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/* When a needed block is not in the cache, it must be fetched from the disk.
 * Special character files also require I/O.  The routines for these are here.
 * The entry points in this file are:
 *   dev_open:	 called when a special file is opened
 *   dev_close:  called when a special file is closed
 *   dev_io:	 perform a read or write on a block or character device
 *   do_ioctl:	 perform the IOCTL system call
 *   rw_dev:	 procedure that actually calls the kernel tasks
 *   rw_dev2:	 procedure that actually calls task for /dev/tty
 *   no_call:	 dummy procedure (e.g., used when device need not be opened)

#include "../h/const.h"
#include "../h/type.h"
#include "../h/com.h"
#include "../h/error.h"
#include "const.h"
#include "type.h"
#include "dev.h"
#include "file.h"
#include "fproc.h"
#include "glo.h"
#include "inode.h"
#include "param.h"

PRIVATE message dev_mess;
PRIVATE major, minor, task;
extern max_major;

 *				dev_open				     *
PUBLIC int dev_open(dev, mod)
dev_nr dev;			/* which device to open */
int mod;			/* how to open it */
/* Special files may need special processing upon open. */

  (*dmap[major].dmap_open)(task, &dev_mess);

 *				dev_close				     *
PUBLIC dev_close(dev)
dev_nr dev;			/* which device to close */
/* This procedure can be used when a special file needs to be closed. */

  (*dmap[major].dmap_close)(task, &dev_mess);

 *				dev_io					     *
PUBLIC int dev_io(rw_flag, dev, pos, bytes, proc, buff)
int rw_flag;			/* READING or WRITING */
dev_nr dev;			/* major-minor device number */
long pos;			/* byte position */
int bytes;			/* how many bytes to transfer */
int proc;			/* in whose address space is buff? */
char *buff;			/* virtual address of the buffer */
/* Read or write from a device.  The parameter 'dev' tells which one. */


  /* Set up the message passed to task. */
  dev_mess.m_type   = (rw_flag == READING ? DISK_READ : DISK_WRITE);
  dev_mess.DEVICE   = (dev >> MINOR) & BYTE;
  dev_mess.POSITION = pos;
  dev_mess.PROC_NR  = proc;
  dev_mess.ADDRESS  = buff;
  dev_mess.COUNT    = bytes;

  /* Call the task. */
  (*dmap[major].dmap_rw)(task, &dev_mess);

  /* Task has completed.  See if call completed. */
  if (dev_mess.REP_STATUS == SUSPEND) suspend(task);	/* suspend user */


 *				do_ioctl				     *
PUBLIC do_ioctl()
/* Perform the ioctl(ls_fd, request, argx) system call (uses m2 fmt). */

  struct filp *f;
  register struct inode *rip;
  extern struct filp *get_filp();

  if ( (f = get_filp(ls_fd)) == NIL_FILP) return(err_code);
  rip = f->filp_ino;		/* get inode pointer */
  if ( (rip->i_mode & I_TYPE) != I_CHAR_SPECIAL) return(ENOTTY);

  dev_mess.m_type  = TTY_IOCTL;
  dev_mess.PROC_NR = who;
  dev_mess.TTY_LINE = minor;	
  dev_mess.TTY_SPEK = m.TTY_SPEK;
  dev_mess.TTY_FLAGS = m.TTY_FLAGS;

  /* Call the task. */
  (*dmap[major].dmap_rw)(task, &dev_mess);

  /* Task has completed.  See if call completed. */
  if (dev_mess.m_type == SUSPEND) suspend(task);  /* User must be suspended. */
  m1.TTY_SPEK = dev_mess.TTY_SPEK;	/* erase and kill */
  m1.TTY_FLAGS = dev_mess.TTY_FLAGS;	/* flags */

 *				find_dev				     *
PRIVATE find_dev(dev)
dev_nr dev;			/* device */
/* Extract the major and minor device number from the parameter. */

  major = (dev >> MAJOR) & BYTE;	/* major device number */
  minor = (dev >> MINOR) & BYTE;	/* minor device number */
  if (major == 0 || major >= max_major) panic("bad major dev", major);
  task = dmap[major].dmap_task;	/* which task services the device */
  dev_mess.DEVICE = minor;

 *				rw_dev					     *
PUBLIC rw_dev(task_nr, mess_ptr)
int task_nr;			/* which task to call */
message *mess_ptr;		/* pointer to message for task */
/* All file system I/O ultimately comes down to I/O on major/minor device
 * pairs.  These lead to calls on the following routines via the dmap table.

  int proc_nr;

  proc_nr = mess_ptr->PROC_NR;

  if (sendrec(task_nr, mess_ptr) != OK) panic("rw_dev: can't send", NO_NUM);
  while (mess_ptr->REP_PROC_NR != proc_nr) {
	/* Instead of the reply to this request, we got a message for an
	 * earlier request.  Handle it and go receive again.
	revive(mess_ptr->REP_PROC_NR, mess_ptr->REP_STATUS);
	receive(task_nr, mess_ptr);

 *				rw_dev2					     *
PUBLIC rw_dev2(dummy, mess_ptr)
int dummy;			/* not used - for compatibility with rw_dev() */
message *mess_ptr;		/* pointer to message for task */
/* This routine is only called for one device, namely /dev/tty.  It's job
 * is to change the message to use the controlling terminal, instead of the
 * major/minor pair for /dev/tty itself.

  int task_nr, major_device;

  major_device = (fp->fs_tty >> MAJOR) & BYTE;
  task_nr = dmap[major_device].dmap_task;	/* task for controlling tty */
  mess_ptr->DEVICE = (fp->fs_tty >> MINOR) & BYTE;
  rw_dev(task_nr, mess_ptr);

 *				no_call					     *
PUBLIC int no_call(task_nr, m_ptr)
int task_nr;			/* which task */
message *m_ptr;			/* message pointer */
/* Null operation always succeeds. */

  m_ptr->REP_STATUS = OK;