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/*								*/
/*	ic_input.c						*/
/*								*/
/*		Character input routines for the		*/
/*		"Integer Calculator".				*/
/*								*/
/*  origination          1988-Apr-7         Terrence W. Holm	*/
/*  added cmd line args  1988-May-13	    Terrence W. Holm	*/

#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <sgtty.h>

#include "ic.h"

static struct sgttyb saved_mode;
static struct tchars saved_chars;

/*								*/
/*	Save_Term()						*/
/*								*/
/*		Save the current terminal characteristics.	*/
/*								*/


  ioctl( 0, TIOCGETP, &saved_mode  );
  ioctl( 0, TIOCGETC, (struct sgttyb *) &saved_chars );

/*								*/
/*	Set_Term()						*/
/*								*/
/*		Set up the terminal characteristics for ic.	*/
/*								*/


  struct sgttyb ic_mode;
  struct tchars ic_chars;

  ic_mode  = saved_mode;
  ic_chars = saved_chars;

  /*  No tab expansion, no echo, cbreak mode			*/

  ic_mode.sg_flags = ic_mode.sg_flags & ~XTABS & ~ECHO  |  CBREAK;

  /*  Change the interrupt character to ^C, ignore ^S & ^Q 	*/

  ic_chars.t_intrc  = '\003';
  ic_chars.t_startc = '\377';
  ic_chars.t_stopc  = '\377';

  ioctl( 0, TIOCSETP, &ic_mode  );
  ioctl( 0, TIOCSETC, (struct sgttyb *) &ic_chars );

/*								*/
/*	Reset_Term()						*/
/*								*/
/*		Restore the terminal characteristics.		*/
/*								*/


  ioctl( 0, TIOCSETP, &saved_mode  );
  ioctl( 0, TIOCSETC, (struct sgttyb *) &saved_chars );

/*								*/
/*	Get_Char()						*/
/*								*/
/*		Return the next input character. Upper case	*/
/*		is mapped to lower case. Escape sequences	*/
/*		are mapped to special codes (msb set).		*/
/*								*/

int Get_Char()

  int c;

  /*  fflush() used because Minix does not automatically	*/
  /*  flush the output.						*/

  fflush( stdout );

  if ( (c = Getc()) == EOF )
    return( EOF );
  c &= 0x7f;

  if ( isupper(c) )
    return( tolower(c) );

  if ( c == ESCAPE )
    if ( (c=Getc()) != '[' )
      ungetc( c, stdin );
      return( ESCAPE );
      c = Getc() | 0x80;

      if (  c == ESC_HOME  ||  c == ESC_UP    ||  c == ESC_PGUP   ||
	    c == ESC_LEFT  ||  c == ESC_5     ||  c == ESC_RIGHT  ||
	    c == ESC_END   ||  c == ESC_DOWN  ||  c == ESC_PGDN   ||
	    c == ESC_PLUS  ||  c == ESC_MINUS   )
	return( c );
	return( ESCAPE );

  return( c );

/*								*/
/*	Init_Getc( argc, argv )					*/
/*								*/
/*		Give Getc() references to the command line	*/
/*		arguments.					*/
/*								*/

static int    args_remaining;
static char **args_pointer;
static int    args_index;

Init_Getc( argc, argv )
  int   argc;
  char *argv[];

  args_remaining = argc - 1;
  args_pointer   = &argv[1];
  args_index     = 0;

/*								*/
/*	Getc()							*/
/*								*/
/*		Get the next input character from the command	*/
/*		line if there is some more, else from stdin.	*/
/*								*/

int Getc()

  int c;

  if ( args_remaining > 0 )
    if ( (c = args_pointer[ 0 ][ args_index++ ]) == '\0' )
      args_index = 0;

      if ( args_remaining > 0 )
        return( '\n' );
      return( c );

  return( getchar() );

/*								*/
/*	Get_Base( character )					*/
/*								*/
/*		Return an appropriate base number for the	*/
/*		given character code. Used by 'i' and 'o'.	*/
/*								*/

int Get_Base( code )
  char code;

  switch ( code )
    case 'h' :		return( HEXADECIMAL );

    case 'd' :		return( DECIMAL     );

    case 'o' :		return( OCTAL       );

    case 'b' :		return( BINARY      );

    case 'a' :  	return( ASCII       );

    default  :		return( ERROR       );