11h test?
	 jnz	 NDP_SUB2	/ Yes

	 int	 11h		/ Get equipment flags into AX

	 test	 ax,mask $I11_NDP / Check NDP-installed bit
	 jnz	 NDP_SUB2	/ It's correctly set

	 or	 bx,mask $FLG_NERR / Mark as in error
	 and	 NDP_CW,not mask $IEM / Enable interrupts (IEM=0, 8087 only)
	 fldcw	 NDP_CW 	/ Reload control word
	 fdisi			/ Disable interrupts (IEM=1) on 8087,
				/ ignored by 80287/80387
	 fstcw	 NDP_CW 	/ Save control word
	 fldenv  NDP_ENV	/ Restore original NDP environment
				/ No need to wait for environment to be loaded

	 test	 NDP_CW,mask $IEM / Check Interrupt Enable Mask (8087 only)
	 jnz	 NDP_SUB_8087	/ It changed, hence NDP is an 8087

	 call	 DIST_287or387	/ Distinguish a 287 from a 387

	 jmp	 short NDP_SUB_EXIT / Exit with flags in BX
	 or	 bx,FLG_87	/ NDP is an 8087

	 jmp	 short NDP_SUB_EXIT / Join common exit code
	 test	 LCL_FLAGS,@LCL_I11H / Skip INT 11h test?
	 jnz	 NDP_SUB_EXIT	/ Yes

	 int	 11h		/ Get equipment flags into AX

	 test	 ax,mask $I11_NDP / Check NDP-installed bit
	 jz	 NDP_SUB_EXIT	/ It's correctly set

	 or	 bx,mask $FLG_NERR / Mark as in error
	 pop	di	/ Restore
	 pop	cx
	 pop	ax

	 ret			/ Return to caller

NDP_SUB  endp			/ End NDP_SUB procedure
/	 subttl  Check For Weitek 1167
/	 page
CHECK_1167 proc near
/ See if there's a Weitek 1167 in the system.
/ To determine that, clear EAX, call INT 11h, and test bit 24
/ in EAX.  If set, the coprocessor is present/ if not, then
/ it's not.  Obviously, we must be running on a 386.

	 test	 LCL_FLAGS,@LCL_I11H / Skip INT 11h test?
	 jnz	 CHECK_1167_EXIT / Yes, 1167 untested

	 test	 bx,FLG_38	/ Are we on a 38x?
	 jz	 CHECK_1167_EXIT / No, thus no 1167

	 db	 66h		/ Use EAX
	 push	 ax		/ Save for a moment

	 db	 66h		/ Use EAX
	 xor	 ax,ax		/ Clear entire register

	 int	 11h		/ Get equipment flags

	 db	 66h		/ Use EAX
	 test	 ax,0000h
	 dw	 0100h		/ Test bit 24
	 jz	 CHECK_1167_EXIT0 / Not present

	 or	 bx,FLG_1167	/ Mark as present
	 db	 66h		/ Use EAX
	 pop	 ax		/ Restore
	 ret			/ Return to caller

CHECK_1167 endp 		/ End CHECK_1167 procedure
/	subttl  Distinguish A 287 From 387
/	page
DIST_287or387 proc near
/    Distinguish a 287 from a 387.
/    Both the 80287 and 80387 are initialized with the infinity closure
/ bit set to one.  However, only the 80287 is sensitive to the value of
/ this bit.  Ordinarily when this bit is set to one, the chip uses
/ projective closure/ when it is cleared to zero, the chip uses affine
/ closure.  Thus the 80287 is initialized to use projective closure, but
/ that state can be changed through the infinity closure bit in the
/ control word.  On the other hand, the 80387 is initialized to use
/ affine closure and remains in that state independent of the setting of
/ the infinity closure bit.  The two NDPs can be distinguished by
/ executing code which is sensitive to the setting of the infinity
/ closure bit.

   The algorithm used is based upon one published by Intel on how to
detect the 80387.

On exit:

BX	 =	 $FLG_NDP bits set as appropriate.


	 fstenv  NDP_ENV	/ Save current environment
	 finit			/ Initialize processor to known state
				/ The 80287 is using projective
				/ closure for arithmetic, the 80387 is
				/ using affine closure

	 fld1			/ Generate infinity
	 fldz			/  by dividing zero into one
	 fdiv			/ ST0 = +infinity
	 fld	 st(0)		/ Copy it
	 fchs			/ ST0 = -infinity, ST1 = +infinity
	 fcompp 		/ Compare them and pop both from stack
	 fstsw	 ax		/ Get status word
	 fldenv  NDP_ENV	/ Restore original NDP environment
	 sahf			/ Copy into flags
	 jz	 DIST_287or387_PROJ / Jump if the two are equal
				/ (projective closure)

	 or	 bx,FLG_387	/ NDP is an 80387

	 jmp	 short DIST_287or387_EXIT / Join common exit code

	 or	 bx,FLG_287	/ NDP is an 80287
	 ret			/ Return to caller
DIST_287or387 endp		/ End DIST_287or387 procedure
/	subttl  Calculate Maximum Offset
/	page
MAX_OFFSET proc  near

/ On entry:
/ ES:DI	 ==>	 memory offset
/ On exit:
/ ES:DI	 ==>	 same location but with DI as large as possible

MAXOFF	 equ	 0FFF0h

	 push	ax	/ Save registers
	 push	cx

	 push	 di

	 mov	 cl,4		/ Shift amount
	 shr	 di,cl		/ Isolate para of control word
	 mov	 ax,es		/ Get current segment
	 add	 ax,di		/ Add in segment of control word
	 sub	 ax,MAXOFF shr 4 / Less a lot of paras
	 mov	 es,ax		/ Save as segment of control word

	 pop	 di		/ Restore

	 or	 di,MAXOFF	/ Include paras subtracted out above

	 pop	cx	/ Restore
	 pop	ax

	 ret			/ Return to caller

MAX_OFFSET endp 		/ End MAX_OFFSET procedure

CODE	 ends			/ End CODE segment

%OUT Pass 1 complete
%OUT Pass 2 complete

	 end	 INITIAL	/ End CPUID module