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/* libpack - pack ASCII assembly code */

/* Packs common strings found in PC Minix assembly code into single	*/
/* byte abbreviations.  The abbreviations all have their high bit set.	*/
/* Do not alter the order of the entries in "table"; asld depends on it.*/

/* External interfaces */
#include <ctype.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>

/* Constants */
#define MAXLINE	256			/* maximum input line length */
#define ABBREVS	128			/* number of abbreviations */
#define COMMENT '|'			/* comment character */

/* Structures and types */
struct node {
  char *string;				/* pointer to original string */
  size_t length;			/* length of original string */
  struct node *next;			/* next node with same hash value */
typedef unsigned short TWOBYTES;	/* CHEAT - used to return two bytes */

/* Local interfaces */
static void error_exit(/* int rc, char *msg */);
static void hash_init(/* void */);		/* initializes hash table */
static void pack_line(/* char *line */);	/* packs an input line */
static TWOBYTES abbreviate_string(/* char *s */); /* abbreviates a string */

/* Macros */
#define HASH(word) ((*(word) + *((word) + 1)) & 0x7f)
#define HIBYTE(n)  ((n) >> 8)
#define LOBYTE(n)  ((n) & 0xff)
#define MAKETWOBYTES(hi, lo)  ((((hi) & 0xff) << 8) | ((lo) & 0xff))

/* Static storage */
static char *table[] = {
"push ax",
"mov bp,sp",
"push bp",
"pop bp",
"mov sp,bp",
"xor ax,ax",
"push 4(bp)",
"pop bx",
"pop si",
"movb al,(bx)",
"pop ax",
"xorb ah,ah",
"mov ax,#1",
"call _callm1",
"add sp,#16",
"mov bx,4(bp)",
"push 6(bp)",
"mov -2(bp),ax",
"call .cuu",
"mov ax,-2(bp)",
"add 4(bp),#1",
"or ax,ax",
"jmp I0011",
"mov bx,8(bp)",
"push dx",
"mov cx,#2",
"mov bx,#2",
"push -2(bp)",
"mov ax,4(bp)",
"mov ax,-4(bp)",
"add sp,#6",
"and ax,#255",
"push bx",
"mov bx,-2(bp)",
"loop 2b",
"jcxz 1f",
".word 4112",
"mov ax,(bx)",
"mov -4(bp),ax",
"jmp I0013",
"mov bx,6(bp)",
"mov (bx),ax",
"je I0012",
".word 8224",
"mov ax,#2",
"call _len",
"call _callx",
".word 28494",
".word 0",
"push -4(bp)",
"movb (bx),al",
"mov bx,ax",
"mov -2(bp),#0",
".word 514",
".word 257",
"mov ",
"push ",
".word ",
"pop ",
"add ",
".define ",
".globl ",
"movb ",
"xor ",
"jmp ",
"cmp ",
"call ",
"xorb ",
"and ",
"sub ",
"jne ",
"lea ",
"inc ",
"dec ",
"neg ",

/* This table is used to look up strings.  */

struct node node[ABBREVS];

struct node *hash[ABBREVS];		/* hash table */

/* Code */
int main(argc, argv)
int argc;
char *argv[];
  char line[MAXLINE];

  switch (argc) {
  case 1:
  case 2:
	if (freopen(argv[1], "r", stdin) == NULL)
		error_exit(ENOENT, "libpack: could not open file\n");
	error_exit(EINVAL, "Usage: libpack [file]\n");

  while (fgets(line, MAXLINE, stdin) != NULL) {
	fputs(line, stdout);


static void error_exit(rc, msg)
int rc;
char *msg;
  fputs(msg, stderr);

static void hash_init()
  int i;
  register char **p;
  register struct node *np;

  for (i = 0, p = table; i < ABBREVS && *p != NULL; i++, p++) {
  	if (hash[HASH(*p)] == NULL) {
		hash[HASH(*p)] = &node[i];
	} else {
		for (np = hash[HASH(*p)]; np->next != NULL; np = np->next)
		np->next = &node[i];
	np = &node[i];
  	np->string = *p;
	np->length = strlen(*p);
  	np->next = NULL;

static void pack_line(line)
char *line;
  register char *ip;
  register char *op;
  int in_white;

  for (ip = line; *ip != '\0'; ++ip)		/* translate tabs */
	if (*ip == '\t') *ip = ' ';

  op = line;
  in_white = 1;
  for (ip = line; *ip != '\0'; ++ip) {		/* pack strings in line */
	if (*ip == COMMENT)
	if (isspace(*ip)) {
		if (!in_white) {
			*op++ = ' ';
			in_white = 1;
	in_white = 0;
	n = abbreviate_string(ip);
	*op++ = LOBYTE(n);
	ip += HIBYTE(n);

  if (op != line) {				/* finish nicely */
	if (op[-1] == ' ')
	*op++ = '\n';
  *op = '\0';

static TWOBYTES abbreviate_string(ip)
register char *ip;
  register struct node *np;

  for (np = hash[HASH(ip)]; np != NULL; np = np->next)
	if (strncmp(ip, np->string, np->length) == 0)
		return MAKETWOBYTES(np->length - 1, 128 + (np - node));

  return MAKETWOBYTES(0, *ip);