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/* diskio.c -- C routines for disk i/o in tertiary boot programs.
 * La Monte H. Yarroll <>, September 1991

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <canon.h>
#include <sys/filsys.h>
#include <sys/ino.h>
#include <sys/inode.h>
#include <sys/dir.h>
#include <sys/buf.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>

#include "tboot.h"

/* Aligning bread.
 * Reads 1 block into an arbitrary buffer.  The assembly language
 * routine bread() needs a buffer aligned on a 4K boundary.

char bufspace[FOURK+BLOCK];
char *lbuf = NULL;	/* Buffer for bread.  */

	daddr_t blockno;	/* Block number.  */
	BUF *retval = NULL;

	/* If not already aligned, align buffer on a 4K boundary.  */
	if (NULL == lbuf) {
		lbuf = bufspace + FOURK;
		lbuf = (char *) (((unsigned short) lbuf) & FOURKBOUNDRY);

	sanity_check("bread() entry");
	 * Get a buffer to cache this in.

	retval = bclaim(blockno);

 	sanity_check("bread() returning from bclaim()");

	 * If the buffer has the right block number,
	 * we need not go further.
	if ((THE_DEV == retval->b_dev) && (blockno == retval->b_bno)) {

	/* Read the block, ignoring
	 * the return value.
	sanity_check("bread() to _bread()");
	_bread(blockno, lbuf);
	sanity_check("bread() from _bread()");

	/* Copy to the unaligned buffer.  */
	sanity_check("bread() to memcpy()");
	memcpy((uint16) (retval->b_paddr), lbuf, BLOCK);
	sanity_check("bread() from memcpy()");

	retval->b_dev	= THE_DEV;	/* Associate it with a device, */
	retval->b_bno	= blockno;	/* and block number.  */

	sanity_check("bread() about to return");
	/* Return the buffer we just filled in.  */
} /* bread() */

 * Inode OPEN: Load the inode for a file into memory.
 * iopen(struct inode *ip,
 *	 ino_t inode_number)

iopen(meminode, inode_number)
	struct inode *meminode;
	ino_t inode_number;
	BUF *bp;
	char *my_block;

	daddr_t blockno;	/* Physical block the inode lives on.  */
	uint16 offset;		/* Offset within that block for inode.  */
	struct dinode *diskinode; /* Pointer into buffer for disk
				   * inode structure.

	/* Read the super block to check the inode_number.
	 * bp = bread(1L);

	/* Convert from inode number to block number.  */

	/* This code fragment should (but doesn't) examine the
	 * bad block list, to skip over bad blocks in the free list.
	 * I'm no longer certain of the preceeding comment... :-(
	blockno = ((inode_number - 1) / INODES_PER_BLOCK) + 2;
	offset = ((inode_number - 1) % INODES_PER_BLOCK) *
		 sizeof(struct dinode);

	/* Get the inode off disk.  */
	bp = bread(blockno);
	/* Point at the actual disk block.  */
	my_block = (char *) bp->b_paddr;
	/* Pick out the particular inode we want.  */
	diskinode = (struct dinode *) (my_block + offset);
	meminode->i_dev = THE_DEV;	/* We're making something up.  */
	meminode->i_ino = inode_number;			/* Inode index */
	meminode->i_refc = diskinode->di_nlink;
	meminode->i_gate[0] = 0;			/* Gate (unused) */
	meminode->i_gate[1] = 0;			/* Gate (unused) */
	meminode->i_flag = 0;				/* Flags (unused) */
	meminode->i_mode = diskinode->di_mode;
	meminode->i_nlink = diskinode->di_nlink;
	meminode->i_uid = diskinode->di_uid;
	meminode->i_gid = diskinode->di_gid;
	meminode->i_size = diskinode->di_size;
	meminode->i_atime = diskinode->di_atime;
	meminode->i_mtime = diskinode->di_mtime;
	meminode->i_ctime = diskinode->di_ctime;
	meminode->i_lrt = GREATEST(			/* Last reference time */
	/* Disk addresses */
	/* Copy all block numbers (10 direct, 3 indirects).  */
	l3tol(meminode->i_a.i_addr, diskinode->di_a.di_addb, NADDR);

	/* Translate cannonical form to internal form.  */
	canshort(meminode->i_nlink);			/* Reference count */
	canshort(meminode->i_mode);			/* Mode and type */
	canshort(meminode->i_nlink);			/* Number of links */
	canshort(meminode->i_uid);			/* Owner's user id */
	canshort(meminode->i_gid);			/* Owner's group id */
	cansize(meminode->i_size);			/* Size of file in bytes */
	cantime(meminode->i_atime);			/* Last access time */
	cantime(meminode->i_mtime);			/* Last modify time */
	cantime(meminode->i_ctime);			/* Creation time */

	sanity_check("iopen() calling brelease()");

} /* iopen() */

/* Convert a filename to an inode number.  Returns inode number 0 on
 * failure.
	char *filename;
	fsize_t i;
	struct direct dirent;
	struct inode dir;

	iopen(&dir, (ino_t) 2);	/* Open the root directory.  */
	/* Read each directory entry one at a time.  */
	for (i = 0; i < dir.i_size; i += sizeof(struct direct)) {

		iread(&dir, (char *) &dirent, (fsize_t) i,
		      (uint16) sizeof(struct direct));
		/* Canonicalize it.  */
		if (0 == strncmp(filename, dirent.d_name, DIRSIZ)){
	return((ino_t) 0);
} /* namei() */

 * Inode READ: Load a local buffer from a file.
 * iread(struct inode *ip,
 *	 char *buffer,
 *	 fsize_t offset,
 *	 uint16 lenarg);
iread(ip, buffer, offset, lenarg)
	struct inode *ip;	/* Read from this file,		*/
	char *buffer;		/* into this buffer,		*/
	fsize_t offset;		/* from here in the file,	*/
	uint16 lenarg;	/* for this many bytes.		*/
	extern uint16 myds;	/* Contents of ds register.  */

	ifread(ip, myds, buffer, offset, (fsize_t) lenarg);
} /* iread() */

 * Inode to Far READ: Load an arbitrary length from a file into a far address.
 * ifread(struct inode *ip,
 *	  uint16 toseg,
 *	  uint16 tooffset,
 *	  fsize_t offset,
 *	  fsize_t length);
ifread(ip, toseg, tooffset, offset, lenarg)
	struct inode *ip;	/* Read from this file,		*/
	uint16 toseg;	/* into this far buffer,	*/
	uint16 tooffset;
	fsize_t offset;		/* from here in the file,	*/
	fsize_t lenarg;		/* for this many bytes.		*/
	BUF *bp;
	char *my_block;

	daddr_t fblockno;	/* Block number relative to file.  */
	daddr_t pblockno;	/* Block number relative to disk.  */
	uint16 blockoffset;	/* How far into buffer to start or end.  */
	uint16 blocklen;	/* Size of first fractional block.  */
	long length;

	extern uint16 myds;	/* Contents of register ds.  */

	length = (int32) lenarg;	/* We need something that can go negative.  */

	/* Calculate the first block of the requested file segment.  */
	fblockno = (daddr_t) (offset / (fsize_t) BLOCK);
	/* Look up the physical block number.  */
	pblockno = vmap(ip, fblockno);
	/* Calculate starting offset within that block.  */
	blockoffset = (uint16) (offset % (fsize_t) BLOCK);
	blocklen =
	 (uint16) LESSER((int32) (BLOCK - blockoffset), length);

	/* Read the first fraction of a block.  */
	bp = bread(pblockno);
	/* Point at the actual data.  */
	my_block = (char *) bp->b_paddr;

	/* Copy it in place.  */
	ffcopy(tooffset, toseg, &(my_block[blockoffset]), myds, blocklen);
	sanity_check("ifread() calling the first brelease()");

	/* Don't bother with the rest if there is nothing more to read.  */
	if (blocklen == (uint16) length) {

	pblockno = vmap(ip, fblockno);

	length -= (int32) blocklen;
	seginc(&tooffset, &toseg, blocklen);

	pac_init();	/* Turn on the pacifier.  */
	/* Read the middle blocks.  */
	while (length - (int32) BLOCK > 0L) {
		sanity_check("ifread() to middle bread()");
		bp = bread(pblockno);
		sanity_check("ifread() from middle bread()");

		/* Point at the actual data.  */
		my_block = (char *) bp->b_paddr;

		sanity_check("ifread() to middle ffcopy()");
		ffcopy(tooffset, toseg, my_block, myds, BLOCK);
		sanity_check("ifread() from middle ffcopy()");

		sanity_check("ifread() to middle brelease()");
		sanity_check("ifread() from middle brelease()");

		pacifier(); /* Put something reassuring on the screen.  */
		sanity_check("ifread() to middle vmap()");
		pblockno = vmap(ip, fblockno);
		sanity_check("ifread() to middle vmap()");

		length -= (int32) BLOCK;
		sanity_check("ifread() to middle seginc()");
		seginc(&tooffset, &toseg, BLOCK);
		sanity_check("ifread() from middle seginc()");
	pac_cleanup();	/* Turn off the pacifier.  */

	/* Read the last fraction of a block.  */
	if (length > 0L) {
		/* ASSERTION: length < BLOCK */
		bp = bread(pblockno);

		/* Point at the actual data.  */
		my_block = (char *) bp->b_paddr;

		ffcopy(tooffset, toseg, my_block, myds, (uint16)length);
		sanity_check("ifread() calling the last brelease()");
} /* ifread() */

/* Aligning xbread.
 * Disk addresses are relative to the start of the disk, rather than
 * the start of the partition.
 * Reads 1 block into an arbitrary buffer.  The assembly language
 * routine xbread() needs a buffer aligned on a 4K boundary.
	daddr_t blockno;	/* Block number.  */
	BUF *retval = NULL;

	/* If not already aligned, align buffer on a 4K boundary.  */
	if (NULL == lbuf) {
		lbuf = bufspace + FOURK;
		lbuf = (char *) (((unsigned short) lbuf) & FOURKBOUNDRY);

	sanity_check("xbread() entry");
	 * Get a buffer to cache this in.

	retval = bclaim(blockno);

 	sanity_check("xbread() returning from bclaim()");

	 * If the buffer has the right block number,
	 * we need not go further.
	if ((THE_XDEV == retval->b_dev) && (blockno == retval->b_bno)) {

	/* Read the block, ignoring
	 * the return value.
	sanity_check("xbread() to _xbread()");
	_xbread(blockno, lbuf);
	sanity_check("xbread() from _xbread()");

	/* Copy to the unaligned buffer.  */
	sanity_check("xbread() to memcpy()");
	memcpy((uint16) (retval->b_paddr), lbuf, BLOCK);
	sanity_check("xbread() from memcpy()");

	retval->b_dev	= THE_XDEV;	/* Associate it with a device, */
	retval->b_bno	= blockno;	/* and block number.  */

	sanity_check("xbread() about to return");
	/* Return the buffer we just filled in.  */
} /* xbread() */