
 $FreeBSD: src/sys/i386/ibcs2/syscalls.master,v 2004/09/03 15:30:20 jhb Exp $

;	@(#)syscalls.master	8.1 (Berkeley) 7/19/93
; System call name/number master file (or rather, slave, from IBCS2).
; Processed to created ibcs2_sysent.c, ibcs2_syscalls.c and ibcs2_syscall.h.

; Columns: number type nargs name alt{name,tag,rtyp}/comments
;	number	system call number, must be in order
;	type	one of STD, OBSOL, UNIMPL, COMPAT
;	name	psuedo-prototype of syscall routine
;		If one of the following alts is different, then all appear:
;	altname	name of system call if different
;	alttag	name of args struct tag if different from [o]`name'"_args"
;	altrtyp	return type if not int (bogus - syscalls always return int)
;		for UNIMPL/OBSOL, name continues with comments

; types:
;	STD	always included
;	COMPAT	included on COMPAT #ifdef
;	LIBCOMPAT included on COMPAT #ifdef, and placed in syscall.h
;	OBSOL	obsolete, not included in system, only specifies name
;	UNIMPL	not implemented, placeholder only

#include <sys/param.h>
#include <sys/sysent.h>
#include <sys/sysproto.h>
#include <i386/ibcs2/ibcs2_types.h>
#include <i386/ibcs2/ibcs2_signal.h>
#include <i386/ibcs2/ibcs2_proto.h>

; #ifdef's, etc. may be included, and are copied to the output files.

0	NOPROTO	{ int nosys(void); } syscall nosys_args int
1	MNOPROTO { void sys_exit(int rval); } exit sys_exit_args void
2	MNOPROTO { int fork(void); }
3	STD	{ int ibcs2_read(int fd, char *buf, u_int nbytes); }
4	MNOPROTO { int write(int fd, char *buf, u_int nbytes); }
5	STD	{ int ibcs2_open(char *path, int flags, int mode); }
6	MNOPROTO { int close(int fd); }
7	MSTD	{ int ibcs2_wait(int a1, int a2, int a3); }
8	STD	{ int ibcs2_creat(char *path, int mode); }
9	NOPROTO	{ int link(char *path, char *link); }
10	STD	{ int ibcs2_unlink(char *path); }
11	STD	{ int ibcs2_execv(char *path, char **argp); }
12	STD	{ int ibcs2_chdir(char *path); }
13	STD	{ int ibcs2_time(ibcs2_time_t *tp); }
14	STD	{ int ibcs2_mknod(char* path, int mode, int dev); }
15	STD	{ int ibcs2_chmod(char *path, int mode); }
16	STD	{ int ibcs2_chown(char *path, int uid, int gid); }
17	NOPROTO	{ int obreak(caddr_t nsize); }
18	STD	{ int ibcs2_stat(char* path, struct ibcs2_stat *st); }
19	STD	{ long ibcs2_lseek(int fd, long offset, int whence); }
20	MNOPROTO { pid_t getpid(void); }
21	STD	{ int ibcs2_mount(char *special, char *dir, int flags, \
		    int fstype, char *data, int len); }
22	STD	{ int ibcs2_umount(char *name); }
23	MSTD	{ int ibcs2_setuid(int uid); }
24	MNOPROTO { uid_t getuid(void); }
25	STD	{ int ibcs2_stime(long *timep); }
26	MNOPROTO { int ptrace(int req, pid_t pid, caddr_t addr, int data); }
27	STD	{ int ibcs2_alarm(unsigned sec); }
28	STD	{ int ibcs2_fstat(int fd, struct ibcs2_stat *st); }
29	MSTD	{ int ibcs2_pause(void); }
30	STD	{ int ibcs2_utime(char *path, struct ibcs2_utimbuf *buf); }
31	STD	{ int ibcs2_stty(int fd, struct sgttyb *buf); }
32	STD	{ int ibcs2_gtty(int fd, struct sgttyb *buf); }
33	STD	{ int ibcs2_access(char *path, int flags); }
34	MSTD	{ int ibcs2_nice(int incr); }
35	STD	{ int ibcs2_statfs(char *path, struct ibcs2_statfs *buf, \
		    int len, int fstype); }
36	NOPROTO	{ int sync(void); }
37	MSTD	{ int ibcs2_kill(int pid, int signo); }
38	STD	{ int ibcs2_fstatfs(int fd, struct ibcs2_statfs *buf, \
		    int len, int fstype); }
39	MSTD	{ int ibcs2_pgrpsys(int type, caddr_t dummy, int pid, \
		    int pgid); }
40	STD	{ int ibcs2_xenix(int a1, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5); }
41	MNOPROTO { int dup(u_int fd); }
42	MNOPROTO { int pipe(void); }
43	STD	{ int ibcs2_times(struct tms *tp); }
44	MNOPROTO { int profil(caddr_t samples, u_int size, u_int offset, \
		    u_int scale); }
45	STD	{ int ibcs2_plock(int cmd); }
46	MSTD	{ int ibcs2_setgid(int gid); }
47	MNOPROTO { gid_t getgid(void); }
48	STD	{ int ibcs2_sigsys(int sig, ibcs2_sig_t fp); }
49	STD	{ int ibcs2_msgsys(int which, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, \
		    int a6); }
50	STD	{ int ibcs2_sysi86(int cmd, int *arg); }
51	UNIMPL	ibcs2_acct
52	STD	{ int ibcs2_shmsys(int which, int a2, int a3, int a4); }
53	STD	{ int ibcs2_semsys(int which, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5); }
54	STD	{ int ibcs2_ioctl(int fd, int cmd, caddr_t data); }
55	STD	{ int ibcs2_uadmin(int cmd, int func, caddr_t data); }
56	UNIMPL	nosys
57	STD	{ int ibcs2_utssys(int a1, int a2, int flag); }
58      NOPROTO { int fsync(int fd); }
59	STD	{ int ibcs2_execve(char *path, char **argp, char **envp); }
60	MNOPROTO { int umask(int newmask); }
61	NOPROTO	{ int chroot(char *path); }
62	MSTD	{ int ibcs2_fcntl(int fd, int cmd, char *arg); }
63	MSTD	{ long ibcs2_ulimit(int cmd, int newlimit); }
64	UNIMPL	reserved for unix/pc
65	UNIMPL	reserved for unix/pc
66	UNIMPL	reserved for unix/pc
67	UNIMPL	reserved for unix/pc
68	UNIMPL	reserved for unix/pc
69	UNIMPL	reserved for unix/pc
70	OBSOL	rfs_advfs
71	OBSOL	rfs_unadvfs
72	OBSOL	rfs_rmount
73	OBSOL	rfs_rumount
74	OBSOL	rfs_rfstart
75	OBSOL	rfs_sigret
76	OBSOL	rfs_rdebug
77	OBSOL	rfs_rfstop
78	UNIMPL	rfs_rfsys
79	STD	{ int ibcs2_rmdir(char *path); }
80	STD	{ int ibcs2_mkdir(char *path, int mode); }
81	STD	{ int ibcs2_getdents(int fd, char *buf, int nbytes); }
82	UNIMPL	nosys
83	UNIMPL	nosys
84	STD	{ int ibcs2_sysfs(int cmd, caddr_t d1, char *buf); }
85	STD	{ int ibcs2_getmsg(int fd, struct ibcs2_stropts *ctl, \
		    struct ibcs2_stropts *dat, int *flags); }
86	STD	{ int ibcs2_putmsg(int fd, struct ibcs2_stropts *ctl, \
		    struct ibcs2_stropts *dat, int flags); }
87	STD	{ int ibcs2_poll(struct ibcs2_poll *fds, long nfds, \
		    int timeout); }
88	UNIMPL	nosys
89	STD	{ int ibcs2_secure(int cmd, int a1, int a2, int a3, int a4, \
		    int a5); }
90	STD	{ int ibcs2_symlink(char *path, char *link); }
91	STD	{ int ibcs2_lstat(char *path, struct ibcs2_stat *st); }
92	STD	{ int ibcs2_readlink(char *path, char *buf, int count); }
93	UNIMPL	nosys
94	UNIMPL	nosys
95	UNIMPL	nosys
96	UNIMPL	nosys
97	UNIMPL	nosys
98	UNIMPL	nosys
99	UNIMPL	nosys
100	UNIMPL	nosys
101	UNIMPL	nosys
102	UNIMPL	nosys
103	MNOPROTO { int sigreturn(struct sigcontext *sigcntxp); }
104	UNIMPL	nosys
105	STD	{ int ibcs2_isc(void); }
106	UNIMPL	nosys
107	UNIMPL	nosys
108	UNIMPL	nosys
109	UNIMPL	nosys
110	UNIMPL	nosys
111	UNIMPL	nosys
112	UNIMPL	nosys
113	UNIMPL	nosys
114	UNIMPL	nosys
115	UNIMPL	nosys
116	UNIMPL	nosys
117	UNIMPL	nosys
118	UNIMPL	nosys
119	UNIMPL	nosys
120	UNIMPL	nosys
121	UNIMPL	nosys
122	UNIMPL	nosys
123	UNIMPL	nosys
124	UNIMPL	nosys
125	UNIMPL	nosys
126	UNIMPL	nosys
127	UNIMPL	nosys