
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * "THE BEER-WARE LICENSE" (Revision 42):
 * <> wrote this file.  As long as you retain this notice you
 * can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we meet some day, and you think
 * this stuff is worth it, you can buy me a beer in return.   Poul-Henning Kamp
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * $FreeBSD: src/usr.sbin/ctm/ctm/ctm_syntax.c,v 1.11 2002/03/25 13:53:29 phk Exp $

#include "ctm.h"

/* The fields... */
#define Name	CTM_F_Name
#define Uid	CTM_F_Uid
#define Gid	CTM_F_Gid
#define Mode	CTM_F_Mode
#define MD5	CTM_F_MD5
#define Count	CTM_F_Count
#define Bytes	CTM_F_Bytes

/* The qualifiers... */
#define File	CTM_Q_Name_File
#define Dir	CTM_Q_Name_Dir
#define New	CTM_Q_Name_New
#define Subst	CTM_Q_Name_Subst
#define After	CTM_Q_MD5_After
#define Before	CTM_Q_MD5_Before
#define Chunk	CTM_Q_MD5_Chunk
#define Force	CTM_Q_MD5_Force

static int ctmFM[] = /* File Make */
    { Name|File|New|Subst, Uid, Gid, Mode,
	MD5|After|Chunk, Count, Bytes,0 };

static int ctmFS[] = /* File Substitute */
    { Name|File|Subst, Uid, Gid, Mode,
	MD5|Before|Force, MD5|After|Chunk, Count, Bytes,0 };

static int ctmFE[] = /* File Edit */
    { Name|File|Subst, Uid, Gid, Mode,
	MD5|Before, MD5|After, Count, Bytes,0 };

static int ctmFR[] = /* File Remove */
    { Name|File|Subst, MD5|Before, 0 };

static int ctmAS[] = /* Attribute Substitute */
    { Name|Subst, Uid, Gid, Mode, 0 };

static int ctmDM[] = /* Directory Make */
    { Name|Dir|New , Uid, Gid, Mode, 0 };

static int ctmDR[] = /* Directory Remove */
    { Name|Dir, 0 };

struct CTM_Syntax Syntax[] = {
    { "FM",  	ctmFM },
    { "FS",  	ctmFS },
    { "FE",  	ctmFE },
    { "FN",  	ctmFE },
    { "FR",  	ctmFR },
    { "AS", 	ctmAS },
    { "DM",  	ctmDM },
    { "DR",  	ctmDR },
    { 0,    	0} };